Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chapter 223 (not really)


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This kind of officially marks the point where I'm going to duck out and stop answering questions concerning Dead Inside until the end. I know. I know I know I know things only get more painful from here on out. I know.

I'll also be completely ignoring most angry demands about my choices on the ending. So don't even bother.

I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT E3 2014 STUFF but since E3's not technically over I guess that'll wait. No big deal. Expect something about E3 on Friday though

Lemme ramble 'bout Soul Eater for a bit

I'm really digging this set of ending credits for Soul Eater. You can listen to the full song here

I'm kinda upset I didn't get into Soul Eater sooner--but then again I understand why I didn't, and actually I'm not at all upset it took me this long. I'm not quite sure if I'd have appreciated it as much when I was younger + there's some stuff that's not exactly.... appropriate for a younger audience

I've been liking it a lot, though. I've been liking it so much. It deals with a very wide cast of characters and yet I'm invested in all of them. all of them.
I care about Soul and Maka
I care about Blackstar and Tsubaki
I care about Death the Kid and Liz and Patty
I care about Lord Death I care about Stein I even care about Medusa

Like I only really watched it because I saw some gifset on tumblr with Soul's quote "I'm your weapon, that means I protect you, Maka!" and I thought it was interesting but I didn't try getting into it right away......
Then I finished Fullmetal Alchemist and never worked up the nerve to start FMA Brotherhood.... but wanted something else to watch... and Soul Eater was on netflix....

And I'm really glad I got into it. I expected Soul and Maka to remind me of Namiku and they kinda do but??? Only a little bit and personality wise they're probably more closely related to Riku and Kairi and even then they are definitely not reduced to KH parallels that I see

Also. Chrona. Just Chrona. hhhhhh

Idk I could keep rambling but long story short it's a really good anime and if you haven't seen it yet you should consider watching it
(you should also consider watching FMA because brother feels)

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