Thursday, January 31, 2013

Journal dump 13

posting this video because... it's a wonderful video, like all of narutochaos22's vids.
I REALLY need to post "Trinity" (not by Narutochaos22) but I'm putting that off 'til a chapter commentary post because I believe people are more likely to read those



putting this in the same format as the last one...

except... there's a new section (down at the bottom)



omg I love this sequence so much! But it's AU! Yay!

"My sincerest apologies. She slipped away from-- I am in a house."
"See? He noticed!"

"Well, considering she doesn't look very happy, I suppose it's safe to assume that you haven't had any trouble?"

"Well, I figured since we were all throwing protection spells around..."
"Fine... I'll cast something on Namine..."

"Wonderful plan! Send me right outside!"
"Whoops... I meant to... oh well."

Hey! look! Quotes from a sequence that magik should start posting to Can't Escape shortly

There just... aren't any good ones

Ooh! It's that random snippet thingy I wrote that if I told you who's POV I was writing it from you'd never believe me. Because me writing for said character would be absurd. Lol. I'm not telling you who it is.

"Fixing him isn't going to bring her back"

squeee~it's the treasure chest scene it's so hilarious I love it to death!

"I thought we were heading that direction..."
"We are. There's a treasure chest."

"Here, take this. You'll need it."
"*stares at potion he's just been handed* Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have handed it to you if I wasn't!"

haha, I went to type "teeth" and accidentally typed "death". Lol. Not sure how that happened.

"Any particular reason you're using so much Blizzard magic?"

-someone knocks-
Cid: Now who could that be?
Yuffie: Not Riku. He doesn't knock. He doesn't even use the door!

oh look, book 5 stuff! Not posting it!

"The memory already plagues me. I don't need it fresh in my mind..."

haha, I can't post this next quote, but it reminds me of this part from How to Train your Dragon

"I guess we needed a little more of... this"
"You just gestured to all of me."

I really need to organize the document that I've been throwing the book 5 crud in...

"What can I do? I mean, I guess I could throw myself in front of you so you don't get hurt-- oh don't tempt me!"

I love the notes I leave myself. Here's a little snippet, though I'm not telling you who says what and stuff because it's kind of spoilers

person1: Anyone else who might know the answer?
person2: Not that I know of
??: (coming dramatically from nowhere) I do
(everyone turns to him, amazed)

Also, you never pass up a chance to use the word "flabbergasted" :P

OOH! Shiny stuff I don't think I can post, lol. Maybe there's some non-spoiler-y quotes.
doesn't look like there is

Haha, though, lol. This is funny. Or I find it funny.

So, according to Riku, the Organization (he's mainly referring to those in CO during CoM) is a bunch of "selfish bastards"
And it makes me laugh
btw, I didn't censor him because I try to leave things in my journals UNcensored, so that they're there in their second most raw format (the rawest being the stuff that jumbles around in my brain. It's a pity I can't transmit thoughts to my computer or something. I'd get writing done so much faster... but that technology also kinda scares me... so.)

And then, later, in some Crossover stuff that won't be used (it flowed like crap) Magik's Namine goes and calls the Organization a bunch of selfish bastards (she's really only referring to Marluxia and Larxene, though)

The only reason I left it there (besides trying to write down EVERYTHING during brainstorming sessions) is that Sora's immediate response was:
"Careful there, Namine! I'm not sure Axel'd appreciate the fact you're calling him a selfish bastard"
And I just laughed.
And don't get me started on the whole thought where Axel finds out, and then Roxas finds out and realizes that he's included in that list of "the Organization" and...

Yeah... I'm not weird. Shut up.

O.o oh shoot there's a scene I want to put this stuff with, but I forgot which document the scene is in.... crap...

Ah, it's in a different journal... volume... document. I guess I'll just throw the stuff in this journal's document

Not that any of you care

Hey look a quote!

"I don't need an escort!"


"Your eyes..."
"What about them?"
"They're... *doesn't want to tell the truth* tired. Are you sure about this?"

I still love the phrase "high on darkness", even though I'll never use it anywhere in-story (dialogue excluded, I suppose... Joseph sounds like someone who might use it...)

"Get your filthy hands off of me!"

"When'd you get so feisty?"

"He'll kill you!"
"Ah... I'm not sure if that's--"
"You know what I mean!"

"You're lying, Kairi. You're as red as your hair!!"

NotaficxFic crossover

"What's so bad about the fact he's dead?"
"You killed the other half of your heart!"
"I survived, didn't I?"
"But you're not complete..."

"Don't be so hard on him. He sees our world through different eyes."

"He wouldn't stop asking! Like he expected a different answer or something!"

"Cole was being stupid"
"Colin was overreacting"
"Please don't start taking sides!"
"I said don't take sides..."

"Go away! I don't want to see you right now!"
"You don't have to. I just want you to listen."
"What if I don't want to do that, either?"

"I thought things had changed. I guess I was wrong."

Leon: I almost expected you to have your own calendar, completely
Colin: Nah. Time passes weird where we come from; so everyone just adopted the calendar from Mortal Earth to make things easy
Cole: Colin!
Colin: What?
Cole: (hisses) we’re on the Edges!
Colin: (lowers his voice) So? I believe I can mention Mortal Earth

Whoops. That's a double negative. "Surprised no one else hadn't noticed"

Aw... this scene would be perfect for teaser quotes. Pity it has all of... three lines of dialogue and the interesting stuff is just actions.
speaking of this scene, I'll probably rewrite it. It didn't go how I wanted it to...


"Don't turn this into some sappy soap opera..."

"At least let me know I'm in there so I'm not ranting to some stranger or an empty room!"

"Is he here or not?"
"I'm... not allowed to say..."
"He is here!"
"I didn't say that."

ohmygoodness, Cole, you are rambling. He's rambling.

And he's still rambling


"You can't kiss away the damage..."
"Watch me."

then there's like three pages where I'm writing down notes for languages. I'm trying to come up with swear-word equivalents for the notafic (I technically have some) but my problem is they take a lot of elements from Shadow Tongue

also, another language I'm trying to come up with has a striking amount of similarities to Shadow Tongue. It's very frustrating.

Haha, reading through some of this, and I realize Cole yells. A LOT. And he lashes out, very quickly.
I think it's funny. You'd expect Colin, the darkness of their relationship, to lash out/yell more often, but I've written more scenes where Cole loses control of his anger than I have of Colin.
I mean, I guess it's understandable, since I've written the notafic crossover from entirely Cole's POV, and I haven't written a lot of scenes from the notafic itself, but... I still think it's funny that I currently have more scenes written of Cole losing control than I do of Colin. Because you'd expect me to have more of Colin. I'm rambling.


