Thursday, January 31, 2013

Journal dump 13

posting this video because... it's a wonderful video, like all of narutochaos22's vids.
I REALLY need to post "Trinity" (not by Narutochaos22) but I'm putting that off 'til a chapter commentary post because I believe people are more likely to read those



putting this in the same format as the last one...

except... there's a new section (down at the bottom)



omg I love this sequence so much! But it's AU! Yay!

"My sincerest apologies. She slipped away from-- I am in a house."
"See? He noticed!"

"Well, considering she doesn't look very happy, I suppose it's safe to assume that you haven't had any trouble?"

"Well, I figured since we were all throwing protection spells around..."
"Fine... I'll cast something on Namine..."

"Wonderful plan! Send me right outside!"
"Whoops... I meant to... oh well."

Hey! look! Quotes from a sequence that magik should start posting to Can't Escape shortly

There just... aren't any good ones

Ooh! It's that random snippet thingy I wrote that if I told you who's POV I was writing it from you'd never believe me. Because me writing for said character would be absurd. Lol. I'm not telling you who it is.

"Fixing him isn't going to bring her back"

squeee~it's the treasure chest scene it's so hilarious I love it to death!

"I thought we were heading that direction..."
"We are. There's a treasure chest."

"Here, take this. You'll need it."
"*stares at potion he's just been handed* Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have handed it to you if I wasn't!"

haha, I went to type "teeth" and accidentally typed "death". Lol. Not sure how that happened.

"Any particular reason you're using so much Blizzard magic?"

-someone knocks-
Cid: Now who could that be?
Yuffie: Not Riku. He doesn't knock. He doesn't even use the door!

oh look, book 5 stuff! Not posting it!

"The memory already plagues me. I don't need it fresh in my mind..."

haha, I can't post this next quote, but it reminds me of this part from How to Train your Dragon

"I guess we needed a little more of... this"
"You just gestured to all of me."

I really need to organize the document that I've been throwing the book 5 crud in...

"What can I do? I mean, I guess I could throw myself in front of you so you don't get hurt-- oh don't tempt me!"

I love the notes I leave myself. Here's a little snippet, though I'm not telling you who says what and stuff because it's kind of spoilers

person1: Anyone else who might know the answer?
person2: Not that I know of
??: (coming dramatically from nowhere) I do
(everyone turns to him, amazed)

Also, you never pass up a chance to use the word "flabbergasted" :P

OOH! Shiny stuff I don't think I can post, lol. Maybe there's some non-spoiler-y quotes.
doesn't look like there is

Haha, though, lol. This is funny. Or I find it funny.

So, according to Riku, the Organization (he's mainly referring to those in CO during CoM) is a bunch of "selfish bastards"
And it makes me laugh
btw, I didn't censor him because I try to leave things in my journals UNcensored, so that they're there in their second most raw format (the rawest being the stuff that jumbles around in my brain. It's a pity I can't transmit thoughts to my computer or something. I'd get writing done so much faster... but that technology also kinda scares me... so.)

And then, later, in some Crossover stuff that won't be used (it flowed like crap) Magik's Namine goes and calls the Organization a bunch of selfish bastards (she's really only referring to Marluxia and Larxene, though)

The only reason I left it there (besides trying to write down EVERYTHING during brainstorming sessions) is that Sora's immediate response was:
"Careful there, Namine! I'm not sure Axel'd appreciate the fact you're calling him a selfish bastard"
And I just laughed.
And don't get me started on the whole thought where Axel finds out, and then Roxas finds out and realizes that he's included in that list of "the Organization" and...

Yeah... I'm not weird. Shut up.

O.o oh shoot there's a scene I want to put this stuff with, but I forgot which document the scene is in.... crap...

Ah, it's in a different journal... volume... document. I guess I'll just throw the stuff in this journal's document

Not that any of you care

Hey look a quote!

"I don't need an escort!"


"Your eyes..."
"What about them?"
"They're... *doesn't want to tell the truth* tired. Are you sure about this?"

I still love the phrase "high on darkness", even though I'll never use it anywhere in-story (dialogue excluded, I suppose... Joseph sounds like someone who might use it...)

"Get your filthy hands off of me!"

"When'd you get so feisty?"

"He'll kill you!"
"Ah... I'm not sure if that's--"
"You know what I mean!"

"You're lying, Kairi. You're as red as your hair!!"

NotaficxFic crossover

"What's so bad about the fact he's dead?"
"You killed the other half of your heart!"
"I survived, didn't I?"
"But you're not complete..."

"Don't be so hard on him. He sees our world through different eyes."

"He wouldn't stop asking! Like he expected a different answer or something!"

"Cole was being stupid"
"Colin was overreacting"
"Please don't start taking sides!"
"I said don't take sides..."

"Go away! I don't want to see you right now!"
"You don't have to. I just want you to listen."
"What if I don't want to do that, either?"

"I thought things had changed. I guess I was wrong."

Leon: I almost expected you to have your own calendar, completely
Colin: Nah. Time passes weird where we come from; so everyone just adopted the calendar from Mortal Earth to make things easy
Cole: Colin!
Colin: What?
Cole: (hisses) we’re on the Edges!
Colin: (lowers his voice) So? I believe I can mention Mortal Earth

Whoops. That's a double negative. "Surprised no one else hadn't noticed"

Aw... this scene would be perfect for teaser quotes. Pity it has all of... three lines of dialogue and the interesting stuff is just actions.
speaking of this scene, I'll probably rewrite it. It didn't go how I wanted it to...


