Not necessarily frequently asked, but common/important questions that perhaps only one person asked, but I have to assume other people may want to know.

Updated Jan 17 2015; if a question you would like on here was removed, just ask it again and I will return it to this page.

Also note: I'm trying to keep this relatively spoiler-free with ATR related content, and most Dead Inside related content as well, so there are some answers on here that yes could've been answered differently / with more facts but, well, spoilers is the general answer for why they weren't.


Unfortunately I'm not sure how to make a hyperlink heading navigation work as it does in sites like wikipedia, you'll have to ctrl+F these (or cmd+F if you are a mac user. I think.)
  • Why is it called FtPverse?
  • Why isn't there more Sora? / Why is there so much Riku?
  • Who's Edd?
  • What was Mickey up to in Falling to Pieces?
  • And Donald and Goofy?
  • How did BBS happen? / Aqua and Ven are around??
  • What about Terra?
  • Didn't the Door to Kingdom Hearts need to be sealed? (In Falling to Pieces)
  • Why do you call Sora's Shadow "Shad"?
  • Kairi was born on Destiny Islands?
  • Kairi is a Princess of Heart--how did Shad affect her? (In Dead Inside)
  • Sora doesn't know magic?
  • Didn't the Organization have Riku's memories? Why didn't they use them?
  • About Replicas and Darkness
  • I thought you said Replicas don't need to eat
  • CoM and Timing???
  • Living situations on Destiny Islands (for Namine and Riku)


Why is it called FtPverse / Falling to Pieces series and not, like, the Truth Hurts series?

It's because Falling to Piece was the one that clinched the whole deal of it being a series, along with being the one I was more proud of it at the time. Out of the two. So. Falling to Pieces series.

Besides it sounds so much better doesn't it? The Truth Hurts universe? THverse? So strange. Very weird. Don't.

Why isn't there more  Sora? / Why is there so much Riku?

The story has always been a little Riku-centric, and I never promised for it to be anything but. Dead Inside was a cautious balance between Sora and Riku, but over time there was so much more that needed to get done with Riku and I had to prioritize, so Riku got 15-chapter-long plotlines one after another and Sora got. Five chapters. Two chapters.

 Dead Inside is also a long jumbled mess anyway, so you cannot expect it to have a perfect balance. I will work on it in the future, but keep in mind this is fanfiction, and is not in any way written to be anywhere near published-novel-quality.

All that Remains will be an attempt to balance out Sora and Riku, along with Namine and Kairi and, well, all of the main cast, but I make no promises.

Think of it as Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series---the first book was written near entirely from Rand's POV, but later books became a balance between him and other characters, and a few books had very little of him at all. Who gets chapters will depend on the overall plot. Sometimes the overall plot will mandate I need to write more for one character than another. I cannot sacrifice my plot so that all the characters get a perfect balance of screentime.

Who's Edd?

Edd is an OC of mine from a novel project I had when I was a kid - before starting FtPverse - who is famously referred to as "some guy who isn't that important don't worry about him" , aka the guy who saved Repliku from death, dragged him to a parallel universe, and gently (uneffectively) wiped his memories. 

since I've edited FtPverse, I've removed all instances of him existing other than his part in the inciting event. yes, he used to be around more in the first draft of Dead Inside and the Truth Hurts. Yes, his name actually came up. I think he had scenes with the Organization members lol.

I regretted his inclusion within a year or so of starting FtPverse, and so when I went and made edits in 2016, removing him was one of my top priorities.

So yeah, Edd is the name of the OC who saved Riku and brought him to this universe. Cool fact. He literally isn't important.


What was Mickey up to in Falling to Pieces?

Similar to KH canon, he left his Castle before Falling to Pieces (which is the KH1 equivalent) to help find a way to restore the worlds. They restored themselves thanks to Riku, though---after Falling to Pieces Mickey continues as he does in KH2, shifting his attention to the Organization.

And Donald and Goofy, while we're on the subject?

Mickey sent them out to find "the Key" (Sora), again, like in KH canon, but they never found Sora, and then the worlds restored themselves, so it wasn't much of a problem.

Donald and Goofy eventually just returned to Disney Castle.

How did BBS happen? Aqua and Ven are around????

By this point, I'm figuring it should be clear, but, simply:

Aqua and Ven are both up and about and have been since the conclusion of Falling to Pieces. How they are up and about (along with differences in FtPverse BBS vs KH BBS) can be found here.

As for what they've been up to during Dead Inside, they were searching rather fruitlessly for Terra, along with destroying Heartless and helping the worlds out when they can (Sora could only do so much when kidnapped by Maleficent, after all).

They will both have a roles in All that Remains.

What about Terra?

Terra is somewhere with Xehanort. The BBS Page also talks about this. I won't go in to much depth, though, because I plan to reveal further details as All that Remains progresses. (Him being with Xehanort isn't a huge secret, though, so I'm cool with mentioning that.)

As of now, I highly doubt where I am going with Terra will what be done with Terra in KH canon when KH3 comes around. I have All that Remains planned out in full, and something seriously good would have to happen in KH3 for me to even consider implementing it. All that Remains is, for the most part, too far along to change anything willy-nilly based on KH canon.

Also, All that Remains being affected KH3 would require KH3 to come out before ATR is finished, WHICH (2022 UPDATE) WHILE I THOUGHT THAT MIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN 2015, GUESS WHAT. ATR FINISHED IN 2018 AND KH3 RELEASED IN 2019 BABEYYYY. but like I said my plot for All that Remains is pretty firmly cemented and something really damn cool would have to happen in KH3 for me to even consider incorporating it.