"I- I know. I just... you can't disbelieve him. He doesn't allow it. The way he has with words, the way he speaks--it's impossible not to believe the things he says. You try but you can't. He makes it so you have no choice but to believe him. I don't know how. But for the longest time I actually thought..."

gah! I hate when I type Cole instead of Colin and vice versa. It gets so annoying.

"Colin's very... 'act first, think later'"
which is funny, because so far, Cole acts that way more than Colin does :P

Oh hey! There's another scene where Cole nearly loses control of himself. I mean, he doesn't, but Colin's relatively calm about the situation their in, and Cole's just like "OMGWHUTNO!".
I'm not sure why I find this so amusing

"No, you must go. You must not let him catch you!"

Other quotes/things!

Here's some quotes from KH3D I copied down:

"That's the thing about programs. Mess with the code just a little, and their whole nature and memory can change"

"I had to repurpose his code"

"When the going gets tough, the tough call their friends!"

And here's a poem I wrote! It's been a while since I've written poetry... I'm not posting it... lo siento

Oh, lol, it's the list of interesting phobias I wrote down.

Did you know, that even though there's a phobia for nearly everything (including getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth), there is not a phobia for lightning? There's a phobia (three, actually) for the fear of thunder AND lightning, but not for lightning alone.
There IS a phobia for the fear of electricity, however

Anyway, I only wrote down a few phobias, and I won't list them (unless you're interested...?) but here's one that I found really interesting:

Asthenophobia - fear of fainting or weakness

And then, at the end of my journal, on the last page, a note that says:

"~magik was here!"


Anyway, I'm done now! That was fun!

I was on DeviantART

because I look through the DDs every morning to see if anything catches my eye (though I usually give all literature DDs a look regardless if they look interesting or not; not every piece of a literary work is displayed in the thumbnail dA gives you. That, and there's usually only two of them...)

And, on one of the DDs (wonderful poem, btw, though a bit confusing at first)
I found something that bugged me

It wasn't in the poem itself

but there was a comment

down in the comments section where else?

and in said comment, the person who wrote it basically took the poem and ripped it to shreds. And not like a critique or metaphorically or... whatever the word is I'm searching for here.

They went through and were like "this phrase should be taken out" or "this phrase sounds weird" and "perhaps this would sound better"

You don't DO that.

Not in poetry

Poets write their poems a specific way, using seemingly unnecessary words to convey a certain flow. You don't tell them to take some of those words our because they look useless to you.

I mean, I guess it's alright to tell them "this phrase sounds weird" because maybe you just didn't understand it

But don't tell a poet to take words out of their poem. Those words are there for a reason.

Besides, the words/phrases this person wanted to take out completely reduced the poem to nothing. It no longer made sense with their edits.


Granted, the author of the poem was nice and was just like "thanks for the comment" and moved on

I wish I could've done something like that

If this had been on one of my poems, I would've chewed this person out.


This just frustrates me.

You don't do something like this to a poem.

It's one thing when you're going through prose, and telling the author about unnecessary words/phrases that distract from the overall story.

But words are everything in a poem. You don't remove them willy-nilly for the mere purpose of wanting to "condense" the poem because it's "got a lot of unnecessary wording" (which really isn't unnecessary) and would "evoke more emotion from you if it was shorter"

And may I say again that the "edits" this person made to the poem killed it? With those edits, the poem stopped telling a story, and made many of the phrases confusing/useless without their removed counterparts.


I'm done

Expect a Journal Dump later today, provided my internet isn't giving me issues. My mom said it wasn't working at all this morning, and it was a bit... clunky when I got on. But, it seems to be working for the most part...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Oh yeah...

I was looking through my files, and I found this

and figured I should post it...

This is Kairi's new outfit (though she's not wearing Sora's necklace in the pic... shh, just pretend she is)

see ch134 if you don't remember her getting a change of clothes...

Anyway, sorry the scan sucks and Kairi's incredibly pale. I colored this in weird lighting, so her skin looked fine until it was scanned... I tried to mess with the lighting of the picture to fix it, but there's only so much you can do about skin not being dark enough

notes about the picture:

Yes, her belt should be going through the beltloops of her shorts. Idk why I didn't draw it that way, but I didn't notice until magik pointed it out

Her hair's not quite the Kairi hair you'll all immediately recognize. But where I am in the fic, timing wise, is between "KH1" and "KH2" so her hair's not incredibly short, but it hasn't grown out yet. I tried to reflect that in the picture... I think I made her look like Kairi enough to be recognizable

No, you can't see her shoes. Sorry, but the base I used also lacked shoes... but her shoes probably aren't much different than the shoes she wears in KH2

The color of the shirt's a bit weird. It was originally supposed to be more pink, but then it looked weird (probably because I made her shorts khaki...) so I made it purple

Idk what happened to Kairi's bracelets. I'd like to believe she kept them. I think I just couldn't figure out how to draw them, and so I didn't... (I'm referring to her KH1 bracelets, btw)

Sorry if the pose is weird. I used this pic as a base, because it's easy to adapt Rin to look like Kairi, and that was one of the few adaptable pics of Rin that I could find that detailed the entire outfit

I'd add a note here that Sora's easy to adapt from Len, but I actually use Len as my base for all my guys. I've used him twice for Joseph, twice for Riku (not a good idea... Len's a skinny stick of a thing and Riku's not) and at least twice for Sora/Shad. I'd use Kaito as my base for Riku more often (I've done it once!), except Kaito wears this weird outfit that's not conducive to adapting to look like something else. And finding a pic of Kaito not in that outfit is a nightmare.

That's all the things I can think of about this


no, it's not on deviantART at the moment. I'll post it there later.


that's it

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Xehanort, you troll

Do you know what the tagline for Birth by Sleep is?

Or, what I'm assuming what the tagline is... considering it's on the back of the box

"Destiny is never left to chance"

You know what he said, in regards to what happened to Terra, Aqua, and Ven?

"Destiny is never left to chance"


Squeenix did it on purpose. They must've.




I look at the back of the BBS box (not on purpose, might I add) and see the words "Destiny is never left to chance" and can very clearly hear Xehanort saying it in my head. Because he did say it. And I finished KH3D recently so it's fresh in my mind.


Have they snuck other taglines into the dialogue? Seriously.

Friday, January 25, 2013




No, this is not me dying from happiness because I finally got my shipping confirmation for the Twilight Symphony. Though I wish it was this might not happen for a while. I discovered that people who got the first five hundred copies haven't received their confirmation yet. :( I certainly pre-ordered mine after the first five hundred.


