....speaking of UNDERTALE, you should play it, because it's "extremely good".
Also you can, balance 29 hotdogs on your head if you'd like.

((Also I have been pulled in by it's fandom and when you can scroll thru art for a game for two hours and never stop grinning you know it's Good. I also got interrupted in the process of making this post bc I saw Cool Art for this one character and mmHGHFHHF i love them. Please play undertale. it's characters and dynamics and storytelling is soooooo good))
((also you may want to consider playing it sooner than later before spoilers blow up any more online bc this game is really best played when you go in expecting Nothing imo))
I made!! another Namiku mix!! for ATR!!!
the art's by ramflega
and you can check out the liner notes / me screaming about ftpverse namiku here!!!
I'M!! SUPER PROUD OF THIS MIX AND REAAAAL PROUD OF WHERE, THEY'RE GOING, HONESTLY, I THINK,,,, I think I've got it in good hands..... I think I've got... I think it's gonna be good.
I think it's gonna be good.
read it here!!!
tumblr tag!!
My brainstorm for this chap was really good…. I did a good
job of channeling body language…..
[has good riku body language] [namine’s not looking] this is
Oh god, this feels, so good,,,, I love when I have writing
music that’s the right vibe for thing and I can just pour all of myself into
the writing with no distractions. Having my own room now helps.
And I knew when I brainstormed this that it’d be a one-hit
done thing….. I knew….
Good brainstorm bit (I mean, it was all good, but):
“and- and even if you didn’t want to fight, not nearly as much as I
wanted to kill you at the time, you—OH!! ohhh”
she makes the most horrible sound as she remembers “I made you promise to
kill me if they rewrote me!!!!!” and she’s whining she’s screeching it’s
horrible she feels horrible she feels like shit like a real shitty person
Initially I had GOD! Instead of the OHH!! but, there’s no!!
I’m not doing that!!!! no gods in ftpverse!!! None!!!
((you can, probably, blame ff8 for the sudden "GOD!" as a shout of realization honestly))
This resulted in a nice different take tho, it’s, nice,,,,,,
the way it goes from just SHOUTING to INCOHERENT WHINING AND SCREECHIGN with
just the necessary change of words……. mmmmmm
Okay chvrches was actually not the Perfect tone for writing
this but,,,, gun came on,,, also this is what I listened to a lot when dealing
with rewritten namine,,, lmao,,,, the poetry
(I hurt)
(it’s not just the music’s fault)
that's all I had for this chapter
I know it's short but pacing says it's better On It's Own as a chapter
and also I just, love this, and I've got, a good feeling about Namiku
and Namine's plotline and general
and kinda all of ATR even if I've been so distracted by Undertale lately and haven't been, doing much, thinking about ftpverse ((been thinking just about undertale tbh oops oops oops EXCEPT I'M NOT EVEN, MAD))
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