Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hello there!

I've been neglecting this blog... sorry about that!
And take more apologies as to not writing/no updating at the moment. TAKE THEM!! *feels awful*

Anyway, I spent like, three to five hours in the car today, and I remembered sometime during then that I had this brief little brainstorm for ways I could include Oswald (the Lucky Rabbit) in my fic... I wrote it in a journal... I can't find the blasted thing anywhere

I mean, I haven't searched page by page through my journals yet, but... ugh

I'm sort of frustrated. But I'm also doing a million other things

I just, I remember having a conversation between Oswald and Mickey that went something like this:

Mickey: (thrilled) Oswald!
Oswald: (not-so-thrilled) Mickey.
Mickey: Nice to see ya again
Oswald: yep.

Idk if that was all of it or not. I'll have to find the brainstorm thing... but that really might've been all there was to this. I remember the other little details that have to do with Ortensia and then Oswald and Riku getting along. (I think the two of them would. Oswald and my Riku, at any rate...)


That was random

I spent all of today NOWHERE near my computer, so... no writing's been done. But (I mentioned this on tumblr) I plan to take a small break from writing and try and drown myself in Repliku feels (and reread some of my fic) in hopes to get my muse back. Because it's kind of gone poof.

I know what I need to write, I just don't have the will to write it. And it's been like this for the past month. I think Vexen threw off my groove...

*quickly halts guards from throwing him off the tower*

lol, that was an Emperor's New Groove joke... and it was random

Uhm... what else...


Posterous is going down soon (taking my old blog with it. And magik's old blog)

I've saved all the important posts. I'm considering creating a new blog on blogger and having it replace my "old blog". I'll just post all the things I saved from Posterous to it and then leave it alone. It'll just be there for resource purposes and stuff...

You understand that?

Sorry if all this is spacey. Totally doing three things right now. (Listening to the HTTYD soundtrack and sorting songs into my "mood" playlists, which I really need more of I've only, really, got sad, happy, and angry so far. I need "heck yeah!" and "really creepyyy..." and... "OH CRAP WE'RE SCREWED" . And then I'm also downloading HD Days scenes and blogging. whoo)

Speaking of HD Days scenes...

BIG THANKS TO SSCELES FOR THESE! See her tumblr post here

I don't take credit for them! Just spreading the word! And putting obligatory "THIS ISN'T MINE" stuff down here... lol



*kind of wishes that there were HDCoM clips up somewhere...*

That's all. WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW AND TALK TO ME! I'M KIND OF LONELY. Lol. Or you can ask me a question on tumblr. Or PM me through fanfic. I'LL TAKE ANYTHING!!

*I just really really need to get back in the groove of writing, and it's hard to do when I feel like absolutely no one is anxiously anticipating more stuff. Plus... you guys are fun to talk to! and I miss it!*


I forgot...

I was planning on replying to the three reviews I have sitting here. So I'm not done. AND MAYBE I'LL REPLY TO SOME QUESTIONS ASKED ABOUT CAN'T ESCAPE WHILE I'M AT IT.

That sounds like fun

but first I have to go to the bathroom...


And... now that that's taken care of

*downloads a Days clip*

*downloads another one*

*pulls up reviews on fanfic*

*hopes you guys didn't miss ch140*

ch141 from Flightfoot...
...I can't think of anything to say

as to the other review...


ch141 from Peach
I know, it is awesome, isn't it? (Kairi using her light to save Sora)
And as for what Shad felt... I have no clue... he really smothered his feelings before I could get a sense of them. And I left it alone because I felt the denial of his feelings before they're revealed... makes things a bit more mysterious. (at least this is what I assume you're referring to)


*downloads a Days clip first*

ch60 from Peach
I love that dynamic, too! Even though it was clunky to write some times, I love it.

ch60 from archsage
Oh dear, I hope Xehano--I mean Xemnas/the Organization/Saix don't notice the universe crossing. Me and magik don't have time for a crossover of that scale!!
And, anyway, loved the bit about Lexaeus. I laughed. I think. *this was a long time ago and my memory's not perfect* BUT I'M REALLY EXCITED THAT I'VE GOT YOU ON THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT WITH ANTICIPATION!! Not that you really were on the edge of your seat... *shifty glance*

ch60 from Flightfoot
I think Ienzo just doesn't want Vexen's help with the DCP. I kept getting the feeling that Vexen tends to complicate things too much sometimes. I also kept getting a "Vexen! I've grown up! Stop babying me!" vibe... lol 
Also, I think Ienzo didn't want to force Vexen to return to magik's universe if he didn't want to, which he clearly didn't want to... I think...

That's all the reviews I feel like replying too... I've been sort of mulling over answers for these reviews (minus Peach's review, which was posted today) so...

Now I'm done. There's a new Wizards of Waverly Place that I want to watch and I just remembered it...


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