Wednesday, August 5, 2015

ATR Chapter 41, I guess!?!

Uhm!! This is uncomfortably sooner than I would like it to be (I,, I only have buffer of one chapter, now, somehow) but!!! Plot mandates I upload this chapter before the anniversary chapter!! So, here we go!!

UPDATE WISE!! The Special Anniversary Chapter is Finished, so expect that on the anniversary, August 9th!!! I was also able to get that video (ft me talking about FtPverse) I wanted done, and it's got some post-production stuff to go thru, but I mean, I've got a few days!! It's fine!!

Also just as a warning: there's somewhere around a 20% chance I'll be too busy on Sunday (the anniversary) to post anything, but I'll try my hardest to get up the chapter at least, even if I don't get my blog about it done / the video up until Monday!!


Not-FtPverse-wise, hmm....

If you've missed my Namine fic (More than a Shadow) you can check it out in all three parts here on FFN, or here on AO3!

SGDQ was last week, and while a lot of the runs were pretty cool, my personal favorites were the Twilight Princess speedrun (showcasing some glitches I'd always wanted to see!!) and the Super Mario Sunshine hoverless race!!! Check 'em both out, imo.

(And they've uploaded runs of all the other games they did so check those out too!!)

Oh yeah!!! and the Octodad playthru was pretty fun (tho Octodad just looks like a stellar game all around)


This is literally just Dreams of an Absolution and I don't give a frik, I love this song.

Chapter Time!

read here!

tumblr tag!!!

and then, we've got only three things to cover, so we'll keep 'em out in the open! Forget the cut!

First off!! Yes, everyone in HB has phones but they’re all flipphones still (like, probably similar to what Cloud uses in Advent Children)

This note went on my profile, and my tumblr, but just for, 100% clarification:

Destiny Islands tech is about early 2000’s ish, cellphones exist but are rare, landlines are Definitely still a thing, and there is no HD flatscreen TV or computer monitor, not every house has a computer and those that do only have one ((and they’ve got those clunky monitors yanno))

HB has More Advanced tech but it’s probably still 2010 ish tech (the ftp series OFFICIALLY takes place in 2012, I think) and no one has a smartphone, they all still have flip phones

Internet is a thing, Somehow, Don’t think about it (but the moogles may have something to do w/ it according to tumblr user ramflega)

Second!! I realized upon writing this that Mickey and Riku had never Formally Met before this point, so, that was fun 

Mickey knows who Riku is bc he healed Riku and he was there while Riku was unconscious and he probably learned about him from Sora or something, they just, haven’t talked at length (er, at all)—I’d say it happened offscreen except he very canonically left before Riku woke up soooooooo yeah nope

Finally, look, I know "Riku was just in a spot of Destiny Islands they didn't check" is a really flimsy excuse but outside of "he was in another universe" I literally don't have another one. Maybe that spell on the island had something to do with it, 

And if you're wondering what Riku was really doing if he was on Destiny Islands this whole time, all I can say is that it will make sense once he gets the chance to explain it in-story. 

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