Friday, August 1, 2014

Chapter 236 commentary

So I finally got into Blue October pretty recently.  How it took me this long is actually... kinda... a mystery... I own two of their albums haha.
But I guess I had to hear a song of theirs elsewhere (the song was Picking up the Pieces) for my brain to go "hey. hey this music is pretty nice" because the songs in my itunes library I'd already classified as music I "didn't like"
Anyway so I really like their Approaching Normal album and... really wish... I owned it *sad face*

If you're interested in more headcanons for the music tastes of the FtP cast, well, I did a post on that. I'd repost it here but it's kind of disjointed and would probably take me a full blog post

The most important thing is that Sora and Shad both like Blue October a lot but neither of them can listen to Hate Me. For like. Super obvious reasons. Sora can't get through it without crying, and while Shad's a masochist and will force himself to listen to it, it leaves him upset for the rest of the day. It eventually got deleted from their itunes library
(whether they deleted it out of mutual agreement, or Kairi stole Sora's computer and deleted it is a mystery. I wouldn't put it past Kairi though)

The soundtrack page has also been revamped, fixing the tracklist to better suit the series and stuff. I also included the 8tracks Soundtrack Mixes on the page. So that's pretty neat-o.
Have a (sad) Joseph 'n Toby mix. Tracklist here. Image source.

Chapter time!

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29 being upset pains me

He tries so hard to hide it but. It doesn’t always works and he gets so nervous and flustered and crying and. ugh. He’s so emotionally distraught because not only did he lose Toby and he’s upset about that, but he’s still gotta figure out how to break the news to Joseph
Again he has to find the words to most carefully break his little boy’s heart
He can’t be too harsh but he can’t sugar coat it either
And telling Joseph the first time was so painful he can hardly bear to do it again but he has to and he hates it but he has to

I love 29

Ohhh no oh no oh no It’s not gonna make it in but
29 yelling at 7
Because there HAS to be something they can do there has to be SOMETHING
He can’t just go tell Joseph AGAIN that all his friends are dead he can’t bear doing that a second time
He hardly made it through the first

It’s funny we wipe our eyes to hide the fact that we’re crying but yet if someone sees us wipe our eyes guess what. they know we were crying.

I feel weird trying to refer to Joseph and 29 as son and father but omg it’s also quite habitual and I do it in my head near automatically before going “wait no” even tho tbh at this point they might as well be

Also there was some AU thing which I may or may not have brought up where Joseph went to school and something happened and they had to call 29 and he started to be like “TWENTY NINE” but then he realized how strange that would sound to everyone else so he caught himself and said “DAD” instead
And then later 29 was like “y’know you could honestly call me dad. All the time. no big deal.”
But I think Joseph was like “yeah I could but it feels so weeeeeiiiirrrrrrrrrd”

It didn’t make it in because I couldn’t quite honestly actually see Joseph saying it + it wasn’t flowing but

And oh gosh what if Joseph
In attempts to reassure 29
“at least it wasn’t me”
But all 29 can reply is
“it shouldn’t have been any of you”

BACKING UP 7 says “all power can be deadly if there’s enough of it” and ff8?? Keeps coming??? To mind??? Either it had a plotline about that or magik’s fic did I just remember Rinoa and being a sorceress and it all coming back to the fact that raw power is incredibly deadly and can consume you if there is enough of it
So yeah I guess that would be magik’s fic?? I think?? now that I’m thinking about it more??
(I also haven’t played ff8 only watched bits of magik playing it and y’know I don’t think I’d remember it this well if it was in the game and not magik’s fic)

ALSO ALSO now is a good time to bring up like my favorite quote which is “those who do not know the danger of wielding power will, before long, be ruled by it”—said by Lanayru about the fused shadows in legend of Zelda twilight princess that is literally my favorite line ever

I mean there are a lot of funny/good lines in other games like Paper Mario (Super Paper Mario is a goldmine) but none have stuck with me like that one has—probably because it’s not funny or anything it’s just frighteningly true and applicable to everything especially the things I write about
(a lot of book 5 touches on this…. honestly……)

I’m laughing at Kairi being unimpressed by Alpha’s apparent age
(he can’t be any older than 22 though admit it—23 or 24 maybe. Maybe. I wouldn’t bet on it.)

I love Vexen

Sora and Kairi have only been actively properly interacting for two paragraphs and I’m in love

I left myself this note:

Idk what Vexen needs to say here but he needs to say something extremely embarrassing while Riku’s out because I need SoKai to pester Riku about Vexen with knowing looks when he wakes up

There’s this one too

            “also, I go by Vexen now”
            And Mickey looks at him dead on, gaping, concerned
Because why in your ever living mind would you want to go by a name that Xehanort gave you?

And then Mickey gives him a knowing/understanding look when he says “it’s what people call me despite protests otherwise” because. Mickey ends up telling like every person he meets you can just call me Mickey but no one listens AND MORE IMPORTANTLY the people around Disney Castle who have absolutely no reason whatsoever to call him your majesty still do and it drives him nuts. So nuts. If I ever do a character corner for him this would be listed under pet peeves.

Oh no Vexen didn’t even realize Namine’d been Rewritten right away he was too worried about Riku and then Mickey oh no
And the feeling of horror that just flooded him was so bad his heart literally broke in two awww

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