Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Another week, another update (hiatus update 5) (ok it's been two weeks)

HEYA EVERYBODY!!!!! These blog posts are definitely not a priority for me, so that's why it's been two weeks! Also last week was E3 week so. lol.


Because it's only fair if I start with these first.

- I've written ATR ch63, and half of ch64! Again, these won't get uploaded until probably I'm done with Part 3 (probably ten chapters from now) because I have to keep track of pacing things and make sure they work out ok! I ended up moving this plotline to sooner than I'd originally planned at last second and would rather not drag the entire story out, so I have to make sure it's pacing here feels alright despite things being a little bit crammed! It's coming ok so far, but, gotta make sure!

- Dead Inside updates....!!!!!! haven't been written since ch104/107. I ended up writing two ATR chapters in a row because I was on a role vs the one I'd planned to, so. If you missed the 15 chapters thruout Part 1 that edited Kairi related things, check it out here!

- I finally queued things over to the ftpverse tumblr for the first time in months ((per the usual)) so check it out maybe for facts you've missed / cool art that reminds me of ftpverse
- I've been rereading old FtPverse stuff! I finished rereading the Truth Hurts a while ago, and am now halfway through Falling to Pieces. This is partially so I remember my roots, but largely became me deciding what things I'll want to edit, at some point ((some of them are things that piss me off, some of them are continuity errors)). Don't worry: unlike the Kairi edits, these can be tackled one chapter at a time, so once I'm done with Kairi edits the edits will come at much more steady pace.

- I'm working on new character sheets for the ftpverse cast! These old sheets have lasted three years, but I realized recently that outside of "vague notes about them" there isn't much at all about their personalities and who they are? So, I'd like to tackle that! I'm fond of the new character sheet, but of course, I've gotta wait until I've done the sheet for everyone to change over completely to the new sheet though, so it might be a while before you see them.


- Did you know that Leon is very insistent about asking Sora to find the 99 puppies in KH1?? Did you know Aerith and Yuffie make fun of him for it??? Well, it's a thing, and I decided to write a fic about it. Enjoy 400 words of fluff.

- Replaying KH2 ended up giving me a lot of fic ideas and now they're all bumping around in my head!!! You can check out the basics for them all out here. New footage for KHX Back Cover also contributed lol.


This is a short thing just to say I drew my Keykid Eri again in her current outfit and she's super cute!!!!

SHE ALSO GOT FANART????? SOMEONE DREW ME FANART OF MY KEYKID OC?????????? I'M YELLING??????? scarlet-sora is a gift

I'M EXTREMELY STILL NOT OVER THIS...... look at her......... she's so good.......

anyway if you'd like to care as much as I do about my keykid OC Eri, then check out her tag on my tumblr, and my keykids bloggin tag, which is where I post thoughts about keykids in general, not just stuff for Eri!!! ((a lot of it does have to do w/ Eri tho lol))



There were only two things I cared about this year (that's ok I care so much about both it doesn't matter) and those are.....!

1) THEY TALKED ABOUT ZELDA U FINALLY AND LITERALLY PLAYED IT ON STREAM NON STOP FOR AN ENTIRE DAY!!!!!! It looks super amazing and I can't wait to play it myself, eventually, whenever it's released. You can watch every video they ever posted for it here!

2) KH2.8 GOT A TRAILER like an entire week before e3. whoa.


if you havent' watched it here it is and if you have watched it then WATCH IT AGAIN


Like, who cares about KH3D (I sure don't) BUT I CARE ABOUT AQUA!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to see this trailer focus on her. I'm so excited to see her in these beautiful graphics and excited to play as her??? PLUS HER MAGIC LOOKS AMAZING????? Also all the things you can theorize from this trailer Kills Me. The line "I'm doing it again" kills me.

She's hallucinating her friends?? It doesn't come off as malicious as it could be in the trailer / demo but I'm dying about her hallucinating her friends, doing it often enough that she recognizes it. And. There's so much potential here and I Scream.

ALSO KHX BACK COVER LOOKS SO GOOD???? I'm so excited because I love KHX's story and concept so much and I'm soooooooooo ready to see the foretellers and get to know them better!!!! KHX/UX doesn't give you nearly enough on them lol.

Oh yeah!! I also drew fanart for it because I was hype!!!!

Everyone on twitter was drawing Aquas so I drew an Aqua!!! And then it got out of hand. (Epherema is cute as Heck, Ava's cool, Gula's my fave.....)

I have Very Specific headcanons for Gula actually that are probably wrong but I STILL LOVE IT!!! FIGHT ME!!!!!! I think that Gula's actually a Real Jerk ((his "you can barely stand on your feet---just give up already!!" sounds cocky as hell)) and is the one who was tempted by the darkness / the ultimate power promised by Kingdom Hearts and was the one who started the war. IT'S PROBABLY WRONG but, I loooooooooove it.


I have an E3 2016 tag but the first half is 2.8 and the second half is Zelda and that's literally all that's in there.

You can browse my kh bloggin tag for thoughts I've spewed about Aqua / 2.8 / the foretellers, if you'd like??

I have a 2.8 tag, as well, but it's dedicated specifically to BBS0.2, A Fragmentary Passage (aka the portion with Aqua) which I did not know was called 0.2 when I made the tag and haven't gotten around to retagging / may never retag

I have a KHX tag, too!! 


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