Alyson Stoner is voicing Xion



It's not officially confirmed or anything

but she said on her... twitter I believe that she'll be "voicing a familiar character in a video game in 2013" or something like that

As KH13 was so kind to point out, the only video game voices she's done are Xion and Isabella (from Phineas and Ferb), it's very likely she's referring to Xion.
Though, she's voiced Kairi in games such as CoM, where they're too lazy to get Kairi's official VA and don't think it matters because she has very few lines. Except she has that huge pep talk that she gives to Riku when she's really Namine. That made sense. Don't question me.


haha, you suckers who thought KH1.5 was only coming out in Japan!!

Yeah, we have video proof that it's coming out in English. Jesse McCartney would not post a video of him recording voices for Roxas if IT WASN'T COMING OUT IN ENGLISH


I knew they were just talking bullcrap


I am hungry

Time to go fix myself lunch. Even though it's technically breakfast
shh... I didn't wake up only an hour ago. 

The one day I don't check KH13

they post that

and this
if you don't end up laughing there's something wrong with you

And there's also shiny screenshots


That's ten minutes short of three hours
the Twilight Symphony, however, is longer at three hours and twenty-five minutes. Can't wait to receive my copy!! I'll get the email any day now. Any. Day. Now.

ASLKDFJSLFKJSDKF I want this game in English so bad

Even though I won't buy it, just download Days cutscenes and watch them that way

But still

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Have I mentioned I love looking through DDs?

(That is Daily Deviations on DeviantART)

btdubs, I spammed you with KH3D posts yesterday, if you're interested/haven't seen them

I ESPECIALLY love it when there's an image from a fandom I love!

this is done by vvmasterdrfan on dA


Awesome, no?

Another thing
(this isn't a DD)

remember this image?

found it on dA


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"When the going gets tough--"

"--the tough call their friends!"

Probably my most FAVORITE line from KH3D
rivaled only by everything Braig ever says

So I just beat it again (bumped the difficulty down to standard. Suddenly Xehanort died VERY QUICKLY. Idk if some of that was the Dark Aura, or...)

And, since I beat it, I felt like doing this:
I made all the "category" thingies up...

Favorite world: Country of the Musketeers. The plot for both Sora and Riku was decent (and I understood them; glad I watched the movie when it was on TV :P), the battles weren’t terrible, and… yeah. Plus the reality shift was fun!

Least favorite world: Symphony of Sorcery. The lack of proper battle noises drove me nuts. Not hearing your character grunt and shout while fighting is very disorienting. And the world music, too! It’s a pain to listen to after a couple of minutes of that melody on endless repeat. It wasn’t done well—the music. Video game music NEEDS to be music that you can listen to over and over and over and over to again on an endless repeat without it getting terribly annoying. The music of the world was not like that. It made the world very… uck.
And the Reality shift! Those same two melodies, over and over again! ALDSKFJSLDFJ I couldn’t. I turn my sound off for that world.

Favorite World Plot
Sora: Tron. “Where are you going?” “After CLU.” “Do you know where he is?” “Nope, no idea.” It’s just… classic Sora, and seeing him respond to the “repurposed” Tron—yeah. Loved it.

Riku: Ugh, I can’t pick! I love all of Riku’s plots. I’m between Monstro and la Cite des Cloches atm. I think I’m gonna go with la Cite des Cloches. (Though if I wasn’t avoiding TWTNW, due to it being more “overall plot” than “world plot” I think I’d pick it)

Least Favorite World Plot
Sora: La Cite des Cloches. Part of this might’ve been just from coming from Riku’s version of this, but… Ugh, they copied the movie exactly. I know they did that in other KH games (they did do that, right?) but I remember it working better.

Riku: It was hard to pick… but I’m going with Tron. He just seemed so out-of-place, and they copied the movie plotline exactly. I remember this working better in other KH games.... (Funny, I pick the exact opposites for Sora and Riku…)

I considered Traverse Town second visit, but then the interaction between Joshua and Riku happened and it made me like it more… Still, though, in my opinion, second visit to Traverse Town wasn’t necessary. I mean, I guess it was for Spellican plot arc crap, but… then you find out that two of the seven keyholes you need to seal are in Traverse Town? That just don’t add up. I mean, it took me FOREVER to realize that. I was near the end of the game and like “hold up, I’m still short a Keyhole!” and then it was like “there were two in Traverse Town” and… yeah. Idk, didn’t Yen Sid say seven sleeping WORLDS? I mean, I know you visit Seven, but I don’t think TWTNW counts; not if it didn’t have a keyhole. Did I miss it and he just said seven keyholes? Well, whatever it was, I think that there should’ve been another world… putting two keyholes in Traverse Town was lazy and makes little sense

Favorite Link Style
Sora: Meow Wounce

Riku: Darkest Fears (yes, I know, I chose the dark ones for Riku, but I’m not a fan of the mechanics of the “light” ones. Besides, Anti-form is probably my favorite drive form… so… are you surprised?)

Favorite Dual Link
Sora: Whomperstop. Yes, I realize I picked basically the same two things for Sora, but keep in mind I spent my entire first playthrough with only three spirits, and the Meow Wow was one of those three. And what’s better than watching a cat…dog thing hurt Xemnas by bouncing on him? Watching a GIANT cat/dog thing hurt Xemnas by bouncing on him!

Riku: Ghost Drive. Love it. (And it ends in something similar to Dark Aura!!)

Favorite Reality Shift
Wonder Comic, from Country of Musketeers. I ended up using it more than most of the other Reality shifts (probably because I triggered more), which is kind of why I’m partial to it

Least Favorite Reality Shift
Code Breaker, from Tron. It was… disappointing. And there were all of two options you could do, only one of which worked properly. (Three for the guns, but only one working remains the same. The other two wore off after a while, and then you were being shot at again! Why did they only make auto destruct permanent?)

I’m not going to do favorite/least favorite for bosses, because none immediately come to mind for those categories. Instead, I’ll do:

Most annoying Boss
Spellican. Good gravy, I hate that thing

Easiest boss
Chernabog. Was that even a boss? It was EASIER than some of the bosses you fight while Diving!

Hardest Boss
Xehanort. Hands down.

Favorite command
I’m going to leave out Dark Aura and Sonic Blade, because… y’know, obvious.
I’m actually going to say Spark Dive (though I'm also a fan of Drain Dive). It was a lot of fun, and I used it ALL the time.

