Thursday, July 25, 2013

random ranting time

(post originally on tumblr)


I was really honestly onto something when Sora nearly had a panic attack when he realized he’d lost his necklace.

Like, it doesn’t even matter that, according to my canon, Kairi gave it to him

when you wear any piece of jewelry like that, or just a watch or a rubberband around your wrist, if it goes missing, you just kind of go alskdfjslfjsfd because it feels wierd not to have it there

I fell out of the habit of wearing bracelets (they kept breaking probably from having to readajust them with my teeth on a semifrequent basis  but I do wear necklaces—well, I wear two. One is a dragon necklace that was a gift from my sister, and the other is a necklace that was a gift from my friend

the necklace from my friend started turning my skin funny colors, so I had to stop wearing it, which has honestly been a little hard because I like to mess with the necklaces while I’m thinking (the dragon necklace ends up in my mouth a lot heheh), so only wearing one makes me go alksjdfsf every five or ten minutes

What brought this rant on was that I’d forgotten to put my dragon necklace on this morning, and I went to mess with it like I do when I think, and when I realized it wasn’t there I literally sat there for about 5 seconds like “oh crap where’d it go" until I remembered that I’d forgotten to put it on



It made me think of Sora and then I feel bad because ugh he still doesn’t have his necklace and I bet he goes to mess with it sometimes and then he realizes it’s not there and it’s like a flood crashing over him that reminds him of every single stupid thing he’s done that’s gotten him to where he is right now

Okay maybe it’s not that bad

but I still bet he goes to mess with it sometimes and goes alskdjfsf when it’s not there

(And I get that his mini panic attack when he initially lost the necklace was a little bit overreacting, but he’d also just been seriously injured, lost a lot of blood, and his brain was kind of alsalskdf because of the darkness, so, yeah, I think it made sense)

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