Monday, April 1, 2013

Backup Blog and some updates

This is the blog to which I've ported over all posts from the Posterous blog that I believed to be important

If you think I've missed some, just let me know before Posterous goes down and I'll go rescue them!!


If you have not yet heard this beautiful song

You should go listen to it right now!

Updates around the blog...

Let's see...

Oh, I turned the Meltdown Theories page into a post to clear up some space on the pages tab

Then I created a page for important posts. Like... links to important posts. Which... there were more on the old blog, surprisingly. (Well, it felt like there were more. Some of the ones on here are just... sort of there because I wanted more posts?? Idk.) Yeah.

Oh hey! It's funny how moving the Meltdown Project page clears up space! Like, I crammed 2 more pages onto the top bar, just by moving it!! (I could put the Meltdown Theories page back, with how much space I opened up... heh)
Though... actually... it looks kind of weird. *moves it back*


As for how things are going writing-wise, well, I'm a chapter closer to being finished with this sequence. As usual, I should probably stop blogging and get started on writing, lol.

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