
About the Fic

FtPverse (Falling to Pieces Universe) is a KH fic written by rarmaster aka rar aka me the person who runs this blog

Long story short the Riku Replica ends up in a parallel universe to get a second chance at life, and we follow the plot of the KH series from there accounting for his existence in the universe and things happening differently because of it and so on and so on.

I'd go into more detail but honestly if you are on this blog and haven't been on my FFnet profile, or my tumblr, I don't know why you're here---and if you've been on either of those, you know what this blog is for and what the series is about.

About the Blog

I love ranting about my work, and that's what this blog is for. Here, you can find my opinion about things that happen in FtPverse, how I wrote them, along with a few extra fun facts.

Or, that's what it's supposed to be, anyway.

Admittedly, ever since getting a tumblr, I've started using that more frequently. Much more frequently. So much so that I really forget to post here on this blog ever unless it's a chapter commentary.

You can check out my personal tumblr here, which has FtPverse things + a bunch of video game blogging in general!

Or, if you just want FtPverse content, then head over to the FtPverse tumblr, where I reblog all (well, most) FtPverse posts I make on my personal!

So here are some tags/blogs/things you should check out on tumblr to get your fill on FtPverse related things

  • ftpverse tag - on my personal (usually Big Important FtPverse things only)
  • ftpverse bloggin tag - on my personal (smaller, more frequent, generally random FtPverse thoughts, but has everything from fun facts to me venting feels, also including me speculating random situations)
  • ftpverse navigation (personal tumblr) - a list of ALL ftpverse tags on my personal
  • navigation (ftpverse tumblr) - a list of ALL tags in general on this blog, which are all ftpverse, so
  • ftp aus - do you like aus?? here's your one-stop-shop for them. unless I'm really invested in the AU, there's probably only one post about it
  • FtPcast (ask)blog -- a psuedo ask/roleplay blog for the main cast. Don't be scared to submit a question. Hasn't updated in forever, but that's largely due to lack of questions I get. If I ever got one again, I would respond.

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