"Don't turn this into some sappy soap opera..."

"At least let me know I'm in there so I'm not ranting to some stranger or an empty room!"

"Is he here or not?"
"I'm... not allowed to say..."
"He is here!"
"I didn't say that."

ohmygoodness, Cole, you are rambling. He's rambling.

And he's still rambling


"You can't kiss away the damage..."
"Watch me."

then there's like three pages where I'm writing down notes for languages. I'm trying to come up with swear-word equivalents for the notafic (I technically have some) but my problem is they take a lot of elements from Shadow Tongue

also, another language I'm trying to come up with has a striking amount of similarities to Shadow Tongue. It's very frustrating.

Haha, reading through some of this, and I realize Cole yells. A LOT. And he lashes out, very quickly.
I think it's funny. You'd expect Colin, the darkness of their relationship, to lash out/yell more often, but I've written more scenes where Cole loses control of his anger than I have of Colin.
I mean, I guess it's understandable, since I've written the notafic crossover from entirely Cole's POV, and I haven't written a lot of scenes from the notafic itself, but... I still think it's funny that I currently have more scenes written of Cole losing control than I do of Colin. Because you'd expect me to have more of Colin. I'm rambling.


"I- I know. I just... you can't disbelieve him. He doesn't allow it. The way he has with words, the way he speaks--it's impossible not to believe the things he says. You try but you can't. He makes it so you have no choice but to believe him. I don't know how. But for the longest time I actually thought..."

gah! I hate when I type Cole instead of Colin and vice versa. It gets so annoying.

"Colin's very... 'act first, think later'"
which is funny, because so far, Cole acts that way more than Colin does :P

Oh hey! There's another scene where Cole nearly loses control of himself. I mean, he doesn't, but Colin's relatively calm about the situation their in, and Cole's just like "OMGWHUTNO!".
I'm not sure why I find this so amusing

"No, you must go. You must not let him catch you!"

Other quotes/things!

Here's some quotes from KH3D I copied down:

"That's the thing about programs. Mess with the code just a little, and their whole nature and memory can change"

"I had to repurpose his code"

"When the going gets tough, the tough call their friends!"

And here's a poem I wrote! It's been a while since I've written poetry... I'm not posting it... lo siento

Oh, lol, it's the list of interesting phobias I wrote down.

Did you know, that even though there's a phobia for nearly everything (including getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth), there is not a phobia for lightning? There's a phobia (three, actually) for the fear of thunder AND lightning, but not for lightning alone.
There IS a phobia for the fear of electricity, however

Anyway, I only wrote down a few phobias, and I won't list them (unless you're interested...?) but here's one that I found really interesting:

Asthenophobia - fear of fainting or weakness

And then, at the end of my journal, on the last page, a note that says:

"~magik was here!"


Anyway, I'm done now! That was fun!


Caitlin said...

How long did it take you to find that? :P

rar said...

find what? the "magik is here" thing? Not long. I also found your "hi" with a heart next to it that was in the middle of the journal, too. I just didn't mention it

rar said...

*"magik WAS here"
haha, typing fail. Or... whatever

KKBeckett said...

I just want to read ALL THE SCENES! Even the AU ones...
How the heck did teeth become death?
*snort* No, Riku doesn't use the door...
the ??: person saying "I do (know the answer" reminds me of Captain America from the Avengers: I get that reference!
Ugh... you're making me want to play 3D...
Huh... how is there NOT a phobia for lightning... there needs to be... because Riku has that specific phobia.

Caitlin said...

Ugh... shows how much I actually check this... /shifty glance/ but... I was busy!!! Anyway... CURSES! You found me out!
That is all.

rar said...

I'll be posting the AU ones, don't worry. Do you want to read the notafic crossover ones, too?
I have no clue...
No, Riku doesn't use the door. That's the point, lol
It wasn't supposed to be a reference, but... okay!
Sorry. If I lived anywhere near you, I'd offer you my 3DS and KH3D. Though... magik has that right now...
I don't KNOW. There needs to be a phobia for it!

KKBeckett said...

Yay AU ones! And sure I'll read the notafic crossovers too, if you don't mind.
I gather it probably wasn't supposed to be a reference, it just reminded me of that, that's all.
It's no big deal... I don't really have time to play anyway.
Make up a phobia?

rar said...

Lol, yay AU! Haha, yeah. I won't be posting the notafic crossover to fanfic any time soon (partially because its not finished) but I suppose I could always send it to you through email...? Idk, I suppose I'll finish it first.
Haha, lightning-a-phobia? :P Idk, I'd have to find a fancier name for lightning, lol

KKBeckett said...

Finish things first. Honestly, I can wait until things are posted.
Yes, probably lol

rar said...

I'll finish them. I just... have to sit down and turn all the brain storming/snippets I have into a coherent story. YAY! I'll do that some other time. I have more important things to be writing at the moment, lol

KKBeckett said...

*hands you second potion of focus*

rar said...

thank you! *pockets it*