Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"When the going gets tough--"

"--the tough call their friends!"

Probably my most FAVORITE line from KH3D
rivaled only by everything Braig ever says

So I just beat it again (bumped the difficulty down to standard. Suddenly Xehanort died VERY QUICKLY. Idk if some of that was the Dark Aura, or...)

And, since I beat it, I felt like doing this:
I made all the "category" thingies up...

Favorite world: Country of the Musketeers. The plot for both Sora and Riku was decent (and I understood them; glad I watched the movie when it was on TV :P), the battles weren’t terrible, and… yeah. Plus the reality shift was fun!

Least favorite world: Symphony of Sorcery. The lack of proper battle noises drove me nuts. Not hearing your character grunt and shout while fighting is very disorienting. And the world music, too! It’s a pain to listen to after a couple of minutes of that melody on endless repeat. It wasn’t done well—the music. Video game music NEEDS to be music that you can listen to over and over and over and over to again on an endless repeat without it getting terribly annoying. The music of the world was not like that. It made the world very… uck.
And the Reality shift! Those same two melodies, over and over again! ALDSKFJSLDFJ I couldn’t. I turn my sound off for that world.

Favorite World Plot
Sora: Tron. “Where are you going?” “After CLU.” “Do you know where he is?” “Nope, no idea.” It’s just… classic Sora, and seeing him respond to the “repurposed” Tron—yeah. Loved it.

Riku: Ugh, I can’t pick! I love all of Riku’s plots. I’m between Monstro and la Cite des Cloches atm. I think I’m gonna go with la Cite des Cloches. (Though if I wasn’t avoiding TWTNW, due to it being more “overall plot” than “world plot” I think I’d pick it)

Least Favorite World Plot
Sora: La Cite des Cloches. Part of this might’ve been just from coming from Riku’s version of this, but… Ugh, they copied the movie exactly. I know they did that in other KH games (they did do that, right?) but I remember it working better.

Riku: It was hard to pick… but I’m going with Tron. He just seemed so out-of-place, and they copied the movie plotline exactly. I remember this working better in other KH games.... (Funny, I pick the exact opposites for Sora and Riku…)

I considered Traverse Town second visit, but then the interaction between Joshua and Riku happened and it made me like it more… Still, though, in my opinion, second visit to Traverse Town wasn’t necessary. I mean, I guess it was for Spellican plot arc crap, but… then you find out that two of the seven keyholes you need to seal are in Traverse Town? That just don’t add up. I mean, it took me FOREVER to realize that. I was near the end of the game and like “hold up, I’m still short a Keyhole!” and then it was like “there were two in Traverse Town” and… yeah. Idk, didn’t Yen Sid say seven sleeping WORLDS? I mean, I know you visit Seven, but I don’t think TWTNW counts; not if it didn’t have a keyhole. Did I miss it and he just said seven keyholes? Well, whatever it was, I think that there should’ve been another world… putting two keyholes in Traverse Town was lazy and makes little sense

Favorite Link Style
Sora: Meow Wounce

Riku: Darkest Fears (yes, I know, I chose the dark ones for Riku, but I’m not a fan of the mechanics of the “light” ones. Besides, Anti-form is probably my favorite drive form… so… are you surprised?)

Favorite Dual Link
Sora: Whomperstop. Yes, I realize I picked basically the same two things for Sora, but keep in mind I spent my entire first playthrough with only three spirits, and the Meow Wow was one of those three. And what’s better than watching a cat…dog thing hurt Xemnas by bouncing on him? Watching a GIANT cat/dog thing hurt Xemnas by bouncing on him!

Riku: Ghost Drive. Love it. (And it ends in something similar to Dark Aura!!)

Favorite Reality Shift
Wonder Comic, from Country of Musketeers. I ended up using it more than most of the other Reality shifts (probably because I triggered more), which is kind of why I’m partial to it

Least Favorite Reality Shift
Code Breaker, from Tron. It was… disappointing. And there were all of two options you could do, only one of which worked properly. (Three for the guns, but only one working remains the same. The other two wore off after a while, and then you were being shot at again! Why did they only make auto destruct permanent?)

I’m not going to do favorite/least favorite for bosses, because none immediately come to mind for those categories. Instead, I’ll do:

Most annoying Boss
Spellican. Good gravy, I hate that thing

Easiest boss
Chernabog. Was that even a boss? It was EASIER than some of the bosses you fight while Diving!

Hardest Boss
Xehanort. Hands down.

Favorite command
I’m going to leave out Dark Aura and Sonic Blade, because… y’know, obvious.
I’m actually going to say Spark Dive (though I'm also a fan of Drain Dive). It was a lot of fun, and I used it ALL the time.

Command I was disappointed not to see
Freeze Raid. I LOVED that command in BBS. The moment I saw Strike Raid, I was like “HECK YES, I’LL GET FREEZE RAID SOON!” but then I didn’t… *sniffle*

Command I was most excited to see
Sonic Blade. Dark Aura was kind of just “OMG WHAT I COULD’VE GOT DARK AURA BUT I DIDN’T!?”. Sonic Blade I also didn’t know you could acquire, then it showed up on my Cera Terror’s ability link because her “disposition” changed and I was like “OMG SONIC BLADE NEED!”. Mainly because Sonic Blade saved my butt in CoM… so, that, mixed with the fact it sort of popped out of nowhere… Yeah, I was VERY excited to see Sonic Blade (but I couldn’t get it for ages because my Cera Terror needed to be level 30 and was only level 20, ugh)

Most Disappointing Command
Dark Break, actually (Dark Splicer is a close second, though). The mechanics for it (and Dark Aura) were much better in CoM. It like just… doesn’t work. Maybe it will against a boss (it probably will against a boss), but I’m not using while just running around and killing Dream Eaters, because it’s pointless.

