Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oh whoops

I meant to mention

Got a tumblr...


Not sure if you care enough to check it out, but I think you should because I'll end up posting all fandom/writing related thoughts that cross my mind there. Seriously. I've determined that I have too many thoughts to make blogs posts here out of, unless I spammed you with something every five minutes.

Tumblr  is the perfect place to spam people with that sort of thing

just so you know

Also, I'd like to point out this


Here's what the person said, in the post, but that link's there in case you want to see it...

If you listen really closely, Ventus and Roxas breathe differently. I dont care if you try to support the argument by saying they are voiced by the same person. Like i dont f*king know that hello stop. I think Jesse McCartney wanted to differentiate the two by them having different breathing u feel mi? Or am i just over analyzing everything?

And that... is truth

I haven't listened to Roxas and Ven BREATHE, but I do know that, when they speak, they sound different. Ven's voice is... I don't know how to describe it except lighter. 
I really picked it up while playing KH3D, because you hear the two of them speak right after another, and I just about died of awesomeness because they sounded different. 
Like, it was one of those things where you go "omgwhut they're voiced by the same person?" They sound enough alike for you to go "oh yeah... that's probably the same guy..." but different enough that you'd take a moment to look it up to make sure.
Not that I looked it up. I know they're voiced by the same person. But. still. It's like how Sora and Vanitas sound different. Those two ARE voiced by the same VA, right? Lol. 

And, I wasn't paying attention to it while I was playing either Days or BBS, but according to another person who commented on this post, their BATTLE GRUNTS sound different

Jesse McCartney is awesome. Okay? He takes the time to emphasize that these characters are different by making them SPEAK, GRUNT AND BREATHE differently.

Just, how awesome is that?

How awesome is that?

Like, seriously. 

how awesome is that?

I know VAs are handed a lot of different jobs and different characters, and so I know they probably take the time to come up with a different "voice" for each one. But with Roxas and Ventus, I mean, he's treating them like two separate characters.
And, really, nothing ticks me off more about the KH series/fandom than when you say Roxas and Ven are the same person.
Like, I will get annoyed (probably very annoyed) if you tell me that Riku and Repliku are the same. Because they aren't. But, technically, they are. That's why Roxas and Ven will tick me off more. Because they are not and if you say that they are that means Roxas is not his own separate person and he's never  coming back and he'll just be Ventus for the rest of his life and NO. NOOO.
I read somewhere, once where someone was like "I hope Ven remembers his time as Roxas" and I was just like HECK NO STOP THERE. STOP THERE. Because they are two separate people. TWO SEPARATE PEOPLE. Okay? Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Ven is a kid who grew up 14 years before Roxas was born. They have their separate experiences, memories, and personalities. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN BATTLE GRUNTS AND BREATHING. They are two different people. Don't ever tell me they're not.

Sorry. Had to say that. *lets out long winded breath*

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