anyway so here's things I've done in the past 3 weeks!!!
- It was SGDQ week!!!
- I WROTE AN AQUA AND RINOA FIC FOR MY FRIEND!!! this was an itch I've wanted to scratch for a while
- other misc kingdom hearts fic of varying sorts!!!!! neato
Let's go into some deets
...........but first a playlist!?
I made a fanmix for the KH(u)X kids, collectively!! Baby keybearers fighting in a war they did not sign up for....... I'm super proud of the mix and also it's getting a lot of traffic? Surprising, but cool.
Anyway while all of the songs in here are really good for KHUX as a whole, especially since we know where it's going (cough keyblade war cough cough) MY ABSOLUTE FAVE SONG IN HERE IS DEFINITELY LIVING LOUDER!!!! We're all just kids who grew up way too fast / the good die young but the great will always last? More like I cry every time.
I wrote an Aerith/Leon siblings fic!!
I've been wanting to write fic about them being siblings for a long while now, but wasn't sure where to start in my hypothetical oneshot series about this. I finally settled on a starting point!
Baby 8 y/o Squall gets his hands on a letter to Laguna, and has some Questions For His Mother. Also features some good old family feels and things that make me cry.
- - > Read it HERE! < - -
These fics as a whole will be written with the KH canonverse in mind, but everything up until Radiant Garden's fall should be considered FtPverse canon! So, these scene.
I'm really fond of it, and you should definitely give it a read. Even if you don't love Aerith / Leon sibling dynamic as much as I do (which is, fair, seeing as very few things in FtPverse currently read as if they were siblings) well!!! read it anyway!!! it's not a long fic, at all.
It also, um, brings a lot to light concerning Aerith's mindset re: adopting Riku! So, perhaps it's worth a read just for that?
NEW FtPcast profiles!
Around every year I look at the character profiles and I go "UGH THESE SUCK I WANNA REDO THEM!!!" and, well, the previous ones lasted two years, but now I'm redoing them! Have redone them!!!
All the profiles are done, actually, I'm just working on getting them all uploaded, so that rules! I already have the main cast + Roxas up. ((Psst scroll down to the end of the page for the spoiler section too, if you're up to date, because there are characters you care about there))
I think these profiles are much better than the previous ones, and, might finally be my winners. The previous ones focused heavily on character relationships and had very little about the characters themselves! I've fixed that up.
There's more detailed personality sections, a like/dislike section, and more!
You may have noticed I've deleted the character relationships section, but those were about 10 times more work to manage, so for my mental sanity I cut them. Perhaps I'll return them in the future, but, we'll see.
New character sheets with more details and updated details! ATR-minded descriptions for personality stuff, but toes carefully around anything after Part 1 of Dead Inside so that there aren't errant spoilers.
I'm real proud!
- - > Check out them (and the shiny new homepage) here! < - -
ATR / Dead Inside updates!
WELL!!!! between SGDQ and being inspired for other fic + being on a deadline for the Aqua/Rinoa fic, I, uh, haven't touched ftpverse since the last update, and I cry. I really really miss it.
BUT!!! I've started writing ATR65 now, and have the entirety of it brainstormed. Look forward to a really nice scene between Riku and Yuffie, who don't interact nearly enough.
Dead Inside updates?? I started ch109 but got kind of Mad about it (I can only edit so much of Dead Inside at once before I want to die, so, fair,) so I dropped it. I've got some neat Ideas planned for it and subsequent chapters though! the Yelling sequence is gonna look a lot better in the future, imo.
Drawing is addicting, I've found out, becuase, I can draw fanart of literally whatever I want now!!!! WOW!!!!!!!
Anyway I had to draw a Shad and a Roxas for the character pages so here they are, I guess

Shad!!! KHUX style because it's easy. Needed a new fullbody pic of him since the only other one I had was 5 years old and badly traced (and badly scanned and badly colored) so!!!! NICE!!!!! here he is my asshole son in all of his glory

A Roxas!!!!! my other??? asshole son????? there are zero (I've counted) official anything of him where he's smirking meanly and a total of one fanart which I wasn't comfortable using, so, I drew my own! NICE. It came out pretty good, actually. ((I'm laughing because Roxas hair was like stupidly easy to draw, somehow.))
Outside of the Aerith and Leon fic, I've only written two other things recently, but hey!! check 'em out
> old enough to sign, not old enough to die --- a KHX fic ft the foretellers yelling about why they shouldn't have kids fighting a war for them. Or, in which Ava yells at her fellow foretellers for thinking that it's ok???? it's not ok these are kids they can't fight a war for us.
> a sparkling, clear blue --- a stranger arrives at mysterious tower, and Aqua makes a new friend. This is the Aqua/Rinoa fic!!! It's very good I cried while writing it if Aqua and Rinoa being friends / geeking out about magic / reading about Aqua recovering after spending ten years in the hell realm is your jam, then, this is the fic for you!!!
While KHUX is exciting because the boy has finally arrived, I'm mainly here to talk about Kirby!
I've been watching the Kirby anime (subbed, because the dub is horrendous, actually) and been like!!! wow!!!! I wanna play a heckin Kirby game!!!
So I got Kirby's Dream Land 3 and it's been pretty fun?? I've been enjoying myself, that's for sure. If you missed it, here's a post I made about Riku enjoying Kirby because, Listen,
Also hey!!! if you aren't against watching japanese anime subbed, you should check out the Kirby anime! It's been pretty good and even though I know DeDeDe isn't like this in the games I'm still laughing about the fact everyone in town knows he's evil but aren't doing a thing about it, they just kind a live with it like "oh DeDeDe's up to no good again, oh well"
((Metaknight is also my favorite thing))
You may have noticed.... the "Please read ___" section has returned....
I've added Worry For Me to the list, and, listen. Worry For Me is probably the best KH fic I have ever read.
It's a pre-BBS fic where Vanitas decides he's not going to listen to Xehanort and he's going to go find Ven on his own!! WHO NEEDS RULES!!!! It ends up turning into Vanitas getting adopted by the Wayfinder fam? And, it rules. It ruuuuuuules.
If you enjoy FtPverse, especially the parts concerning Riku getting adopted by the HB fam, then you should definitely read this!!!! It's extremely my jam, and, maybe it's your jam too.
Please try it out. It's so good.
((Also if you're looking for Wayfinder Trio Being Happy then, also hit this up? Because, helloooooooo))
SGDQ was a thing and I definitely did not write a week because of it. THOUGH, I DID,,, IT DID LET ME DO THE CHARACTER PROFILES SO I GUESS IT'S FINE
Anyway, the lineup this year was significantly,,,,, less cool than previous years, but here's some runs I really enjoyed!
- Super Mario Sunshine!! There was nothing super special compared to previous years, but, hey. It's Mario Sunshine.
- Zelda A Link Between Worlds!!! This game is more broken than you think.
- This blindfolded Castlevania Symphony of the Night speedrun??? BLINDFOLDED??
- Sonic Adventure 2!!!! It's just as broken as it's always been.
- SONIC 06!!! hands down my fave sonic game. horrendously broken, but so so so good
- this skyrim speedrun was pretty cool. gotta love those bucket strats.
- this game that's just pepsi product placement. was surprisingly fun, despite me having never seen the game before?
- Ocarina of Time! It was glitchless, so not as fun as it could be, but there was a glitch exhibition afterwards so I guess it's fine
THAT'S!!! mainly it. but it was cool. I love SGDQ so much.
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