Friday, January 25, 2013




No, this is not me dying from happiness because I finally got my shipping confirmation for the Twilight Symphony. Though I wish it was this might not happen for a while. I discovered that people who got the first five hundred copies haven't received their confirmation yet. :( I certainly pre-ordered mine after the first five hundred.


Alyson Stoner is voicing Xion



It's not officially confirmed or anything

but she said on her... twitter I believe that she'll be "voicing a familiar character in a video game in 2013" or something like that

As KH13 was so kind to point out, the only video game voices she's done are Xion and Isabella (from Phineas and Ferb), it's very likely she's referring to Xion.
Though, she's voiced Kairi in games such as CoM, where they're too lazy to get Kairi's official VA and don't think it matters because she has very few lines. Except she has that huge pep talk that she gives to Riku when she's really Namine. That made sense. Don't question me.


haha, you suckers who thought KH1.5 was only coming out in Japan!!

Yeah, we have video proof that it's coming out in English. Jesse McCartney would not post a video of him recording voices for Roxas if IT WASN'T COMING OUT IN ENGLISH


I knew they were just talking bullcrap


I am hungry

Time to go fix myself lunch. Even though it's technically breakfast
shh... I didn't wake up only an hour ago. 


KKBeckett said...


rar said...


Cookie said...

Rar you genius. :D

Either that or i'm just completely brain dead.

Or both.

Anyway, the point - I watched the video with Jesse recording the battle sounds and I just thought nothing of it. Why I didn't realise that it meant there'd be an English release of 1.5 I do not know. But thank you so much for clearing that up. :D I wouldn't have realised otherwise. :L

However, one now realises that while you may have a release of 1.5, I may not. Like Re:CoM for example. :'(

*keep fingers crossed*

On another note, sorry for the inactivity for the reviews again. Had a few coursework and paper deadlines to contend with over the last few weeks, but now I should be able to read. :D

rar said...

I'm not sure if I'd call myself a genius...

Hey! If you do get 1.5, then you'll have Re:CoM!! (and KH1FM, which no one but Japan got)

That's alright. You have school so you can't read. I'm still sick, and haven't really been writing. It's all cool.