Wednesday, April 3, 2013

30 Day OTP Challenge - #2

Master post here!

And... today I will be doing number 13 - Eating Ice Cream (I said I'd be jumping around, didn't I?)


Challenge 13: Eating Ice Cream

            “I don’t get why Joseph’s such a fan of this stuff,” Riku said, as he studied his half eaten sea-salt ice cream. It wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t the greatest thing in the world, either. Personally, Riku preferred sherbet ice cream—rainbow sherbet, to be precise. Why? Well, vanilla was too plain, and while chocolate wasn’t terrible, there were just so many flavors to enjoy when you had rainbow sherbet. Riku happened to really like foods with a lot of flavor.
            “I think he eats it all the time because, for him, it’s free,” Namine replied as she took a bite of her sea-salt ice cream. Hers was only about two thirds of the way gone. “He has all those WINNER sticks, you know. I think they’re only redeemable for sea-salt.”
            “Seems like pretty lousy business.” Riku chuckled. “What if someone wants another flavor?”
            “Then they’ll have to pay for it.” Namine shrugged and scooted a bit closer to Riku. They were sitting on Sunset Hill—a tourist spot in Twilight Town that, for a tourist spot, was surprisingly empty. It had a wonderful view, though. “Maybe that’s the point; sea-salt was an unpopular flavor, so they started running this WINNER stick campaign.”
            “Hmm.” Riku attempted to take another bite of his ice cream, but it’d gotten so far down that the ice cream stick got in the way. He made a face at it, then turned his ice cream bar sideways and took a bite of it that way.
            “Careful,” Namine warned, but it was too late. The other half of the ice cream fell of the stick. Riku managed to catch it, and Namine laughed.
            “Eugh, it’s all melted,” Riku said, tossing it to the side and wiping his hand off on the grass next to him.
            “And now you’re out of ice cream.”
            Riku just shrugged. It hadn’t been that good, anyway. After a second, Namine leaned against him. He shifted and got his arm out of the way so she could rest her head against his chest, and then glanced down at her, raising his eyebrows slightly. She just smiled up at him and took another bite of her ice cream.
            Riku sighed. “Your ice cream better not melt on me,” he told her.
            “Don’t worry.” She laughed. “I won’t make the same mistake you did.”


It's short, but I really just needed some therapeutic fluff. So...

things that crossed my mind while writing this:

Riku likes exotic/exciting things. It stems from being raised in such a plain place as CO.

Okay, so, apparently sherbet is only something that exists in America? In case you don’t know what it is, it’s basically just ice cream that’s fruity.
I chose it because I knew Riku wouldn’t like vanilla (it being plain) and I didn’t want him to say chocolate was his favorite for some reason. So I chose rainbow sherbet. Back when I was a kid, we’d go to ice cream parlors from time to time, and I’d get that because I only liked vanilla on a cone, and I didn’t like chocolate then. I remember it being good…

Clocktowers are overrated.

ASLDKFJSDLKF I’m noticing a lot of similarities between Riku and Namine and Colin and Cole and it’s really scaring me 

And... that's it!

Enjoy your day :)

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