Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I have to get some Merlin feels off my chest

I just

I have to

btdubs, SPOILERS ahead if you don't watch Merlin (though if you know the legends, you saw this coming unlike me)

Ugh, I'm so not ready for this series to be over. I just got into it. I hate that I jump on a bandwagon about the time it ends (like Nintendo Power and... other things that I can't think of off the top of my head but know exist).

But it's over

Though, I'll admit, it ended decently. Arthur died. Yeah. His death was absolutely heart-wrenching and freaking Merlin should've called the dragon sooner so they could've gotten Arthur to where he needed to be before he died. I mean, yeah, let's call it after he's dead. That's a great idea! You should've called it after Morgana spooked the horses.


Because they would've made it.



That is the most awesomest idea ever. Don't. Deny. It.

here it is on dA, as part of a sketch dump or whatever

And I think you'll appreciate this

Because it's very true

But my favorite part about that picture is a comment on it (the first one) in which someone said:
"You're all sad because Arthur's dead and the WHOOMPH. THAT'S not medival."

Because THAT is Merlin's ending in a nutshell. Seriously. Very true.

Anyway, the last season of Merlin wasn't terrible. It had it's ups and downs, but all TV shows are like that. There are episodes you love, episodes that are pointless, and episodes that just suck.

My favorite Merlin episode would have to be episode 3: Death Song of Uther Pendragon.
It's on the Syfy channel this Friday, for those of you in the US

But if there was anything I could change about the season

I'd want the magic reveal to be sooner.

Don't get me wrong, the magic reveal was beautiful and I was in tears because Merlin was in tears and then Arthur's like "ohmygodyoureallydohavemagicgetawayfromme" and it was like aslkdjflsfjsdkfjsdf

But sooner

Sooner than the last episode

Because we would've all LOVED to see Merlin running around Camelot for at least a few episodes all like "heck yeah, magic is legal!!"


Let's be honest

If I REALLY could change something about the season


It sucked.

Yeah, let's have him be good the entire season, then turn evil in the last episode because you killed his girlfriend.

That's original.

And thoughtful.

And I hope you are reading sarcasm in this, because I am being very sarcastic.

It was STUPID.

I would've maybe believed it if it had happened sooner in the series

or if they introduced his girlfriend BEFORE the episode in which they killed her

It was seriously just like "girl gets causing using magic." "Oh! She's Mordred's girlfriend?" "Sorry Mordred, you know the law, magic = death". "Don't try and save her!" "Great Mordred, now we have to kill you, too."
"Oh shoot, Mordred just escaped the jail and is running off to find Morgana because he wants to kill Arthur as revenge for his girlfriend's death."

I mean, don't get me wrong, I realize stuff like this can be believable. I've got Riku to deal with! (I hope it's believable for him... lord I hope it's not as bad as the Mordred arc) But if you want to make it work, I'm pretty sure you need to establish the fact that this person is willing to do anything to save the love of their life before it happens. And not like, three minutes before.

It was sloppy.

And they had this other nice arc going with Mordred, where this trio of witches resurrected Mordred for the purpose of "punishing Arthur" and they could've gone somewhere with that. I would've believed that. I mean, yeah, he lives and then kills Arthur because his girlfriend dies. That's punishment. But the writers of the show could've easily done something like... said trio of witches magic him and... I don't know.

But the Mordred arc sucked, with the way they did it

They handled the Morgana one much better -- even if we ALL got tired of hearing "I want Arthur dead!!" at least once an episode


Yeah, a lot of that was ranting about how much the Mordred plot arc sucked


But the season -- and series, certainly -- in general isn't half bad. If you want to watch it, the last season is on the Syfy channel "new" (new for US) episodes every Friday. Not sure what time. It says ten in the commercial, but I get them at eight, so... check for your timezone

Or you can watch em online. They're all online.

They've got everything

(But if you do watch Merlin, feel free to skip the Poisoned Chalice episode. Because it just like... it's not worth watching.)

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