Monday, April 1, 2013

Meltdown Theories

So... turning this (back) into a post to clear up the pages section at the top of the blog. Because it's getting clogged and I want to add a new page, and I will eventually need room for a new page concerning book 5. When I get that far (lol).


I'll probably won't edit as we go along and things change/more theories come up/theories become more complex. I know the original post/page said I would but you know me: I DON'T HAVE TIME. Or, I should spend my time doing more productive things (like writing)

Now. Major theories

19's theory
~Dormant emotion

There is a LOT of dormant emotion build up in Namine; held back, and needing to be released. That's why it comes out through the pictures. But, say, if it can't be released through the pictures or any other source, it has to come out somehow, so it comes out through Namine herself.
Why does it take the form of meltdowns?
Because the emotion itself cannot be released DIRECTLY. Whatever Master Edd did to her brain to contain the emotion is too strong for that. It isn't, apparently, strong to keep some of the emotion from seeping through, though.
Emotion that, I assume, triggers the meltdowns. It's like the dormant emotion finds some similar emotion within the memories and uses them to express itself.
Though... why it chooses such painful memories, I do not know...
Maybe it's just... Riku's memories are painful in general...
But, basically, a moment triggers the emotion, and the emotion triggers the memories, and the memories trigger a meltdown.

Alpha's theory
~Riku's suppressed emotion

There's a lot of built up emotion that Riku holds inside of him. he does not want anyone to see it, so he does not let it out. And, without a proper outlet, the emotion has to go SOMEWHERE.
And it goes to the closest compatible recipient:
Namine, whose data is similar enough to Riku's to take the emotion, can then properly display it for him. Because the emotion triggers memories that are related to said emotion -- emotion which is typically painful -- she has meltdowns.
And they are all painful because the all the emotion Riku refuses to show is based on pain.
Which is why she'll never have a "happy" meltdown; Riku will never have a problem with displaying happiness or anything of the sort, thus he will never bury it inside of himself, and thus it will never need to be released through Namine.

My Paradox Theory
Because Edd collected data from a time when she was already having meltdowns, it just became a part of her data to have them, and to have them so frequently.
The data of her having meltdowns is causing her to have meltdowns.
She's only having meltdowns because it's basically in her data to have them.
How is it in her data?
As I already said, it's because Edd collected data from a time when she was having meltdowns, and upon applying it to her in the past it caused her to have meltdowns.
Why do they stop during Falling to Pieces?
Well, they stop after Edd puts a lock on her, so I guess as a result of the lock weakening, the meltdowns start again.
Plus, paradox, Dead Inside is where Edd gathered the data, so she has to be having meltdowns so that he can collect data of her having meltdowns and apply it to her to cause the meltdowns.
Did that make sense?

Vexen's Paradox Theory
I suppose I could try and condense it from the like, two page long report magik gave me, but it's funny to read... so.... (holy moly it's long and the FORMATTINNGG)

