Saturday, November 30, 2013

I can't believe this makes it's own post (review reply and timey-whimey of Neverland vs Crossover and junk)

YOOOOOOOOOOOO MINOR SPOILERS FOR DEAD INSIDE like ch186 but i'm literally going to upload that chapter within the next two days and I'm sure most of you saw this coming so it's not too huge




anyway you have been warned

KKBeckett said on ch182
I kinda feel bad for Peter... not being able to remember and all...But also... like... I know where Roxas and Axel are going and this excites me. Things must sure be timey-whimey...
 As for Peter... I think he's used to it? I'm not sure. But his terrible memory would, theoretically, be something he's always had and I'd assume you'd get used to that sort of thing after 50 or so years? If he hasn't been around longer than that....

And for any of you curious here is where it says Peter Pan forgets things. First paragraph. Second sentence.
It says: "In Peter and Wendy, it is explained that Peter must forget his own adventures and what he learns about the world in order to stay childlike."
Which, y'know, makes sense.

And things are actually not as timey-whimey as you may think? There's a lot going on on this day (trust me the calandar is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay full for it)

like actually here
(the calendar has minor spoilers so if you haven't backed out now you still can)

Riku returns to CO why the frik does that say "home" on the calandar he doesn't think of it as home early in the morning (probably by HB's time standards?? Idk)

the conversations that continue to happen on Riku's side really really don't take too long and the thing with Namine and Riku and the pictures and near-kissing literally happend right after they talked to Alpha about her meltdowns I mean
It was discussion--she had nine!!--SHE FORCED NINE!?!?--hey let's head to HB if Alpha okays it?--Riku pssstttt I wanna look at pictures

it all happened right on top of each other

Sora is definitely in Neverland for a while tho I suppose he can't be there too long because Roxas wouldn't take too much time on his mission
Even so, the timing for Sora in Neverland is really flexible because I gave you snippets instead of a play-by-play so there could've been more time between them or no time between them and it wouldn't matter

It probably took Roxas 20 minutes total to defeat the Ruler of the Skies Heartless, and even then, he purposefully went out and started working overtime and killing extra heartless he didn't need to kill so he's there for a little longer
I'd imagine 20-ish minutes is enough time for Sora to run into Peter and then have everything happen up to being shoved off the cliff?
even then he probably has more like 30 or so minutes??? ??? idk but like that's the only thing that's tight here

the conversation between Axel and Saix where Saix was like "YO WHY HAVEN'T YOU GONE AFTER VEXEN YET??" definitely happened after Vexen'd dragged Riku off since Vexen wasn't in CO
meaning the converastion probably happened while Roxas had just left for Neverland or was planning on heading there

Technically I'm not even sure if Riku's gone an hour given time difference I mean. They spend three hours talking most likely?? And that's one hour in my universe so I mean if Axel and Saix had that conversation before Roxas left...
(Which they could've really. Axel is just like "I don't want to pull Roxas away from any missions" and that doesn't necessarily mean "he's on one right now" it just means "I know he's got a ton of them and a ton of heartless killing to do in general". Theoretically Roxas could be on a mission it just wasn't the neverland mission. This is literally very very very flexible from all sides)

And the assassins report to Axel that Vexen was in CO within ten minutes of his and Riku's return. Within the next five minutes Axel has grabbed Roxas, headed to CO, probably just found Vexen
(Five minutes is more time than you think but it's also not a lot of time. Time is so funny like that.)
But I imagine he would've found Vexen and within the five minutes after that Joseph finds the scene unless he was already tehre which is potential and goes to tell Riku and then Riku finds out and like
Like it doesn't even matter at this point Vexen can probably sit and stall Axel for a very long while just by talking because it's not like Axel is 100% sure about doing this because he's not.
Roxas is the one pushing to get the mission over with but Axel can ignore him for a few minutes while he thinks things through

Anyway long explanation short, while there is a LOT of stuff happening on this day, it's not exactly too far-fetched timing wise, especially after you take into account that worlds sort of run at different rates and junk

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