Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chapter 222 commentary


Which I mentioned in my last post but all the important info is:

  • October release date in Japan
  • December release date for America and Europe
  • fully dubbed final mix cutscenes
  • Coded: The Movie looks actually really neat and kinda like it'll be better than Days

AND THEN IF YOU'RE CURIOUS I started up an AU for FtPverse--one that's not going to get much attention but it did get a full (at least 1500 words) scene

The idea is Sora, Kairi, Riku + Namine all got trapped in some sort of Castle and lost all of their memories, and as they figure out how to escape the Castle (no it's not Castle Oblivion) they're going to get their memories back

I may upload this to ASAS or even just as its own thing on FFnet at a later point, but that's only if I ever finish it. Or get real serious about finishing it. No telling if that's gonna happen.

have a really awesome Aang fanmix + awesome picture which is its cover art. (the picture is on tumblr here)

Chapter time

read link

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The Namine scene was an after thought and you can (indirectly) thank Peach for that because she was like “wow I’m excited to see namine deal with this!!” and then I remembered. Oh. I didn’t actually PLAN a scene with her. It’s not on the outline. Whoops
But it wasn’t hard to extrapolate things bc I’d already WRITTEN this scene—I just had to edit the ending a little because I Changed Things

I’d post the original scene like RIGHT NOW but the things I changed maybe are spoilers so it’s
It’ll have to wait

Oh okay the parallels aren’t exact—L didn't say “try not to struggle. It’ll only make things worse” which is something Larxene’s said to Riku
The words L uses instead—“it’ll only make things more difficult”—are still really close

HAHA. HAHA. HAHA this isn’t funny Namine just did something Riku did as in used pain to get her mind off something I hurt I hurt I hurt

I’m so upset at 37 he’s actually being really kind to Namine despite the fact that he’s going to rewrite her and it’s so upsetting

It didn’t make it in but 37 swore as soon as L turned the talkie on again because Namine is screaming very loudly and probably fairly close to the talkie and his volume on his headset is all the way up again his ear is probably ringing an he has to switch ears I’ll be honest

THE JOSEPH SCENE isn't actually that interesting but

I'd initially intended for Joseph to find Namine first through the cameras (on accident) and then be like “no it’s not important. we don't need to get to her RIGHT AWAY. lemme check and see where Vexen is first” 
but then I decided that uh. No that’s not working

Had Namine just been a cell, that would be another story, but no she's about to be Rewritten and that is Very Bad and Joseph should be Very Worried about it

Also it occurred to me that--well I mentioned in an earlier commentary that I didn't know who was going around corridor proofing every area for Riku but there is a chance that only that first room where they fought Roxas was corridor-proof
Because after that he's largely just like "WELP I'M GONNA GO SAVE NAMINE" and probably opened the corridor exactly to where Namine was. Except that's corridor proof. The cell Namine was in + the editing room were corridor proof and he didn't have a specific enough idea of where she is to go "oh well if I open a corridor to just down the hallway" like Joseph did

THERE WAS ALSO going to be a thing where Joseph was like "OH THAT'S NAMINE wait nevermind she's really heavily guarded Riku can get her but"
A) she's not actually heavy guarded (it really is only 37 and L there because like all of the other Replicas have fled at this point and actual Org 13 members are doing More Important things)
B) Joseph has Sora with him. Even if Joseph was worried about people guarding Namine I'm pretty sure Joseph could be like "well it doesn't matter because Sora can fight"

I actually have a more detailed reason as to why Namine's not heavily guarded but I'm not sure if it's spoilers or not so I'm not posting it

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