Monday, March 25, 2013

My name is Namine

My name is Namine. I am 14 years old, physically, but I have only been alive on these Worlds for eight months. I am a Replica. My hair is blond, my eyes are a pale blue. I wear a plain white dress, and I love to draw.

Currently, I live in Castle Oblivion. I came here because Riku’s here, and I don’t think I ever want to leave his side. We spent three months away from each other – three months which he, apparently, spent here – and it was torture. I missed him every day. So when the chance to go to him arose, I took it without much thought.

Life in Castle Oblivion is often repetitive, though it is hardly ever boring. I spend most of the time during which exciting things (such as raids or other such interruptions) don’t happen with Riku, and it’s hard to be bored around him. When I’m not with him (or occasionally when I am) I spend my time drawing. And then there’s Joseph, who’s a ball full of interesting.
The raids?

Well, see, I’m sort of a part of this whole Rebellion thing that’s going on. Riku was involved first and I’m only involved because he is. Anyway. The Rebellion started because, from my understanding, Saix took charge of the Program and a lot of the Replicas didn’t like that so they rebelled. And the Rebellion has effectively kept Saix out of Castle Oblivion and away from the Main Computer. Saix keeps sending raids like nearly every day to get the Main Computer, but so far he hasn’t succeeded.

Well, he’s succeeded at being a pain and an annoyance.

It’s funny how much I know when I’m barely even involved in all this. Riku doesn’t let me anywhere near the main room when there’s a raid going on—he’s too afraid I’ll get hurt. Though, to be honest, I prefer to stay away from the raids in general. It’s not just because of Riku that I stay away from them. There’s no need for me to get injured. And I’d undoubtedly get injured. I kind of can’t defend myself…

You know, I just had the idea that it’d be nice if Riku could spend less time fighting off the raids. Because then he wouldn’t get hurt as much. I don’t like it when he gets hurt—but I think he enjoys the fighting so I doubt I’d be able to talk him into letting someone else deal with it.

And I don’t think anyone else in Castle Oblivion would like the idea of Riku not helping, either.


It was just a thought.

I really don’t like seeing Riku hurt.

Uhm, yeah. I’ve kind of just been rambling. I think I’ll stop now.


Caitlin said...

Nami rambles!

rar said...

Yes. Namine does ramble.