Friday, June 26, 2015

ATR ch 36 - I cried over this chap :'')



I DON'T THINK THERE'ES ANYTHING TO SAY UPDATE WISE so yeah that's good that's great that's fine

I mean if you haven't already considered participating in the #kairineedslove2k15 movement you should like, totally do that

make some posts on tumblr and tag it that OOOORRRR even better if you have a twitter, tweet kairi things with the hashtag #Kairi4KH3 it'd help a lot


Oh and there's also a Kairi Week coming up you should check that out too and participate if you can, that'd be really cool


I MADE ANOTHER SOSHAD MIX, LMAO this one is actually songs relevant to Shad's reveal + a couple after he returns, not just a Generic SoShad mix again

here's the tracklist ((i spent so long on the cover art......))

No Longer Dying, along with Hiding and Egomama are like the three best, btw, ggggggggg

chapter time

read here

tumblr tag

i don't have a lot of notes this time but let's get goin anyway

I mentioned in my last notes that I’m crying about this chapter, and, well, that’s because of Sora’s “I want to give him the chance to be someone not judged because he’s my shadow, and clearly I’m the only person who’s gonna do that” and I, I started crying

Balancing a supportive friendship Sokai dynamic while Kairi’s also bitter as hell about how Shad treated her is, well, not easy

Semi-relevant, though not to this chapter specifically: reading the Wheel of Time series has made me really happy because the Warder / Aes Sedai bond is literally exactly how I picture SoShad's link ((just, Warders and Aes Sedai can't speak to each other with words)) and it's really really REALLY great

They can feel each other's emotions and reading about Elayne and Brigitte feeding off each other's emotions is REALLY REALLY GREAT I mean I just said that but STILL it's really great

I wasn’t sure how to phrase “Vexen was getting better at knowing when she wanted privacy” and in my ideas for what to phrase it like I came up with “Vexen knew when he wasn’t wanted around” and I got kinda sad and didn’t put it in because I’m not going to be that mean to Vexen


I got really upset about it, honestly!!!! Namine child……

I’M REALLY SCREAMING ABOUT NAMINE/SHAD PARALELLS???? This was not intentional, but, on top of having to fight someone they love, they also have “said someone we love was scarred by our actions, literally, physically, scarred in a place where we hurt them” in common


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