Saturday, November 15, 2014

ATR ch5 commentary

Hello, good evening, etc.

I finished my nano project--"wow? that fast?" It was only 23k words. I'd never intended it to be a full 50k novel, though perhaps when it comes to draft two, it'll flesh out more. Maybe not

Update things:

I've added an update log to the top page bar! It keeps track of continuity/etc updates (that bit of the log is identical to the log on my profile), along with my writing schedule, and recent ASAS updates

Speaking of recent ASAS updates, ASASch76 is the most recent--It's a random scene of Sora and Kairi browsing through old childhood not-junk, and it's a cute little fluff thing, in my opinion

This is one of my favorite mixes!! In fact, I'm pretty sure I link to it on the FtPcast blog as Ven's playlist--the person who made this mix also made mixes for Terra and Aqua, which are also really good, but the Ven one is by far my favorite
(I think I link to the Terra and Aqua mixes on the Ftpcast blog, too.....)

Chapter time!!

read ATR ch5 here

ATRch5 tag on my tumblr, though it has like five not-really-relevant posts

This plotline is like the Most Important plotline of like all of book 5, but it has very quickly become my least favorite.

And I know a lot of you are going to sit there and thing "well gee rar if it's you don't like it, then don't write it", and while I understand those sentiments completely, my answer is and will always be to point at Riku and Namine's relationship, and ask you is this even healthy?

It's not. It can't be, when Namine's too scared of Riku to tell him about her nightmares. Too scared to upset him.

And Riku's dependence on Namine? his dependence on her good opinion of him? Don't tell me that's healthy. Don't even try.

In my head, Kairi actually has the worst mouth out of all of them (excluding Shad, largely) but I'm still censoring her. Though, I'm still censoring a lot of them, for the most part. I've been a little more lenient in All that Remains so far, but only a little.

It has been forever since writing this and since I got into Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, but I mentioned it in my notes document so....

I just feel like reading the Wheel of Time series has helped me get a better understanding of how things are put together, especially when it comes to sequels and reintroducing important facts without shoving them down your throat in the first chapter.

I'm really proud of how I've been reintroducing things throughout All that Remains too--chapters 3 and 4 specifically, though of course, just in general.

That's all I have to say about the chapter!! Most of them (especially towards the beginning) actually don't have a lot of notes, though I think that largely comes form me not wanting to post too much and spoil Dead Inside for those who hadn't finished it / I hadn't actually finished POSTING it yet so a lot of everything was spoilers

I dunno why no notes went in my notes doc but. Whatever I guess.

Have another song--I stumbled on this one earlier today, and it reminded me of Riku. Also kinda of Namiku but largely just of Riku

Don't ask me what's going on in the video--I honestly don't know--but like I said it made me think of Riku

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