Thursday, March 28, 2013


If any of you have ANY  conversation that took place in the comments of my old posterous blog that you'd LIKE TO KEEP, let me know IMMEDIATELY

(I'm putting things in caps for urgency)

Posterous is going down I think in April (I didn't actually get the email about it magik was just like "oh it's going down you know I got an email" and I was like "NO I DIDN'T KNOW THAT") and so if you don't let me know, they're going to be lost

(for the most part, anyway. I have all (or most) of the emails posterous sent me (about comments at least) saved so I have some on record. I just think I have what you guys said and not what I replied because I don't think I got emails for my own comments)


I like making strange noises now

That was it.

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