Didn't the Door to Kingdom Hearts need to be sealed? (In Falling to Pieces)

Ansem never technically got that far (Riku stopped him in HB), and since he never opened it, it never had to be sealed.

But, wait, why did the worlds restore themselves, then?

I was under the impression that they'd be restored once Ansem was defeated, and it didn't exactly have anything to do with the Door... In fact, I could've sworn they specifically said in KH1 that the worlds "should restore themselves once you defeat Ansem" and that there was no mention of the door to Kingdom Hearts itself. Yeah, that's exactly what happened.

Granted, they're specifically referring to the world which Ansem conjured, which he never conjured in FtPverse, but... Oh well. Cut me some slaaaaaack it's fanfiction.

Why do you call Sora's Shadow "Shad"? / I don't want to call him that.

It started as a shortening of "Sora's Shadow" as I was writing, so that I could get his name out quicker for a brainstorm. I mentioned it on the blog, then it stuck.

You don't have to call him Shad, though. I can't make you. But you can't make me stop calling him that, either.

Kairi was born on Destiny Islands?

Yes, and this is old news by now. I decided I liked the idea better (at least for FtPverse), plus I don't think it changes much outside of some behind the scenes stuff that Xehanort does. (That there is no guarantee he did in FtPverse canon.)

"How is Kairi a Princess of Heart if she's not a princess?" Well, if being the daughter of the mayor of Destiny Islands wasn't enough, her mother is a foreigner of unknown blood who likely came from Radiant Garden, and there's a chance she was a Princess or w/e, so Kairi still has royal blood in her through her mom.

ALSO I MENTIONED THIS ON TUMBLR AND SOMEONE POINTED OUT THAT ONLY, LIKE, SNOW WHITE AND AURORA AND JASMINE ARE PRINCESSES BY BLOOD---BELLE AND CINDERELLA MARRIED INTO IT and we don't even know about Alice. So, uh, theoretically Kairi does not have to have royal blood. There's not even an indication she does in KH canon (she'd have to be related to Ansem the Wise and apparently in the reports in KH2 he mentions her as "that girl who was around" which implies he does not know her personally, aka they aren't related.)

If Kairi is a Princess of Heart, and Pure Light, how did Shad affect her in Dead Inside?

That's because Kairi and Sora's hearts are connected, and since Shad is Sora's Shadow, he can affect her. It's not to a major extent, though. She's still pretty resistant to darkness. (And by that I mean Shad's really the only form of darkness that's affected her ever.)

It's soooorta discussed here.
(Unfortunately I lost the comments on that post and can't remember if we discussed it further elsewhere.)

Also to note: the connection between Kairi and Sora's hearts is what prevented the Keyhole from initially being created when the seven princesses were gathered in Falling to Pieces.

Sora doesn't know magic?

Well, throughout Falling to Pieces, and during the beginning of Dead Inside, no. He does not know magic. This comes from the idea that since Riku took forever to learn magic in KH canon, FtPverse Sora would do the same.

Come All that Remains, he has learned at least basic level magic, though, if not higher-level stuff. He's no master with it, but he's picking it up pretty fast.

(As a side-note, Riku doesn't know magic in FtPverse either, but that's largely a personal choice on his part. A personal choice that a lot of people consider very dumb of him. Eventually he'll learn more than three spells.)

Didn't the Organization have access to Riku's memories? Why didn't they use them more?

See here and here

Ah, about Replicas and Darkness? You're all over the place on that...

I know I am and I'm very sorry.

The final say on this subject is that Replicas are immune to darkness, thanks to Darkness Protection Protocols. Without those Protocols, however, they are very vulnerable---not just of being tempted or controlled by the darkness, but, of, well, dying.

It occurred to me I should stop changing the rule to fit Riku, and instead make him an exception to the rule. Vexen forgot to install Darkness Protection Protocols in him, therefore he is not at all immune to darkness, the effects of which you can see in later Dead Inside and in All that Remains.

Dead Inside chapter 238 covers Riku not having the Darkness Protection Protocols, and what that means for him. This will be further touched as All that Remains progresses.

I thought you said Replicas didn't need to eat!

If you're referring to Riku claiming he needs to in the Truth Hurts, that's mainly just a continuity error on my part and should be ignored. the Truth Hurts is speckled with continuity errors that I haven't gotten around to fixing...

So CoM and timing?

Actually, apparently, Chain of Memories takes place over the course of a month, according to extended KH canon named the "Ultimanias"

Which is technically good for FtPverse, because it allows plenty of room for all the stuff I want to have happened to have happened.

But it still largely frustrates me because the games totally set it up like it took place in a week. There's a reported death three days after Axel leaves for CO! Roxas collapses later that day! Xion shouldn't have had any sort of a face until she had Sora's memories, and I don't see how those to could've gotten to her if Sora'd only just started having his memories messed with!!


Okay but what were everyone's living situations on Destiny Islands?

This has been vaguely brought up in the Rewritten Dead Inside ch87, but simply:

Namine lived with Kairi.

Riku lived with an old cranky fisherman who was out on a fishing trip for the entirety of the Truth Hurts and well up to Falling to Pieces. Convenient? Yes, but he can't have been staying with Sora because Plot Reasons.

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