Monday, June 22, 2015

ATR ch35!! - Oh, hi, we're /here/

I didn't have quite-as-in-depth E3 posts as I've had in previous years, but if you want to hear me talk about E3, the two posts before this one cover it ((they're filed under game news, too))

Or you can check out my E3 2015 tag on my tumblr

There was a new KH3 trailer which looked pretty cool though I personally don't like Sora's new outfit (there's like.... no colors anymore.... I mean I get he lost like five belts and there's now not a single X on his clothes but still. only red/black/white??? you gotta be kidding, where'd the blue and yellow go)

I yelled a lot about Kairi during E3, which, you can find here, or here, or on the twitter

Please support the Kairineedslove2k15 movement!! If you have a twitter, tweet with the #Kairi4KH3 hashtag, and if you have a tumblr, then check this page out!

And that's!!! Kinda all the news I have??

Oh, I mean, I made a post / wrote a short ficlet about Riku and the Mother 1 localization announcement

and, if you've seen Inside Out, I've given brief SoShad thoughts on that (ft ten emotions piloting one body), and I've had more thoughts about core memories and junk since then but haven't had the time to articulate them into words

there's been some nice stuff in the ftpverse bloggin tag recently too


My friend worked rly hard on this please consider giving it a listen it's good.

Chapter time

read it

tumblr tag

Settles self down to write this in Shad’s pov

Realizes I haven’t…. named him… yet…. Mmmmmmm

I mean it wasn't a Big Deal but, really, constantly saying "Sora's Shadow" does get very tiring... THOUGH FUNNILY ENOUGH I'm writing at a point past where I named him and I'm sitting her like "wtf this feels so unnatural" ((despite writing like 20 AU prompts using it)) so that's, that

I’d initially planned to write this from Sora’s POV (I wrote the brainstorm planning that and everything) but I decided otherwise because

Well, a) I thought writing something from Shad’s POV would be more fun

b) I wasn’t sure how well I’d be able to portray from the end from Sora’s POV? 

Obviously, I would have managed, but like I said, writing it from Shad’s POV sounded like a lot more fun, plus potentially would cover more and that’s Better

I couldn’t post it on tumblr in full, but Shad thought “Sora wouldn’t approve” and I got so mad at him I started screaming--you can see me screaming at him on tumblr you just don't get the context for it 

eh what the hey have a screenshot of the post

He’s…. a wreck, honestly

Sora feels it, actually. But the terror grips him as tightly as it does his Shadow, so by the time he’s realized it, it’s too late, because he’s too terrified to make things better, too busy trying not to drown in everything his Shadow is feeling, too busy trying to distance himself from his Shadow’s emotions to try and make things any better

By the time he realizes just how terrified Shad is, he can’t do anything, because at that point the terror has collapsed on top of him like rubble, and it isn’t long after that that the boiling selfhate comes

MMM I love my imagery after the I HATE YOU SORA I HATE YOU bits mmmmmmmm I’m rly proud of that

ALSO I THINK!! I think I did a good job translating what I’d initially felt when considering this idea into what I wrote.

I’d come up with Shad’s one-off “well I can’t do anything about it without a body” answer a while back, and then later I started further considering the idea of them pursuing it—or the idea of Sora going “wait whoa can I do that would that help”

Which lead to Shad screaming which lead to me crying and this bleeds right into chapter 36 and I cry even more in that chapter but I can’t tell you why yet

I’m sorry (not really) if you wanted to avoid SoShad there is no escaping it now. I’m dragging us all down. it’s too late. You can’t stop me.

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