Command I was disappointed not to see
Freeze Raid. I LOVED that command in BBS. The moment I saw Strike Raid, I was like “HECK YES, I’LL GET FREEZE RAID SOON!” but then I didn’t… *sniffle*

Command I was most excited to see
Sonic Blade. Dark Aura was kind of just “OMG WHAT I COULD’VE GOT DARK AURA BUT I DIDN’T!?”. Sonic Blade I also didn’t know you could acquire, then it showed up on my Cera Terror’s ability link because her “disposition” changed and I was like “OMG SONIC BLADE NEED!”. Mainly because Sonic Blade saved my butt in CoM… so, that, mixed with the fact it sort of popped out of nowhere… Yeah, I was VERY excited to see Sonic Blade (but I couldn’t get it for ages because my Cera Terror needed to be level 30 and was only level 20, ugh)

Most Disappointing Command
Dark Break, actually (Dark Splicer is a close second, though). The mechanics for it (and Dark Aura) were much better in CoM. It like just… doesn’t work. Maybe it will against a boss (it probably will against a boss), but I’m not using while just running around and killing Dream Eaters, because it’s pointless.

A quick thing on mechanics: I'm not a fan of the mechanics for some of the more powerful attacks, such as Dark Aura and Ars Arcanum. They work GREAT against a single enemy, but the moment that enemy is dead, you're attacking thin air. Sonic Blade worked alright (but I had it for a smaller amount of time, so my judgement might be off), and Dark Break-- it like, was impossible for it to actually hit whatever you were attacking. I managed to make it work for the Ansem battle, but fighting random Dream Eaters? It just missed!
Again, the mechanics for these attacks were much better in CoM/RR. I have an urge to go play that game again, that's how disappointing the mechanics are here! If you know me, you'll know I've sworn to never play CoM again because I'll just end up wanting to strangle Sora and it's not healthy... and I've been avoiding RR for the sake of it messing with my headcanon. But I might go start it up and play for a bit just enjoy Dark Attacks... it's not like I have to get far in the game to do that!

Opinion of Flowmotion
I actually didn’t use it a lot on my first run through (Traverse Town, in my opinion, is the only world suited for flowmotion… the rest it’s just like “oh, you can flowmotion here, but not so very well in other places”) but by my second run through, I was using it much more frequently. It’s… I actually hope it shows up in the next KH game… It makes reaching high places very easy, because you can LITERALLY climb walls. That’s what I used it most for. Reaching high places.

Favorite part of the story: I have no clue what to pick if you were to ask "game" because that's a broader subject
Sora: Ven handing Sora his armor

Riku: Finding out he turned himself into a Dream Eater to protect Sora from the Nightmares

Anyone who's been following my KH3D ranting is well aware that these were my favorite parts xD

Favorite thing about this game:
This isn't favorite part... hmm, I don't have a favorite thing. OH WAIT! Seeing Xion! and Ven, too! I can't wait for the two of them to come back! Because they're bringing them back and you know it!

Thing that frustrates me the most about this game:
Actually, I’m NOT going to say Lea getting a Keyblade (though it was the first thing on my mind) because I understand why they did that. Sort of. (They could’ve just brought Roxas back… hello!) and it doesn't ruin the KH continuity that much
I’m going to say this whole “Nobodies actually have hearts!” deal. Flippin really? Really? Did they seriously just go there? I don’t accept it. They just completely retconned a major part of the series. I mean, yeah, they retconned a lot of stuff established in KH1 (though I can’t think of any off the top of my head, I just know that they did…) but that’s understandable. You have to make room for sequels, and sometimes that requires retconning a few things. But retconning the fact that NOBODIES DON’T HAVE HEARTS?! NO. You don’t do that.
I think—my theory—is that Xemnas just assumes they all have hearts, because he had one *cough*Terra*cough*. And Roxas shows up with Ven’s heart in him, so that furthers his delusions.

Besides, Sora lists those he knows showed signs of a heart, and he lists: Roxas, Namine, Axel, Xion. Roxas had part of Ven's heart. Namine... is special. Axel has signs of a heart because Sora rubbed off on him. Xion wasn't a Nobody in the first place.
Again, Xemnas says everyone has hearts because he has one and assumes everyone else does.

NOw, the whole “rub a few memories together, and you get a spark of emotion” thing? I actually kind of like that. It makes sense. The Nobodies didn’t have hearts, but they could stimulate fragments of emotions using their memories. 
It’s like, they don’t have hearts so they can’t feel. But if they try hard enough, they can sort of make themselves feel. That make sense? Probably not. It did in my head, but then I went to write it down and… it failed. 

Random thing I decided I felt like mentioning:
Braig. Omg Braig. (Well... Xigbar... Idk, I put him in context with Xehanort and he's suddenly Braig?) I love him. Listening to him talk: certainly much more interesting than listening to Xemnas! Or Xehanort.

and now let's be completely random, and list in which order I like listening to people monologue

Braig -- he's hilarious!
Ansem -- idk, he just sounds epic when he speaks, and he doesn't really monologue...
Xehanort -- something about his personality makes it not a pain to listen to him
Xemnas -- his voice makes me want to zone out
Ansem the Wise -- I actually zone out when I listen to him... not on purpose or anything, but I just... idk, I had to go LOOK UP a game script and READ what he said at the end of KH3D because I could not bring myself to pay attention when he was actually saying it for some reason


Braig makes me laugh. I swear, he's my favorite villain! 

"The falling asleep part was definitely our bad."


"Oopsy daisy." what sort of villain says that? 


"Aw, thank you Sora's heart!"

and of course!
Quote from Days, but still the best quote ever

"Why do you always stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?"

Goodness, I hope that line makes it into the remake of Days. I will cry if it doesn't (and if they leave out that scene. I hope they don't, but it's in a Disney World, and I read that they're not covering Disney Worlds in cutscene format which means no Axel breaking up the fight between Xion and Roxas in Halloween Town *sob*)


Anyway, I think I got everything. If I didn't (I probably didn't...) and you want me to do a favorite/least favorite of something else, let me know!

I might go through and do one of these for every game, btw. If I do, BBS is next because magik'scomingupthisweekendandbringingthePSPandIcanfinallyplayBBSomgI'vebeensurpressingtheseBBSfeelsforagesyay!

I'm just gonna spam you with KH3D posts, K?

Yeah, I have one that I'm literally in the process of writing, but I wanted to get this out...

for starters: LOOK THAT'S XION IN THE BACKGROUND BEHIND ROXAS ADSLFKSDJFSLFKJSLKFSJFLJSFLKSJFSKLF I squealed when I noticed that (which I didn't notice until this playthrough...) and my mom was like "what the crap?"

second of all:

count the Keyblade wielders in this picture.

I count nine.

(from left to right)
Kairi, Ven, Aqua, Sora, Terra, Riku, Mickey, Roxas, Xion

That's nine.

