Wednesday, March 9, 2016

ATR ch59 - Roxas is here.

I'm trying to think of cool things that are happening in my life but other than TPHD (which is gorgeous and playing it is kinda like being 12 again, lol) nothing.... exciting... has really happened.


I wrote some Twilight Princess fic, if you're interested!

- Reekfish ~ thoughts about Link catching the Reekfish.

- Zelda's Gift ~ Midna/Zelda + bodysharing, aka, what if Zelda could talk to Midna while sitting in her heart or, whatever that was. IT'S GOOD.

- In which Iron Boots suck and Link needs to take a nap for three years after Goron Mines so his muscles stops aching ~ the long title says it all. based on year-old thoughts I had about TP.


I'm also working on a TP vs KH AU, the biggest bit being "the HB gang replaces everyone in Kakariko", but I've thought about some other character matchups since. I have to write a bday gift for magik, a commission, and probably finish the Kairi-related edits to Dead Inside already before I can work on it more, but.... it's a thing!

Ftpverse Related

Er outside of a quick clarification, there isn't anything. But! This clarification is probably important.

Dead Inside edits are still happening, but I was going to tackle about 20 chapters with Kairi-related issues and post them all at once when I was done with them. I still have three Kairi-related chapters to tackle, and each of them need massive rewrites, not simple tweaks.

And, since I have to write a bday gift and that commission, well, it'll be a while.

We're getting close, though, and I hope you look forward to these updates and edits! It's not perfect, it will never be perfect, but I'm feeling a lot better about Kairi in Dead Inside (and, I think Kairi feels better too.)


I listened to this on repeat while writing this chapter because it was a pretty good vibe for Roxas showing up, and, honestly, is the vibe I relate most to FtPverse Roxas at this point.

Technically, I have a whole playlist of songs I made just for this chapter but it's kind of... messy. So just take this song. It's the only one you need.

((Also you get Spanish subtitles because this was the only copy of the song I could find that wasn't the official video or official lyric video, and, the official lyric video had some pretty disturbing imagery so I, nah. NAH.))


[ read here ]

[ chapter tag ]

I had a whoooole lot of fun writing this chapter!

I, uh, don't know if I have a lot of notes to post for it though, because all the notes I took revolve around a pretty big spoiler. Hopefully I'll remember to post them once they aren't spoilers, because, they're pretty good!

For now, here's what I can post:

I had a little trouble with this at first because I was like "yeah them trying to sabotage Roxas being Rebuilt was A Thing" and plotted the chapter around that. Then I reread the sequence in Dead Inside and realized, no, actually, outside of one throwaway line, they weren't actually planning that. 

So, uh, I had to rework the script a lot for this chapter. MAYBE I'LL POST THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT??? Lmao. Like I ever do that.

I was kind of afraid of going all out for this chapter but then I just. took myself by the shoulders. looked myself in the eye. this is fanfic and if you don't go all out on fanfic what even is the POINT.

Also it's probably better since I went all out, just. Like. That's a well known fact. Things generally go better when you go all out.

SIIIIIIIIGHS, Joseph was going to butt in w/ the logic of “Roxas you didn’t even ask anyone about Xion, kinda, ridiculous to assume” buuuuuut him doing that completely derailed where I wanted this to go, so, UNFORTUNATELY, JOSEPH, unfortunately. I gotta cut that line.

This scene gives me life gives me so much life I love Roxas being a shit.

Honestly I couldn’t care enough to decide if Aerith and Leon have met Roxas before this or not so I just, uh, didn't bring it up. I'm almost positive they haven't in story, but the chances he dropped by at least once during these past months are pretty high, so, like,,

And uh, that's it. That's all I can post.


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