Tuesday, March 5, 2013



They've updated the Days manga. There's like, four chapters. Or something.

There's a lot of chapters, that's for sure

and we're nearing the end *sob*

but it's not finished yet... they cut off before the ending... *sob sob*


Thought I'd tell you

btw, Xaldin's weird... I can't tell you how weird he is on how many levels, because he just... alskdfj It was weird.

(that, and Riku was making me cry. Oh my goodness. Him talking to Roxas and missing Sora and alskdfjlkj and he sees Xion as Kairi and I just-- I swear, he was going to make me cry. It was awful)

That, and Xigbar was pretending to be sick. He was.



That's all


(I can't be running out of Days pics to share... maybe I'm just running out of Days related desktop backgrounds)

btw, check out this picture by peachmono

because it's very pretty. I'd post it for you guys, but it's not Days related and... ah, what the hey

it's a really nice picture.

Peachmono has a lot of really nice pictures

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