Thursday, December 27, 2012

So, now that I have KH3D

I'll be posting a lot about KH3D. Just warning ya!

"That's the thing about programs; mess with the code just a little, and their whole nature can change"

Even though it's the third world I've visited, Tron (the Grid) is, I think, my favorite world. I mean, I could be proven wrong later, but... yeah

That was kinda it

Though, I'm loving the BBS feels this game is giving me

And the interlude stuff! That, y'know, covers what's going on with the Organization now that they've come back. I can't wait to see more!

(And I don't understand why Nintendo Power said they hated this game so much... I'll read through their review again once I finish the game, maybe I can see where they're coming from)

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