For starters
I'm listening to that right now. It is awesome. Kyle Landry is awesome. Why didn't I hear this song before I bought his third album, huh?
Now, I could post a Merlin AMV and flaunt my still-not-over-the-series Merlin feels
But I'll be nice just watch these bloopers instead because bloopers are hilarious
Have some KH3D Riku feels instead!!
So I was playing the game, and Riku said this quote, and I was like OMG I NEED TO FIND THAT AMV! but I hadn't saved it anywhere so.... yeah, it took ages. BUT I DID FINALLY FIND IT!
And this conversation between Riku and Terra has so much more meaning in my head know that I've played KH3D for some reason
Not positive why...
There was this thought that came to me as I was folding laundry
Though it's actually been in my head for a while
And I thought I'd blog about it because you'd find it cool
See, my theory for parallel universes is one I stole from Doctor Who (episode "Doomsday" or "Army of Ghosts" not sure which one, but it's in that season finale). It's that with every decision you make, there spawns a parallel universe (or fifty) in which that situation could've gone differently.
So, based on my universe alone:
There is a parallel universe in which Zack isn't dead (idkwhy I thought of this first)
There is a parallel universe in which Cloud died in that battle
There is a parallel universe in which Cloud died instead of Zack
There is a parallel universe in which Sora didn't fall into darkness
There is a parallel universe where Kairi lost her heart and another Namine was created... yikes...
There is a parallel universe where my Vexen just plain didn't die
There is a parallel universe where, instead of my Vexen dying, a Replica died in his stead
And you can go for ages based on that alone, cycling through which Replica died
There is a parallel universe where one of the Replicas was handed the Replica Program
There is a parallel universe where Demyx was handed the Replica Program
There is a parallel universe where Luxord was handed the Replica Program
There is a parallel universe where Xigbar was handed the Replica Progam
and I bet you there is a variation on this in which he hands the Program to someone else
There is a parallel universe where Roxas didn't die
There is a parallel universe where Roxas was a Nobody. Possibly.
I mean, I'm sure it's possible, but I can't currently think of a place in this story in which that could've occurred. Well, besides Kairi lost her heart and then repeating KH1 and then we have Roxas and an extra Namine. Yikes.
There is a parallel universe where Namine was not created
There is a parallel universe where a completely different set of people was in CO
and variations thereupon
There is a parallel universe in which the Doctor shows up and solves all the problems! Lol, jk.
Though it COULD happen...
There is a parallel universe where... R didn't die
I probably shouldn't mention that, though?
There is a parallel universe where Riku and Namine have kissed already
There is a parallel universe where-- Actually, no, I"m not going there.
There is a parallel universe where *sniffle* Joseph died
There is a parallel universe where the Experiments weren't all killed
And variations in which only certain ones were killed, and others survived
There is a parallel universe where the Replica Program wasn't successful
There is a parallel universe that looks exactly like the normal KHverse
that'd be magik's, lol :P
There is a parallel universe where... I'm out of ideas
I'll stop now
I've run dry
Anyway, I'm only posting this for funsies. Could I use this parallel universe thing as a plot...important...device thingy in the story? Yes. Will I? Heck no.
I'm sorry. We aren't going to make this like KH3D and the time travel. Yeah, they pulled it off better than I thought they would, but...
It's just a bit ridiculous of them. They could've just brought Master (old man) Xehanort back to begin with and had him be the main villain, and not drag the time travel and Young Xehanort into this.
Or they could've had you fight Braig as the final boss, because he's trying to protect the still reforming Master Xehanort or something. I would've loved that!
Speaking of, WHERE exactly is Terra, if old-man Xehanort's gonna be the big bad again?
Where'd Terra go?
The poor guy
He trapped in old-man Xehanort's heart? That'd suck. Yeesh.
I'm now very curious about this. Darn KH3 better answer everything properly (unlike Synchronicity 3, which though is a wonderful song and I love it, wasn't entirely clear about what happened to Rin and Len in the end. I still think they got eaten by the Dragon, but... *has no clue*)

enjoy this wonderful picture by semokan who is an absolutely wonderful artist and you really should get a dA account just to follow them
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