Saturday, October 24, 2015

ATR chapter 48!!

Okay!! there's!!! a lot to cover??

I don't need to go over this again, probably, but since it's been Officially brought up, I guess one more time can't hurt:

Aerith and Leon have secretly been siblings this whole time!! whooooaaaa

I've talked about this a million places, already. A short list ft links to where you can find Absolutely All Of the details is here!

The short explanation, again, which didn't make it into ATR ch48 itself (though my thoughts for it were put in ASASch92) is: Raine, Leon's biological mom, lived in Radiant Garden instead of Winhill as she did in FF8, she and Aerith's adopted mom, Elmyra, were good friends. Raine dies in childbirth, and rather than let Leon go to an orphanage, Elmyra just takes him in herself. Since I didn't determine they were friends until playing FF8, I was running under the canon that Leon went to an orphanage. That's changed. He and Aerith are siblings now. It's super great.

Aerith, much similar to FF7 canon, was dropped at Elmyra's doorstep by a dying woman. Elmyra couldn't save the woman, took Aerith in to raise as her own.

(The age gap between them is ten months, though Aerith celebrates a birthday 7 months before Squall's -- she celebrates the day she was adopted by Elmyra.)

Not FtPverse related: Check out my AO3??

I'm rarmaster on AO3, just as I am, well, everywhere else (except twitter, somehow rarmaster was taken before I got to it??).

Anything that isn't FtPverse generally gets posted there instead of to FFN! Also, if you like UNDERTALE, I've written five fics for it in the past month and I'm super duper proud of all of them!! (Though, they're spoiler heavy if you haven't beaten the game / don't know what happens.)

I was gonna link to a Sans (from UNDERTALE) fanmix because he's my Absolute Favorite but lmao lmao lmao I've been working on this for like two hours now and just, need to move on, so,


read it here!

tumblr tag here!

Star-sharding is a verb now I don’t give a frik

Also fun fact: somehow in the like 250+ pages of ATR I haven't used dark corridor as a verb once?? FUNNY.

The most painful thing is writing this and thinking about Sora’s parents / HB gang convo…. or Riku taking Sora/Kairi+parents on a tour of HB…… when it’s not…. going to happen….

I love,,, to cuase,,, pain :))

Oh I was going to have Aerith send a look at Leon like “why the frik are we introducing ourselves w/ last names” buuuuut I didn’t want it to read as her going “Leon why the frik are you using MY last name”, because, that would suck

The key difference between SoKai and Aerith/Leon is that Aerith and Leon grew up in the same house while SoKai grew up with frequent playdates between the two of them and being good friends in school but not seeing each other literally all day every day and sleeping in the same house literally every night (they had frequent sleepovers for sure but it’s still not quuuuuite the same)


IT'S BEEN OVER A MONTH SINCE I FIRST CAME UP WITH THE IDEA (IT'S BEEN ABOUT TWO NOW? NEARLY)  But man I'm still, really into it, I love sibling dynamics and Aerith/Leon siblings seems to just... fit.

It's probably among the best FtPverse things I've come up with, ever.

Right now the only thing I've written with Super Explicit Aerith/Leon sibling feels is ASASch91, ft Leon after Zack's death, but I've drafted something else that will either go in ATR (probably not) or Definitely somewhere in ASAS.... EVENTUALLY.

Also when I do write FtP's take of FF8 (who knows when) I'll get to expand more on Aerith/Leon sibling dynamics and I'm soooo excited for that. FtP's FF8 will be real good in general, honestly. Aerith and Zack in FF8's plot. Getting to write for Rinoa. Aerith/Leon siblings. Whooo I'm looking forward to it.

I know Yuffie officially has a last name but seeing as she was an orphan and lived on the streets I highly doubt she knows it, which is why it’s “just Yuffie”
((I’ve considered her introducing herself as Yuffie Gainsborough and then Riku introducing himself as Riku Gainsborough and annnyyyyway goodbye this is too much for my heart to handle))

As a fair warning: I’ve bumped most everyone’s ages up and Yuffie’s 17 instead of 15 going on 16 like KH canon, because, who gives a fuck and I’m so tired of no one being roughly my age
((I did this with Ven too, lmao. Even though I'm already well past 18 it's still, nice, to have them both be a little older))

I DONT' HAVE SPECIFIC NOTES FOR SORA'S SECTION OF THIS CHAP, but, yanno, whatever. I'm feeling it. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

I love this brainstorm bit, too:

Oh yeah!! sora’s very grateful kano remembers when he does not, and a little surprised, but, whatever thanks, don’t know what I’d do without you ((he does not mean anything ~special~ by it but you bet your ass kano takes it that way))

(((This is 100% why "soshad update: getting gayer" is in the chapter tag on tumblr lmao)))

It was probably for the best I didn’t introduce deities into ftpverse but I’m still really into sora and kairi saying things like “HOLY THALASSA” and “KANO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THALASSA HERSELF DON’T CALL YOUR WOLF”

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