Sunday, March 10, 2013

30 Day OTP Challenge

So, Diane Duane, author of the "So You Want to Be a Wizard" aka "Young Wizard" series, is doing this challenge. With her characters Kit and Nita. And I, admittedly, fangirled over it.

And, being me, I immediately wanted to do the challenge myself.

I won't be doing it over the next 30 days, but rather as the urge strikes me. (And some scenes I will have to put off posting, most likely, since Riku and Namine aren't officially together and of course I'm doing the challenge with them)

The list goes like this:

1: Holding Hands
2: Cuddling somewhere
3: Gaming/watching a movie
4: On a date
5: Kissing
6: Wearing each other's clothes
7: Cosplaying
8: shopping
9: Hanging out with friends
10: With animal ears
11: wearing kigurumis
12: Making out
13: eating ice cream read here!
14: Genderswapped
15: In a different clothing style (technically, I've written two of these scenes... lol)
16: Doing morning rituals
17: Spooning
18: Doing something together
19: In formal wear
20: Dancing
21: Cooking/baking
22: In battle, side by side
23: Arguing
24: Making up afterwards
25: Gazing into each other's eyes
26: Getting married
27: On one of their birthdays
28: doing something ridiculous
29: doing something sweet
30: Doing something hot

I think I might do this out of order, just so that I have a better chance of hitting ones like 5 or 12 after Dead Inside/at least when their farther along in their relationship

But, yeah. I know there are SPOILERS afoot, but Namiku is my OTP. Really. The only reason I'd do this challenge with other couples is for character development (and I probably will, eventually...)

And... HERE'S THE FIRST SCENE! Since I wrote it.

(Btw, this happens in the middle of the sequence I'm currently writing, so... minor things that you might not understand. But. Minor.)


Challenge 1: Holding Hands

            “Rar, you don’t have time for this,” were the first words out of Riku’s mouth before I even had finished appearing in the “break room”. He wasn’t sitting, as this had been a rather spur of the moment call, and he’d been in the middle of other things. He was giving a you-gotta-be-kidding-me look and was rubbing his right wrist like it hurt.
            “After the Heckuvalong Raid,” I said. "I can do it after that."
            “But when are we going to put this? Story-wise?” Namine asked. She was sitting on the couch, hastily picking dried paint off of her hands. "All three of us know we aren’t far enough for some of these things. I mean…” She glanced to her right at a piece of paper—the list for the challenge—which she’d placed beside her on the couch. “1 and 2 we can get away with, 3 is going to have to be AU no matter what, oh dear…” She grimaced.
            “Hmm?” Riku asked.
            “Number 6.”
            “I don’t have a list.”
          I handed one to him to solve that problem. He scanned it and raised his eyebrows. “Oh dear indeed… how?”
            “I’ll read Diane Duane’s and then… think of something,” I assured them. “I’m sure once I get over the possible awkwardness, we’ll be fine. Besides, this is just meant to be… poops and giggles.”
            Riku snorted. “That wasn’t what you were going to say.”
            I frowned. “Sorry. I was going to repeat Kit, and then had to censor myself.” I glanced over my own list. “Let’s see… I might skip 11. I just. I don’t even want to try… I have more important things to be doing, really. I’m doing this for fun.”
            “What about 30?” Namine asked. “17? 12—though I actually am less worried about what’s happening itself and how much you end up writing…”
            I rolled my eyes. “I’ll keep it toned down!”
            “Actually, besides 11, I’m not too worried,” Riku said, scanning the list again. “See: ‘Number 1: Holding hands’.” He walked over to Namine and took one of her hands in his. “Piece of cake.”
            Namine frowned up at him. “That wasn’t romantic in the slightest,” she said, plainly.
            I snorted.
            I love these two.
            Riku shrugged. “Was it supposed to be?”
           “Again, I’m doing this for poops and giggles,” I told him. “It doesn't matter. And, besides, I don’t see how I could write that as romantic. You two are at the point where holding hands doesn’t signify anything… couple-y. It’s just who you are.”
            They nodded in semi-reluctant agreement.
            “Still, though,” Namine said. “Number 17. And 26!”
            “I’m setting most of this as post book 5,” I replied. “I can’t get away with all of it otherwise. At least, not… in the typical sense…” I trailed off, getting a few ideas of how to get by at an only post Dead Inside level. It’s not like there’s much of a difference between it and book 5 besides age.
            “We’ll have to-” Namine began.
            “Is this… paint on your hands?” Riku asked, a bit suddenly, now turning Namine’s hand over in his as he examined it. “Like, dried paint.”
            Namine threw a rueful glance at me, and then looked up at him. “Yeah.”
            “You’re painting?”
            She just nodded.
            “Can I… ask what?”
            “Nope.” Namine grinned.
            Riku sighed. “Right, anyway, Namine’s earlier statement: when are we putting this?”
            “Post book 5 ish,” I replied. “Weren’t you listening?”
            He shook his head.
            “You sure about doing this, though?” Namine asked, sincerely, as she pulled her hand away from Riku’s; he was still examining the dried paint.
            “Positive,” I said, firmly. “What about you two?”
            “I’m good,” Riku said.
            Namine looked over the list again, but nodded. “Alright. Why not? You said most of this will be set post book 5, right?”
            She beamed and clapped her hands together excitedly. “That means we get to be telepathic!”
            Riku laughed.
            I smiled myself at the thought; them arguing while being telepathic was something I had fun writing just once. It’d be fun to write again.


And, a snippet that didn't make it in here (I thought it in my head but it didn't happen on paper):

Me: You don't want to do this? Fine. I'll just ask--
Namine and Riku: (quickly) No no! It's fine! We can do this!
Me: Good. You two are my OTP, and I'd feel terrible if I ended up doing this challenge with someone else.
Namine: You want to, though
Me: Well--
Riku: Don't deny it. I know you were thinking it.
Me: Character development. You know how I am about that.

Anyway, I said I'd post something Days related 'til KH1.5 is out, so, here you go!

Posting for laughs. Because it's funny

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