It's going pretty good!! Writing's not as fast as it used to be, but like, school? Also magik was still staying with us and I was trying to beat Dragon Age Origins before she left! I managed in the end, but I completely tossed writing in favor of playing Dragon Age lol.
So that's a thing I was up to.
I also went to an anime con!! It was Saboten (a local con in Phoenix) and it was fun!! On Sunday me and magik and a friend of ours went as Rin and Len and Miku from Synchronicity!!! I've posted Synchronicity at least once in my blogging and FtPverse career because I love it dearly and it's probably my favorite Vocaloid PV ever, but, hey if you haven't seen it yet
This is part 2 but part 1 is boring. Also you can't find part 3 on youtube anymore but, whatever, it's fine.
ANYWAY THE COSPLAYS WERE SOOOO ELABORATE AND LOOKED SO GOOD...... It was so much fun, if a little exhausting. We entered in the masquerade (costume contest) and our skit was soooo good and even though we didn't win the crowd absolutely loved us and at least five people afterwards were like "WOW YOUR SKIT WAS SO GOOD".
It was.... it was so fun. Though it was kind of exhausting haha. I definitely did not get any writing done during those three days of con.
I've only got a fullbody pic of me but here's.....!!!!

Otherwise if you wanna see more pics / read about some of my impressions then check out!!! over here!!!
When it comes to Dragon Age!!! Well the short of it is I had a lot of fun. If you want more in depth impressions then you can check out here!
I read a really amazing fic recently called Why The Sun Sets Red --- it's an AU of Days where Axel isn't the one who survives Castle Oblivion; Vexen is.
It's so good??? The characterization is on point and listen if you love shitty dad Vexen in FtPverse you'll love this fic just, like, hands down. It's all about Vexen awkwardly taking on the role of father figure to Xion and to Roxas and it's. aaaaaaa. there are so many good things to say about it but I don't want to spoil it just. listen.
It was so good. Everything about it was so good and if you enjoy FtPverse (and are bored waiting for me to update haha!) then you should really check this out!!! It was extremely up my alley so it's probably up yours, too.
((Also Repliku only was mentioned in passing like five times but I had a fit each time and idk if that's something to be said about the writing or about me because I'm embarrassing about him but Whatever))
If you missed the previous link, you can read it here!
You already know I did new character profiles for everyone, and now I have intro posts on the ftpverse tumblr for every character too!!
You can check 'em all out here!
Anyway that's everything! I should be done with this second and final batch of Kairi edits soon! LOOK FORWARD TO IT, I'VE PUT A LOT INTO THESE......!!
Oh yeah and check out the di bloggin tag for updates / fun thoughts etc, per usual
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