Monday, March 25, 2013


So there was this character development writing prompt I stumbled on a while ago, and it was something like "have your protagonist and antagonist write a letter to your readers describing who they are" and I decided I'd do it. Except I'd do it for all of my characters.

I've had Kairi's done for ages now but I never felt like posting it...

I decided to post all my finished ones now before there's continuity issues. Because if I post them any later we'll be talking about events that have already happened and it won't be current and stuff like that.

I've only uploaded Kairi's and Riku's, but...
UPDATE! Just got Namine's finished.




And I suppose when I write more I'll add them to this post? (I'm also going to add a "letters" section to the Characters page)

ALSO! Riku decided to be very timid while I was writing his, and I thought instead of deleting everything I/"he" just wrote, we'll cross it out. Because that's what you have to do when writing in pen. And I think it gives you more insight on a character--not only do you read what they wanted to say, you know that they aren't really sure if they wanted to say it/they want it to be read
actually they probably don't want it read but I didn't want to say that because it made me sound cruel for leaving it there

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