A quick thing on mechanics: I'm not a fan of the mechanics for some of the more powerful attacks, such as Dark Aura and Ars Arcanum. They work GREAT against a single enemy, but the moment that enemy is dead, you're attacking thin air. Sonic Blade worked alright (but I had it for a smaller amount of time, so my judgement might be off), and Dark Break-- it like, was impossible for it to actually hit whatever you were attacking. I managed to make it work for the Ansem battle, but fighting random Dream Eaters? It just missed!
Again, the mechanics for these attacks were much better in CoM/RR. I have an urge to go play that game again, that's how disappointing the mechanics are here! If you know me, you'll know I've sworn to never play CoM again because I'll just end up wanting to strangle Sora and it's not healthy... and I've been avoiding RR for the sake of it messing with my headcanon. But I might go start it up and play for a bit just enjoy Dark Attacks... it's not like I have to get far in the game to do that!

Opinion of Flowmotion
I actually didn’t use it a lot on my first run through (Traverse Town, in my opinion, is the only world suited for flowmotion… the rest it’s just like “oh, you can flowmotion here, but not so very well in other places”) but by my second run through, I was using it much more frequently. It’s… I actually hope it shows up in the next KH game… It makes reaching high places very easy, because you can LITERALLY climb walls. That’s what I used it most for. Reaching high places.

Favorite part of the story: I have no clue what to pick if you were to ask "game" because that's a broader subject
Sora: Ven handing Sora his armor

Riku: Finding out he turned himself into a Dream Eater to protect Sora from the Nightmares

Anyone who's been following my KH3D ranting is well aware that these were my favorite parts xD

Favorite thing about this game:
This isn't favorite part... hmm, I don't have a favorite thing. OH WAIT! Seeing Xion! and Ven, too! I can't wait for the two of them to come back! Because they're bringing them back and you know it!

Thing that frustrates me the most about this game:
Actually, I’m NOT going to say Lea getting a Keyblade (though it was the first thing on my mind) because I understand why they did that. Sort of. (They could’ve just brought Roxas back… hello!) and it doesn't ruin the KH continuity that much
I’m going to say this whole “Nobodies actually have hearts!” deal. Flippin really? Really? Did they seriously just go there? I don’t accept it. They just completely retconned a major part of the series. I mean, yeah, they retconned a lot of stuff established in KH1 (though I can’t think of any off the top of my head, I just know that they did…) but that’s understandable. You have to make room for sequels, and sometimes that requires retconning a few things. But retconning the fact that NOBODIES DON’T HAVE HEARTS?! NO. You don’t do that.
I think—my theory—is that Xemnas just assumes they all have hearts, because he had one *cough*Terra*cough*. And Roxas shows up with Ven’s heart in him, so that furthers his delusions.

Besides, Sora lists those he knows showed signs of a heart, and he lists: Roxas, Namine, Axel, Xion. Roxas had part of Ven's heart. Namine... is special. Axel has signs of a heart because Sora rubbed off on him. Xion wasn't a Nobody in the first place.
Again, Xemnas says everyone has hearts because he has one and assumes everyone else does.

NOw, the whole “rub a few memories together, and you get a spark of emotion” thing? I actually kind of like that. It makes sense. The Nobodies didn’t have hearts, but they could stimulate fragments of emotions using their memories. 
It’s like, they don’t have hearts so they can’t feel. But if they try hard enough, they can sort of make themselves feel. That make sense? Probably not. It did in my head, but then I went to write it down and… it failed. 

Random thing I decided I felt like mentioning:
Braig. Omg Braig. (Well... Xigbar... Idk, I put him in context with Xehanort and he's suddenly Braig?) I love him. Listening to him talk: certainly much more interesting than listening to Xemnas! Or Xehanort.

and now let's be completely random, and list in which order I like listening to people monologue

Braig -- he's hilarious!
Ansem -- idk, he just sounds epic when he speaks, and he doesn't really monologue...
Xehanort -- something about his personality makes it not a pain to listen to him
Xemnas -- his voice makes me want to zone out
Ansem the Wise -- I actually zone out when I listen to him... not on purpose or anything, but I just... idk, I had to go LOOK UP a game script and READ what he said at the end of KH3D because I could not bring myself to pay attention when he was actually saying it for some reason


Braig makes me laugh. I swear, he's my favorite villain! 

"The falling asleep part was definitely our bad."


"Oopsy daisy." what sort of villain says that? 


"Aw, thank you Sora's heart!"

and of course!
Quote from Days, but still the best quote ever

"Why do you always stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?"

Goodness, I hope that line makes it into the remake of Days. I will cry if it doesn't (and if they leave out that scene. I hope they don't, but it's in a Disney World, and I read that they're not covering Disney Worlds in cutscene format which means no Axel breaking up the fight between Xion and Roxas in Halloween Town *sob*)


Anyway, I think I got everything. If I didn't (I probably didn't...) and you want me to do a favorite/least favorite of something else, let me know!

I might go through and do one of these for every game, btw. If I do, BBS is next because magik'scomingupthisweekendandbringingthePSPandIcanfinallyplayBBSomgI'vebeensurpressingtheseBBSfeelsforagesyay!

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