Thursday, January 3, 2013

I can't believe I forgot!

I was going to reply to reviews once I was done with the Ven feels!


There are a lot of reviews, so let's get starteeddd~~~!!! *dances*

btdubs, this is answered in backwards order. Roughly.

DIch139 from Flightfoot
Erm, why doesn't he have a world card that captures the moment of a meteor shower that can be perfectly viewed from a convenient hill? I mean, yeah, the data got messed up, but that's what the card was originally, and... Idk. It's a special Christmas chapter, don't gripe too much about it! Lol, jk

I doubt Joseph's impervious to the cold. But, he might just be so energetic that it doesn't bother him as much. Or he's just really good at hiding it. I'm not sure.

DIch139 from KKBeckett
Joseph: shweet! Toby, where did you suggest we put this thing?

ASASch34 from Flightfoot
Yes, but... provided Riku doesn't find out...
I mean, Amaryllis just needs to not mention it to ANYONE and not make it completely obvious he's in on it, and Q... just has to avoid Riku.

ASASch35 from Flightfoot
Yeah, that's the reason.

ASASCh36 from Flightfoot
The irony wasn't intended. It just happened.

ASASch36 from KKBeckett
Of course it's voted most likely to stop working any minute. xD

Do you need help being put back together anything? lol. It's never a good sign when someone dies due to feels. Sorry about that.

I think Q's hiding.

DIch138 from KKBeckett
I'll miss R, too, even though she had all of three chapters. Wait. Four. I think. I'll still miss her, regardless.

I've replied to Cookie's reviews through PM, I believe

DIch139 from Peach
It is, isn't it? xD

I'm certainly with you on the not wishing R to die. I hate how the characters I don't want to get rid of have plot important deaths, but the characters I want to get rid of I can't find a logical place to get rid of them. :(

DIch137 from KKBeckett
Namine appreciates the hugs.
Riku's staring at the chill pill you gave him like you're insane (I don't believe that made sense)
7 appreciates your concern
*blows nose*

Xero doesn't check the blog, so I won't bother... (though I should PM them, I suppose)

DIch136 from KKBeckett
That's okay, I think 7 might've flipped if you tried xD

DIch135 from KKBeckett
Ah yes, the R love!
R and Chrys might've been a thing ;D
BTW! I laughed really hard at the fact you dragged Axel off to interrogate him!!


that's it!

(That was fun)

I should... go write now. I'd go vent the Ven feels I'm having, but I really shouldn't stop in the middle of this scene with Vexen. Or, not stop and write a completely different Aqua and Ven focused scene that I don't completely have plot for but still intend to post to ASAS. Because I totally vented some of the Ven feels earlier by writing a snippet that'll end up in book 5, provided I don't have any serious changes that need to be made before then.


*skips off*


KKBeckett said...

Nah, I think I'm good and put back together. It's cool.

Riku, just take the pill and chill. You'll be fine.

Toby, you need to put it somewhere where Riku and Namine are going to kiss!

rar said...

Well that's good!

Lol. I think he threw it away... *shifty glance*

Toby: I suggested putting it...
Joseph: over their couch, yeah?

rar said...

(I should've put this in the last comment, but didn't)
29: What are you two up to?
Joseph: *quickly hides mistletoe behind his back* nothing...

Flightfoot said...

Hmm... what if Riku and Namine weren't the first ones to walk underneath the mistletoe?

Flightfoot said...

Something weird's going on. Yesterday I went through your blog and commented on a lot of different articles, but they're not showing up now.

rar said...

that'd be interesting...

rar said...

That is weird! I checked to see if they ended up as spam, and they didn't :/
I don't know what's going on... sorry about that. I'll look around some more and see if they ended up elsewhere.

rar said...

I'm sorry! I don't know where they went! This is really weird!
When did you post them? I think it'd be weird of Google's just being slow at posting them... but... idk
this sucks
I don't know what to tell you

Flightfoot said...

I posted them on January 4.