Tell me, then, why Lea needs a Keyblade when you've got nine?

I mean, yes, Terra's out of commission

You've still got eight

They've made it all like they're not going to make Roxas and Sora separate people! Why are they not going to do that? I mean... why? They've basically set it up like they plan on it, and yet they give Lea a keyblade to fill the gap.

Why does he even have a Keyblade, anyway?

Yes, you need seven Keyblade weilders

Yes, if you don't plan on bringing Roxas and Xion back, you're short one

but, story-wise, WHERE did he gain the ability?

I heard some bullcrap that he got it because he picked up Ven's toy keyblade and swung it around a couple of times. I really hope that isn't Square's excuse. It doesn't make sense!


This bugs me, okay?

It's like they gave him one just because he's everyone's favorite character and let's just make him even more awesome

And then they make up crappy excuses as to why he has one


KH3D really was a great game

but they sure poked a ton of holes in KH continuity...

Don't get me started on the whole "Nobodies actually have hearts!" thing
though you'll... read my rant on that when I get around to posting my next post

"You made us a promise..."

"That you'd always be there to bring us back"

Doing a runthrough of KH3D again, purely for the purpose of enjoying Dark Aura. That, and I wanted to see some parts from the end...

Anyway, notice something about that line? Roxas says us, for starters.

But, second of all

Axel promised Xion that, not Roxas. Not that I'm aware of (and I've played Days recently, so I think I would remember...)

I don't know what that means, exactly...

Xion's speaking through Roxas? Idk if the weird physical state they're in allows for that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

Felt like pointing that out

(Roxas said us! They're bringing Xion back! Somehow! Not sure how they're doing it, though)

ANOTHER thing I noticed

This is the second KH game where it's like FINAL BOSS WHOO and then you fight a story-necessary-but-really-very-easy boss only a couple of minutes later.

That make sense?

Let me elaborate:

See, you fight Xehanort

Then you go and fight Ven minutes later, technically making him the final boss
well, it's not Ven: it's Sora in Ven's possessed armor, because Ven's armor just couldn't handle all the darkness *sniffle*. I wrote a oneshot based on that, btw. If it didn't suck so much I'd post it...

It's like Days!

There's this BIG HUGE battle against Xion

then you go fight Riku, technically making him the final boss

I thought for a minute there that there were other KH games that did this, but I can't think of them... KH1 didn't, KH2 didn't, CoM didn't, BBS didn't, Coded... Coded doesn't count. That wasn't FINAL BOSS, watch a cutscene, now fight story-necessary-but-easy-to-beat boss. That was FINAL BOSS, oh wait! YOU AINT DONE, go run through Castle Oblivion now. Coded is a Troll. lskdjf

FF7 did that, though

The final battle is technically this really easy battle against Sephiroth where you just have to spam your limit to win... but you were fighting Sephiroth before that, so I'm not sure if it's quite the same...

Oh well

Thought I'd point those things out

Gonna go get some lunch

Then it's on to the World that Never Was!! WHOO!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

This picture... beautiful

as is... every other picture by this deviant on dA

and they also drew this picture, which you'll remember from my christmas wallpaper uploading spam


then this one

which has a pretty perspective



go follow them on dA or something

admittedly, some of their pictures are more of just poops and giggles, but... still...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I just realized

In KH1.5 (did you know that some people are abbreviating it KHHD? Why do that? What if they come up with an HD2.5? Huh?) Sora's model is going to be the stupid one they've been using in like... every recent game.

Which stinks

His KH1 model was my favorite! His hair looked... not ridiculous. I don't know.

I mean, updated graphics: great!

cutscenes ALWAYS with good graphics: GREAT! (at least I sure hope they do that, or I will be pissed. Why remake KH1 in HD if you're not going to put all the cutscenes in good graphics?)

But... his KH1 model was my favorite

I didn't mind his KH2 one: he'd aged a year. "course he looked different

but all the other variations of his KH1 outfit, like ReCoM and Coded. The way his hair looks... I don't like it. I liked it better when it was darker (hence KH1 being my favorite)

Anyhoo, that was random

Though, I guess it doesn't matter, since I doubt I"m buying KH1.5 anytime soon (or at all). I don't own a PS3, and the only thing I'd bother buying it for is the fact it's KH1FM bundled with it. I can get Days cutscenes off the internet, lol

Though, if they DO make a HD2.5 and it has KH2FM, I will MOST DEFINITELY be getting it. Because... KH2FM. *nods*

here's a quick sad story: KH2FM was on sale at my local bookmans, (like, $20, but that's what you'd expect out of almost any not-crap video game that isn't FF7 or something similiar (those sell for about $40)) and I wanted to buy it, but it's pointless because PS2s are region locked and I wouldn't be able to play it. But it's tempting...

However, it's gone. Currently, there's a copy of the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess on the shelf (unless it's been sold since I last checked) which is equally as tempting...


I should probably go... write, before the fever kicks in

Which sucks, since the fever tends to kick in at about 7pm, and I have trouble writing at any time before 8pm. Heheh.

Friday, January 18, 2013

This is utterly random

But I was on KH13's forum (I drop by KH13 once in  awhile for latest KH news) and someone had this thread going about the fact Aqua would be ridiculously powerful after sitting in the Realm of Darkness for the past ten years with nothing better to do than kill Heartless.

Surprisingly, only one person mentioned the difference in time flow between the Realm of Darkness and the Realm of Light

But that's not the important part

Someone else on the thread brought up the fact if she's just been killing Heartless for the past ten years, then she'd also be incredibly rich, because Heartless drop munny
and anyone who's played Days will know that it's VERY easy to rack up munny from Heartless killing when you don't spend any of said munny. Because I'm sure I'm not the only one who never bothered with synthesis, which is the only thing munny is useful for in that game

Then someone else said she'd have so much munny, she'd be able to bribe Xehanort into retirement.

And I was like: "heck yes!!"

That's how I want Kingdom Hearts to end.

Aqua shows up with a crapton of munny and bribes Xehanort into retirement.

Perfect ending.


Seriously, though, they've got the series all set up for a second Keyblade War now. What's KH3 gonna look like? Is it STILL going to follow the "travel from world to world" format?

I mean, yeah, we've still gotta get Aqua and Ven back (I can't wait to get Ven back! And Aqua, too, but Ven more at the moment because I got feels for him from 3D) but I'm not sure if that's going to require traveling from world to world...

But every other game has had that format...

Maybe they'll send us to Castle Oblivion to find Ven, and have us go through worlds that way. Again.

In other news! I wrote 170 words last night!

