Friday, January 18, 2013

This is utterly random

But I was on KH13's forum (I drop by KH13 once in  awhile for latest KH news) and someone had this thread going about the fact Aqua would be ridiculously powerful after sitting in the Realm of Darkness for the past ten years with nothing better to do than kill Heartless.

Surprisingly, only one person mentioned the difference in time flow between the Realm of Darkness and the Realm of Light

But that's not the important part

Someone else on the thread brought up the fact if she's just been killing Heartless for the past ten years, then she'd also be incredibly rich, because Heartless drop munny
and anyone who's played Days will know that it's VERY easy to rack up munny from Heartless killing when you don't spend any of said munny. Because I'm sure I'm not the only one who never bothered with synthesis, which is the only thing munny is useful for in that game

Then someone else said she'd have so much munny, she'd be able to bribe Xehanort into retirement.

And I was like: "heck yes!!"

That's how I want Kingdom Hearts to end.

Aqua shows up with a crapton of munny and bribes Xehanort into retirement.

Perfect ending.


Seriously, though, they've got the series all set up for a second Keyblade War now. What's KH3 gonna look like? Is it STILL going to follow the "travel from world to world" format?

I mean, yeah, we've still gotta get Aqua and Ven back (I can't wait to get Ven back! And Aqua, too, but Ven more at the moment because I got feels for him from 3D) but I'm not sure if that's going to require traveling from world to world...

But every other game has had that format...

Maybe they'll send us to Castle Oblivion to find Ven, and have us go through worlds that way. Again.

In other news! I wrote 170 words last night!

(298, if you include the dialogue brainstorming I did)



Now I think I"m gonna go play the Last Story. Or level grind on KH2. Or 3D... I don't think I'm that far off from acquiring Dark Aura...

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