Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year!

That's all I gotta say, really

Just watched How to Train your Dragon

And I have Merlin fanfic plot bunnies running around in my head.

My friend and I were discussing a modern day Merlin waiting for a reincarnated Arthur, and then we watched Midnight (Doctor Who episode) which has Colin Morgan (the actor that plays Merlin) in it, and... well, then I started plotting a Merlin/Doctor Who crossover


Am I gonna write it?

Hah! With what time?


hope you all had a good year, and have an even better 2013!!

this is the last wallpaper I'll be posting. I was only gonna post the one bellow, but... HTTYD wallpaper

anyway, this is a lovely piece of artwork that you've probably seen before, however, I FOUND IT ON DEVIANTART which means that it's much better quality than whatever one I found through google images


See ya'll later!

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