(298, if you include the dialogue brainstorming I did)



Now I think I"m gonna go play the Last Story. Or level grind on KH2. Or 3D... I don't think I'm that far off from acquiring Dark Aura...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Remember what I said about writing?


Hasn't happened.

I swear, I'm trying but I just can't seem to think straight. Or something. Idk. But I look at my document and it's just like "uggghhh where neexxtt?"


That was kind of it

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I have to get some Merlin feels off my chest

I just

I have to

btdubs, SPOILERS ahead if you don't watch Merlin (though if you know the legends, you saw this coming unlike me)

Ugh, I'm so not ready for this series to be over. I just got into it. I hate that I jump on a bandwagon about the time it ends (like Nintendo Power and... other things that I can't think of off the top of my head but know exist).

But it's over

Though, I'll admit, it ended decently. Arthur died. Yeah. His death was absolutely heart-wrenching and freaking Merlin should've called the dragon sooner so they could've gotten Arthur to where he needed to be before he died. I mean, yeah, let's call it after he's dead. That's a great idea! You should've called it after Morgana spooked the horses.


Because they would've made it.



That is the most awesomest idea ever. Don't. Deny. It.

here it is on dA, as part of a sketch dump or whatever

And I think you'll appreciate this

Because it's very true

But my favorite part about that picture is a comment on it (the first one) in which someone said:
"You're all sad because Arthur's dead and the WHOOMPH. THAT'S not medival."

Because THAT is Merlin's ending in a nutshell. Seriously. Very true.

Anyway, the last season of Merlin wasn't terrible. It had it's ups and downs, but all TV shows are like that. There are episodes you love, episodes that are pointless, and episodes that just suck.

My favorite Merlin episode would have to be episode 3: Death Song of Uther Pendragon.
It's on the Syfy channel this Friday, for those of you in the US

But if there was anything I could change about the season

I'd want the magic reveal to be sooner.

Don't get me wrong, the magic reveal was beautiful and I was in tears because Merlin was in tears and then Arthur's like "ohmygodyoureallydohavemagicgetawayfromme" and it was like aslkdjflsfjsdkfjsdf

But sooner

Sooner than the last episode

Because we would've all LOVED to see Merlin running around Camelot for at least a few episodes all like "heck yeah, magic is legal!!"


Let's be honest

If I REALLY could change something about the season


It sucked.

Yeah, let's have him be good the entire season, then turn evil in the last episode because you killed his girlfriend.

That's original.

And thoughtful.

And I hope you are reading sarcasm in this, because I am being very sarcastic.

It was STUPID.

I would've maybe believed it if it had happened sooner in the series

or if they introduced his girlfriend BEFORE the episode in which they killed her

It was seriously just like "girl gets causing using magic." "Oh! She's Mordred's girlfriend?" "Sorry Mordred, you know the law, magic = death". "Don't try and save her!" "Great Mordred, now we have to kill you, too."
"Oh shoot, Mordred just escaped the jail and is running off to find Morgana because he wants to kill Arthur as revenge for his girlfriend's death."

I mean, don't get me wrong, I realize stuff like this can be believable. I've got Riku to deal with! (I hope it's believable for him... lord I hope it's not as bad as the Mordred arc) But if you want to make it work, I'm pretty sure you need to establish the fact that this person is willing to do anything to save the love of their life before it happens. And not like, three minutes before.

It was sloppy.

And they had this other nice arc going with Mordred, where this trio of witches resurrected Mordred for the purpose of "punishing Arthur" and they could've gone somewhere with that. I would've believed that. I mean, yeah, he lives and then kills Arthur because his girlfriend dies. That's punishment. But the writers of the show could've easily done something like... said trio of witches magic him and... I don't know.

But the Mordred arc sucked, with the way they did it

They handled the Morgana one much better -- even if we ALL got tired of hearing "I want Arthur dead!!" at least once an episode


Yeah, a lot of that was ranting about how much the Mordred plot arc sucked


But the season -- and series, certainly -- in general isn't half bad. If you want to watch it, the last season is on the Syfy channel "new" (new for US) episodes every Friday. Not sure what time. It says ten in the commercial, but I get them at eight, so... check for your timezone

Or you can watch em online. They're all online.

They've got everything

(But if you do watch Merlin, feel free to skip the Poisoned Chalice episode. Because it just like... it's not worth watching.)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So I just got back from the doctor

turns out

I have three different infections


I'm sure you all were just dying to know that

So, I'm going to stop just sitting on my butt and doing nothing all day purely because I'm sick. This isn't the flu. This isn't a cold. All three of these blasted infections don't appear to be leaving me anytime soon. Sitting on my butt and waiting for them to isn't going to do me any good.

So... right... I"m going to go back to trying to be productive. Or... to doing things with my days. Like actually writing. I haven't written in nearly a week. Heheh.


Don't know why I bothered you with all of this


I guess I'll just go now

Saturday, January 12, 2013









//ugh I wish I was that skilled with a sword


I hate being sick

I was in bed (well... couch... ) all day yesterday with a fever. Whoo. Not.

Anyway, I feel a bit better today

For the most part



I was on magik's friend's blog and I found this. Yup.
That's a studio version, which lacks all the screaming fangirls in the background.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I don't... THINK I've posted this

I know, you're probably looking at this and thinking "what the...?"

but... It's actually pretty decent. Am I going to be mad if you hate it? No. I personally love it quite a bit (the lyrics are well-written, and there's quite a bit of emotion packed into this, in my opinion), but that doesn't mean you have to

I just thought I'd share it

While I"m at it
That's his Legend of Korra one, which also isn't half bad


that's it

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The Days manga was updated

it's currently only on


These little spoofs at the end of the chapter (well, I'm pretty sure it's the end of the volume/book)

are hilarious

It's like the "Kingdom bites" or whatever from the KH1 manga (in which Aerith puts salt in Leon's tea, and Cid sleeps for nearly an entire day on accident)

I love looking through Daily Deviations


Because of things like that

And then

ASLDJFLSKFJSDLFJ it has the Buster Sword!!

I mean, I was planning on faving it anyway, but, I saw the Buster Sword and it was like *instant fave!*


And I also find stories like this
at least I THINK these are DDs, but I found them ages ago so I don't remember. Regardless, they're good

And then there's this:

And I don't think this is a DD, but if you like Avatar, you should look at it anyway


that was fun

I'm going to go back to dinner 'cept I can't taste it because I burned my tastebuds

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Let's do a less depressing/technical/annoyed post, shall we?

For starters

I'm listening to that right now. It is awesome. Kyle Landry is awesome. Why didn't I hear this song before I bought his third album, huh?

