Monday, March 25, 2013

My name is Kairi

My name is Kairi. I am two months short of 15 years old. My hair is red, falling to about my shoulders, and my eyes are blue. My best friends are Sora, Namine, and Riku. Sora is... Namine is in a place called Castle Oblivion, where Riku is. Riku’s in charge of some rebellion thing.

Sora… is my knight. He’s my best friend since as long as I can remember. We grew up together. Spent nearly every day together. Played stupid games together. I am his princess. He is my knight.
And my knight is missing.

He was stolen from me, taken by the darkness.

I’ve set out to get him back. I’m trying to find him.

But the thing is… I’ve been at this a week. I’ve been searching for a week. I know a week isn’t an awful long amount of time, but I feel like… like I should’ve found him by now. That it shouldn’t be this hard. I don’t know.

But ever since Agrabah, I haven’t seen him.

Tifa says that we’ll run into him eventually. She’s been doing this whole searching thing for years, since Cloud (who I think is her boyfriend, or they aren’t officially together but should be, like Riku and Namine) has a habit of running. Still, I’m not sure if I believe her.

I think we need to try a different approach for this. I don’t think Sora’s running. I think Sora’s hiding.
There’s a difference between searching for someone who’s running and searching for someone who’s hiding. When you search for someone who’s running, you have to keep moving, so that you catch up to them.

But when you’re searching for someone who’s hiding, you have to take care in searching for them. Otherwise, you might miss them.

And I’m not going to miss Sora. Not this time. I’m going to find him.

I just have to look in the right places.

And never, ever, give up.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Haha, like Riku and Namine.