Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ahhh.... (ch156)



not much to


on this chapter

(have your convenient link though)

All there really is is that, originally, I'd intended to actually write Terra's dialogue purely out of words he'd said during BBS. Mainly so I could splice together an audio file of what this chapter sounded like and all that other fun stuff

but then he didn't say any words that I needed him to say for a line I really liked to work, so, well, yeah. Yeah that got scrapped pretty quickly.

heheh my notes:

"Whoop look at the darkness talking. Look at it. yowzah"

and yeah

yeah that's REALLY it


check my ch156 tag on tumblr?


DIch152 from KkBeckett

Yes, Amaryllis could really use some more credit

DIch153 from KKBeckett

I actually went and replied to that on my fic's tumblr
(actually Riku and Namine answered it)

ASASch47/48 from KKBeckett
(this was DIch154 from 26's POV and then Roxas's POV)

There was a lot of new/important information in this chapter, I felt! I almost posted it and ch154 at the same time, but backed out of that at the last second.

And you should totally play Days again. xD
(I'm not sorry about giving you feels. I about drowned in them when Roxas first showed up, so....)

DIch122 from Ultimate-Sky

I doubt you'll see this, but I am really glad to know I got the shopkeeper accurate and stuff! It's really nice to know that happened, especially since I wasn't trying very hard to make it work. Heheh.

DIch155 from Peach

I got to this one on my fic's tumblr, too! (Well, Riku and Namine did again, idk why it's them today)

That's it!

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