Now, I could post a Merlin AMV and flaunt my still-not-over-the-series Merlin feels

But I'll be nice just watch these bloopers instead because bloopers are hilarious

Have some KH3D Riku feels instead!!

So I was playing the game, and Riku said this quote, and I was like OMG I NEED TO FIND THAT AMV! but I hadn't saved it anywhere so.... yeah, it took ages. BUT I DID FINALLY FIND IT!

And this conversation between Riku and Terra has so much more meaning in my head know that I've played KH3D for some reason

Not positive why...



There was this thought that came to me as I was folding laundry

Though it's actually been in my head for a while

And I thought I'd blog about it because you'd find it cool

See, my theory for parallel universes is one I stole from Doctor Who (episode "Doomsday" or "Army of Ghosts" not sure which one, but it's in that season finale). It's that with every decision you make, there spawns a parallel universe (or fifty) in which that situation could've gone differently.

So, based on my universe alone:

There is a parallel universe in which Zack isn't dead (idkwhy I thought of this first)

There is a parallel universe in which Cloud died in that battle

There is a parallel universe in which Cloud died instead of Zack

There is a parallel universe in which Sora didn't fall into darkness

There is a parallel universe where Kairi lost her heart and another Namine was created... yikes...

There is a parallel universe where my Vexen just plain didn't die

There is a parallel universe where, instead of my Vexen dying, a Replica died in his stead
And you can go for ages based on that alone, cycling through which Replica died

There is a parallel universe where one of the Replicas was handed the Replica Program

There is a parallel universe where Demyx was handed the Replica Program

There is a parallel universe where Luxord was handed the Replica Program

There is a parallel universe where Xigbar was handed the Replica Progam
and I bet you there is a variation on this in which he hands the Program to someone else

There is a parallel universe where Roxas didn't die

There is a parallel universe where Roxas was a Nobody. Possibly.
I mean, I'm sure it's possible, but I can't currently think of a place in this story in which that could've occurred. Well, besides Kairi lost her heart and then repeating KH1 and then we have Roxas and an extra Namine. Yikes.

There is a parallel universe where Namine was not created

There is a parallel universe where a completely different set of people was in CO
and variations thereupon

There is a parallel universe in which the Doctor shows up and solves all the problems! Lol, jk.
Though it COULD happen...

There is a parallel universe where... R didn't die
I probably shouldn't mention that, though?

There is a parallel universe where Riku and Namine have kissed already

There is a parallel universe where-- Actually, no, I"m not going there.

There is a parallel universe where *sniffle* Joseph died

There is a parallel universe where the Experiments weren't all killed
And variations in which only certain ones were killed, and others survived

There is a parallel universe where the Replica Program wasn't successful

There is a parallel universe that looks exactly like the normal KHverse
that'd be magik's, lol :P

There is a parallel universe where... I'm out of ideas

I'll stop now

I've run dry

Anyway, I'm only posting this for funsies. Could I use this parallel universe thing as a plot...important...device thingy in the story? Yes. Will I? Heck no.

I'm sorry. We aren't going to make this like KH3D and the time travel. Yeah, they pulled it off better than I thought they would, but...


It's just a bit ridiculous of them. They could've just brought Master (old man) Xehanort back to begin with and had him be the main villain, and not drag the time travel and Young Xehanort into this.
Or they could've had you fight Braig as the final boss, because he's trying to protect the still reforming Master Xehanort or something. I would've loved that!

Speaking of, WHERE exactly is Terra, if old-man Xehanort's gonna be the big bad again?

Where'd Terra go?

The poor guy

He trapped in old-man Xehanort's heart? That'd suck. Yeesh.

I'm now very curious about this. Darn KH3 better answer everything properly (unlike Synchronicity 3, which though is a wonderful song and I love it, wasn't entirely clear about what happened to Rin and Len in the end. I still think they got eaten by the Dragon, but... *has no clue*)


enjoy this wonderful picture by semokan who is an absolutely wonderful artist and you really should get a dA account just to follow them


So... uhm...

Still not POSITIVE what the problem is
concerning comments disappearing

But a possible problem is that the 3rd Party Cookies aren't enabled on your browser. So, I guess if you're having trouble commenting, check that...


I hate that I have to do a tech-y post

Oh well...

Let me know if this helps? I guess...

Agh, I don't know what's going on!

Now Google's (since blogspot/blogger is run by Google) being weird with comments? It's posterous all over again!

I don't know what's going on, and I'm sorry this is only seemed to happen to you, Flightfoot! Has anyone else had this problem?

I suppose I could report the problem, but I have to go through Google Groups, and I'm not the only one with this question (but somehow no one else has figured out what's going on...) so I feel redundant asking it again... (and google's send feedback isn't available on the blog itself, where it'd be best to point the problem out...)

I don't know what to tell you guys, and I'll apologize once again, Flightfoot. I really don't know why this is happening! I'm very frustrated, too, because the inability to see comments was the exact reason I switched blogs!

I'm really sorry about this

I just

I don't even know what to do

I suppose I'll try and report the problem to Google, and see what that does

But I don't think we'll get your comments back, Flightfoot. Unless they've mysteriously been transported somewhere else, they appear to be gone. This sucks.

Anyway, I'll go report the problem now

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I can't believe I forgot!

I was going to reply to reviews once I was done with the Ven feels!


There are a lot of reviews, so let's get starteeddd~~~!!! *dances*

btdubs, this is answered in backwards order. Roughly.

DIch139 from Flightfoot
Erm, why doesn't he have a world card that captures the moment of a meteor shower that can be perfectly viewed from a convenient hill? I mean, yeah, the data got messed up, but that's what the card was originally, and... Idk. It's a special Christmas chapter, don't gripe too much about it! Lol, jk

I doubt Joseph's impervious to the cold. But, he might just be so energetic that it doesn't bother him as much. Or he's just really good at hiding it. I'm not sure.

DIch139 from KKBeckett
Joseph: shweet! Toby, where did you suggest we put this thing?

ASASch34 from Flightfoot
Yes, but... provided Riku doesn't find out...
I mean, Amaryllis just needs to not mention it to ANYONE and not make it completely obvious he's in on it, and Q... just has to avoid Riku.

ASASch35 from Flightfoot
Yeah, that's the reason.

ASASCh36 from Flightfoot
The irony wasn't intended. It just happened.

ASASch36 from KKBeckett
Of course it's voted most likely to stop working any minute. xD

Do you need help being put back together anything? lol. It's never a good sign when someone dies due to feels. Sorry about that.

I think Q's hiding.

