Saturday, December 29, 2012

I'm what nightmares fear

I'm almost positive I'm nearly done with KH3D, though after Coded I"m a bit hesitant about declaring myself almost done (those of you who've played it remember "FINAL BOSS IS DEAD!! whoo!! OH WAIT! Yeah, now we have to go through Castle Oblivion. YOU AIN'T DONE!!").

I'd be playing it right now, but Riku was like "I'm gonna fight Ansem" and I was like "I just pushed through two boss battles, I'm not doing a third!" so I put the 3DS to sleep and helped my mom with dishes. And started packing my room. And now I'm blogging.

Anyway, I'll have a post later, when I finish the game, that'll contain a rant about how I felt about all this, but for right now...

Well, I'm going to rant a bit about Riku

Almost everyone who's played this game has talked about how much they are impressed by him, because he's just so awesome and he's grown out of being the jerkface he was in KH1. I don't think he's failed to impress me, and I haven't quite finished the game

Still, there's this thing that came up in the cutscene right before the Ansem fight

Apparently, since Riku noticed Ansem lurking around at the beginning of the game while they were on Destiny Islands and realized something was wrong, he dove into Sora's dreams and turned into a Dream Eater to protect Sora from the nightmares. That whole concept, right there, though a tad weird, I think is awesome.

Riku dove into Sora's dreams and became a Dream Eater so that he could stop the Nightmares.

Heck yes.

(Which I've been saying a lot during this game)

I love the idea, really.

Riku became a Dream Eater to protect Sora from the nightmares.

It's just... yeah. I don't know. I like it.

I don't know where I was going with this post, besides pointing out I didn't want to fight Ansem. I kinda made up the Riku rant as I went along

but I know have this really chilling line in my head:

"Don't worry. Nightmares fear me."

And I can just imagine, whoever's saying that, their voice is cracking, determined, but sad. Because, I think, whoever it is, ends up sacrificing themselves to kill said Nightmares. I don't know. Just a fragment of thought that passed through my head.

I wanted to peg it to Colin, or Cole (I could see Colin saying the line, but Cole sacrificing himself) but that doesn't work, because I've made it so that if one of them dies, the other goes with, so... yeah.

This was random

I think I'm going to go back to packing my room.

So... I was going to find you a Riku picture but... finding a good wallpaper of Riku is apparently really hard


And go check out NanjoKoji on deviantART. Because they do awesome Riku cosplay.

like this one

And a bunch of others.


KKBeckett said...

Riku is just awesome. End of discussion.
Case closed.
Moving on.

rar said...