Friday, November 25, 2016

One Currently Updated Dead Inside Edits Post For Your Viewing Pleasure

The old post about Dead Inside edits is very old and now that I've got all of the Kairi edits done and have a better idea of what I'm doing, I'm here with!! A new post. With some clarifications about where we currently are as well as, better description of what's going on.

Why are you editing Dead Inside?

There's a lot of continuity errors, mainly, but there's also some other things that just really pissed me off!!! Kairi's lack of a really active role in part 1 (and also for some reason being ok with the fact all her friends abandoned her) was the major one, but at least that's all fixed now!

But I mean, the why is just. I've been going through it and finding things that bug me about it ((either for being just really bad or because it's a really embarrassing continuity error)) and I decided I wanted to clean it up a little! Also there are some things I want to add / clarify, like HB gang dynamics, and some Riku things re: Larxene. Nothing that HAS to get done, but stuff I really would like to do, and, technically it helps out my continuity.

Also uh, I'm gonna delete old author's notes and make scene breaks uniform / easier-to-read.

What's on the plate?

- Kairi edits....? I GOT THE BIGGEST OF THESE OUTTA THE WAY, but I'm not sure if there's some smaller stuff I missed anywhere. We'll see. There might be some continuity discrepancies between the Kairi edits and the original Dead Inside??? Like, some later part 2 scenes come to mind as being potential problems.

- HB gang dynamics, specifically to make Aerith/Leon sibling dynamics clearer, but there's other stuff I've stumbled on that I wanna clean up as well.

- ShadKai clean up---mainly I'm moving it away from "Shad has a disgusting crush" and towards "they end up being good friends and maybe he's crushing on her a little" because some of the early ShadKai was, yuck.... Also I've already done this in the major scenes where they interact so I've gotta make it consistent everywhere else!!!

- deleting romantic SoKai hints. I don't intend to go anywhere with SoKai and don't want to lead readers on!!! ALSO THEY DON'T THINK OF EACH OTHER THIS WAY AND IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME THAT THEY'RE GOOD FRIENDS WITH NO ROMANTIC INTEREST IN EACH OTHER!!!! PUNCHES A WALL!!!!!!

- continuity errors in general???????? there's some Rebellion / Replica canon I changed, sometimes I'll come across a line and go "wait what the frik" though, maybe that's in the "it bugs me" category and not the continuity category. still. little things that I find as I reread.

What's the schedule?

I intend to do "one edit at a time, whenever I feel like it," but currently I'm rereading Dead Inside to hunt down all the edits I need to do! It's going pretty great, though I'm finding......... a lot lmao. Probably 1 outta every 3 chapters gets marked for edits. Oops. At least most of 'em are minor.

So I have to finish rereading Dead Inside first (or, I want to, anyway), and then I'll make a move on all the chapters I've marked down for editing! It could be a while before any edits get made again (as of currently posting this, I'm about a third of the way through my rereading, and it's taken me a couple months to get this far) but, I mean. eventually. It'll get done eventually.

More deets here!

Also keep an eye on the "di edits" tag on the ftpverse tumblr -- this is for Extremely Current updates

and I guess here's a convenient link to the label Dead Inside edits have on this blog?? so you can find previous things I edited and my notes about 'em / what's changed

Also I guess if you're interested in me yelling about Dead Inside for various reasons as I reread it (I love it / I hate it / oh dear god why did I do that thing / wait I forgot this ruled) then check out this tag here!!

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