DIch138 from KKBeckett
I'll miss R, too, even though she had all of three chapters. Wait. Four. I think. I'll still miss her, regardless.

I've replied to Cookie's reviews through PM, I believe

DIch139 from Peach
It is, isn't it? xD

I'm certainly with you on the not wishing R to die. I hate how the characters I don't want to get rid of have plot important deaths, but the characters I want to get rid of I can't find a logical place to get rid of them. :(

DIch137 from KKBeckett
Namine appreciates the hugs.
Riku's staring at the chill pill you gave him like you're insane (I don't believe that made sense)
7 appreciates your concern
*blows nose*

Xero doesn't check the blog, so I won't bother... (though I should PM them, I suppose)

DIch136 from KKBeckett
That's okay, I think 7 might've flipped if you tried xD

DIch135 from KKBeckett
Ah yes, the R love!
R and Chrys might've been a thing ;D
BTW! I laughed really hard at the fact you dragged Axel off to interrogate him!!


that's it!

(That was fun)

I should... go write now. I'd go vent the Ven feels I'm having, but I really shouldn't stop in the middle of this scene with Vexen. Or, not stop and write a completely different Aqua and Ven focused scene that I don't completely have plot for but still intend to post to ASAS. Because I totally vented some of the Ven feels earlier by writing a snippet that'll end up in book 5, provided I don't have any serious changes that need to be made before then.


*skips off*


They started again all of a sudden

I had more to put here

I forgot


Idk, I was looking for Ven wallpaper and I COULDN'T FIND ANY!!




Oh, but I think I was watching this video on youtube:

And it gave me Ven feels

For some reason


I got a surprising amount of Ven feels from KH3D, given the fact he spends all of ten seconds on screen

I'm going to do something else with my life now

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Riku and Namine are telepathic?

This is technically a reply to Flightfoot's review on ch137.

Also technically, the telepathy first showed itself (though briefly) in ch130.

It's taken so long to manifest itself because the telepathy is mainly one-sided; Namine's more connected to Riku's mind than he is to hers (if you followed that). And there were a lot of things that Edd blocked from her mind during the Truth Hurts, the telepathy was probably one of them (though he may not have realized it was there, and thus blocked it by sheer accident).

So, it's taken a bit to show itself because the ability hadn't quite slipped past Edd's blocks yet.

That, or it's actually been there the entire time, and Namine's just now becoming conscious of it.

I don't know. It's one of those two explanations (though I'm leaning more towards the first...)

Anyway, so, why is Namine telepathic? I'm not positive, Edd gave me some explanation but I don't quite remember the details and it might not me accurate. But, it's similar to how magik's Namine can see memories; my Namine can just hear thoughts. Edd may or may not have some part in this... (the explanation he gave me had something to do with his magic rubbing off on her, due to his meddling, but I'm not sure if I like the idea enough to make it canon).
Technically, Namine can hear other people's thoughts besides Riku's, but she has to put effort into it. Eavesdropping on Riku's thoughts just comes naturally to her, lol.

However, even though the telepathy is mainly one-sided, all connections are two-way (as Colin has so graciously informed me) so Riku can hear Namine's thoughts, provided he puts effort into it.

... you know what? I"m just going to post the conversation between Edd and Namiku concerning this (though it technically probably takes place later, when they've both become aware of the telepathy) because I think Edd explains it better (and he's funny)

though, to be honest, I think I've summed it all up, but whatever

Edd: Can’t you leave a dead man in peace!?
Namine: we’d like to know about exactly why we can communicate telepathically.
Riku: Actually, I’d like to know why I can’t on a consistent basis.
Namine: You’re sort of the expert.
Edd: *sighs* Uhm *rubs his head*
Namine: do you know?
Edd: Give me a sec… Namine.
Namine: Yeah?
Edd: No. You’re the answer to the question.
Namine: Me?
Riku: What question?
Edd: Both of them. She’s got a—uh… a…  She has the ability to form telepathic links or connections with pretty much anyone. The links – or connections – are easier to form with certain people than they are with others. Like you *nods at Riku* You’re – you. And that makes the connection almost habitual: second nature.
Namine: And that means…?
Edd: That, provided the connection is established, you can hear all of Riku’s thoughts. Or most of them. And as I said, the connection’s become second nature to you, so it’s almost always established.
Riku: Okay, I get why Namine can hear my thoughts. But why can I hear hers? This seems like something that only she should be able to do.
Edd: All connections are two way: you’ll be able to hear her thoughts if you try hard enough, or if she’s sending them to you.
Riku: Sounds like I got the short end of the stick
Edd: If you want to hear her thoughts, then just keep trying. Eventually, the effort won’t seem like much and will become second nature for you, too.
Namine: Do you know why I can do this?
Edd: *shrugs* There’s plenty of possible reasons. There’s something that happened in your data – whether it be from paradoxes, my meddling, or just all the crap your data’s been through. Or, I guess, I could’ve rubbed off on you…
Namine: What do you mean?
Edd: I have this ability, too; though it’s much stronger than yours. And my magic wasn’t very… stable, while I was helping build you. It could’ve contaminated you.
Riku: Is that bad? Dangerous?
Edd: If that’s the only ability of mine she’s got, then no. It’s not. I would recommend avoiding establishing a connection with people you don’t trust or aren’t close to, though. In fact, it’d probably be best if you avoid establishing a connection with anyone besides Riku, unless it’s necessary. You wouldn’t want to deal with this power if it got out of hand.
Namine: could it? Get out of hand?
Edd: It shouldn’t. But if you did pick up the ability from me, then there is a chance it could develop into something like I have. However, I think if it was going to, it would’ve already. Better not risk it, though. That all?
Riku: Yeah, I think so.
Namine: Thank you!
Edd: yeah. You’ll be back when the novelty’s worn off and you want to know how to block each other out.

Anyway, yeah...

I think that's all

If it's not/you have questions, just let me know/ask!

Happy new year!

That's all I gotta say, really

Just watched How to Train your Dragon

And I have Merlin fanfic plot bunnies running around in my head.

My friend and I were discussing a modern day Merlin waiting for a reincarnated Arthur, and then we watched Midnight (Doctor Who episode) which has Colin Morgan (the actor that plays Merlin) in it, and... well, then I started plotting a Merlin/Doctor Who crossover


Am I gonna write it?

Hah! With what time?


hope you all had a good year, and have an even better 2013!!

this is the last wallpaper I'll be posting. I was only gonna post the one bellow, but... HTTYD wallpaper

anyway, this is a lovely piece of artwork that you've probably seen before, however, I FOUND IT ON DEVIANTART which means that it's much better quality than whatever one I found through google images


See ya'll later!