I suppose to accurately conclude what is causing Namine’s meltdowns, one would need to understand everything that is going on with Namine’s data. Because, obviously, something not connected correctly in her data would be what is causing the inconsistency: the meltdowns.
No, Riku, if you are reading this, I am not calling her defective. So banish your sword.
I am merely saying the meltdowns are an inconsistency in her data. Obviously they’re not supposed to happen. No one in their right mind would create a Replica with an inconsistency. I am sure if she was put through the proper procedures and matrixes, she would have been rendered unable to act until the proper boundaries were put into place.
However, it is my understanding that she was rushed into completion, so therefore, such precautions to boundaries and matrixes never happened.
Now, Namine has meltdowns. And they give everyone headaches.
Especially her, I can only imagine.
So what, do I think is causing them?
Well, that’s a vague question, because I already answered that. Something in her data went wrong when she was being created.
Riku, banish that blade.
To be more specific: what is the inconsistency?
Namine was created from Riku’s memories, which, in and of themselves, are data. And, no offense to Riku or anything, his data and memories aren’t the most stable thing in the world. Which, is something that I do have to take responsibility for. I could have told Larxene no. Regardless, what is done is done and Riku’s data has been left unstable.
That, alone, would be enough to create enough inconsistencies to lead to the memory meltdowns. However, I’m not going to be like Alpha and assume that’s where the problem solely lies.
There have to be other factors. Because Namine has been around long enough to have built up her own barriers and switches to prevent further meltdowns. Replicas are super-computers to an extent, when there is something internally wrong, they will try and fix it themselves up until there is nothing they can do. It’s a subconscious thing, they don’t even know they’re doing it. Some facts about this:
This goes for internal and external problems.
Repair Programs can assist with the external problems.
Some Replicas are better than doing this than others.
Riku is one of the Replicas that is better at this than others.
Therefore, Namine should be better at this.
Which means, there are other things besides Riku’s unstable data causing her meltdowns.
In addition to Riku’s memories, Namine was given some of the Original Namine’s data to assist in making her, well, more like Namine and not just the small perception of Namine that Riku’s memories at the time had.
I speak from experience when I say that creating a Replica from a Nobody isn’t always the best thing to do. They tend to be unstable.
Riku, I’m not just talking about Namine here. I’m actually referring to Xion. So hush.
“But, Master Vexen, you say, you were a Nobody when you created all those Replicas of you!”
Yes, well, I had data and memories of my own from a time when I wasn’t a Nobody to counteract that. This is how I’m assuming Alpha turned out so stable.
As for the Larxene, Marluxia and Lexaeus Replicas walking around, (oh, and that one of Xigbar…) I assume it is for similar reasons as to why the Vexen ones turned out so well. Besides, this Program in this universe seems better equipped to deal with the sorts of irregularities and inconsistencies of such things than my Program was. To my own jealousy.
So, basically, that doesn’t answer why Namine is unstable at all.
Unless, I point out that unstable Replicas latch onto the closest memories they can find. If they aren’t provided with the proper amount, then they latch on to whatever they can find. Memories tend to float about in places that deal with Replicas. Or Memory Witches, which is how Xion began looking like Kairi. I wonder how far that process continued…
I digress.
Namine was given the appropriate amount of memories which she would have clung to whether or not she was unstable. However, any instabilities would have caused her to latch even further onto those memories. And, I’m sure I don’t need to explain the problems that may arise if something unstable latches onto something else unstable.
Okay, barring molecular reactions that actually cause two unstable things to become stable.
The unstable memories would have done nothing to stable her out.
In addition to this, based on the research that I’ve been able to pull up on Namine (before Alpha realizes I’ve touched his computer, kicks me off and changes the passwords) (he does this frequently, I’m surprised he hasn’t blocked my hacking program that I’ve used twelve times to get back in…)
Sorry, my parenthetical notes have gotten the better of me.
The search that I’ve been able to pull up on Namine indicates that there is a paradox in her memories.
Paradoxes are hard to cause in memories. Because if there is a paradox, both a human mind and a Replica change all the paradoxical memories to work together seamlessly so the paradox seemingly doesn’t exist. Worst case scenario, the mind just remembers one event two separate ways and it chooses to believe one over the other, or attributes one to be a dream that they had and glosses over it.
Namine’s mind is not doing that. It’s trying to process any and all paradoxes as if both sets of events happened.
Or, something like that.
It’s not as simple as that.
I can’t figure out why Namine has so many paradoxes in her memory.
But, if I can, I might be able to pinpoint what exactly is causing the meltdowns.
Because I truly believe that I am on the right track here.

Magik's Namine's theory which also involves a parodox and was partially influenced by my Cid
(there's a whole scene on this, found in ASAS here)
In a nutshell, because of the paradox in my Namine's head, and the fact she has memories that haven't happened yet, when on of the "memories" displays something that contradicts some fact she holds to be true, her brain can't process it and she has a meltdown.

those where the major theories. Don't assume that any or none of these are right.

Now the Minor Theories!

Namine - She knows that they're typically triggered by a mention of one of Riku's darker memories. Typically. Not always.

Riku - He wouldn't honestly be surprised if he was causing them, since crud like that usually happens to him.

Joseph - He just figures they're a slip of the programing. He's seen plenty a Replica that have a slip like that, causing anything between odd personality quirks (that one Marluxia Replica who enjoyed singing) to insanity (like 6). He does, however, wish that they could get better.

L - L thinks Namine's most likely defective and doesn't care enough to worry about it.

Cid - Cid's was listed above, since he helped develop the "Confliction" theory with magik's Namine. Though, technically, that's AU... Huh. Well, he'd either come to assume that, or he'd attribute it to being unstable data. Oh hang on *pulls up Dead Inside, because they discussed this* Yeah, he'd attribute it to unstable or damaged data

Leon - He'd go with something is bothering her, a different type of magic in the air or some sort of stress, and that's what causes the meltdowns.

6 - 6 believes that there are magical elves that have been banished from the land of angry corn people and are now currently living in many different hidy-holes of Castle Oblivion. Especially under the beds, because that's where their dust bunny friends helped them move into after being banished. These elves are often very upset, and when upset, they tend to do nasty things, such as steal someone's left boot or move the mouse a little too far to the right or, when really upset, jump on the couches. He believes that Namine, like him, is one of the few people that can sense these elves, and when she senses their discomfort she has a meltdown.

37 - He holds to one of the original theories concerning the meltdowns; that the memories that were used to program her are "slipping" and causing her to have severe flashbacks (essentially, meltdowns) at times.

Shad - Shad's another one of those "simply doesn't care" people. He knows he can trigger them by bringing up bad memories, and that's all he really cares about.

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