Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I've been a little MIA? (ch171)

If you follow me on tumblr you prrooooobably know why but uh yeah whatever it's not like you have to know or anything so.

So uh.


I had a rant of my characters and their fave music if you missed it and wanted to see it (includes Fun Headcanons)

Also I liveblogged me playing to the end of KH1? Minus the Ansem battle. Because I gave up halfway through becaus PROUD IS HARD DANGIT I'll come back to the fight later

ye I think that's it tho

OH WAIT! I made a Shad fanmix if anyone's interested--of course it's on grooveshark because how do 8tracks??

Ahhh.... I should have a fanmix?? *frantically searches to see what I've already posted so I can decide what I want to post now*

Actually yeah I'm sort of out of mixes?? Like, good ones... (I'm only moderately excited 'bout the rest of them so)

Have a video instead? I mean... song? (mainly because Hyurno's Len is awesome and his utau is pretty neat too)



tumblr notes

OH LOOK THIS IS WHERE MY TAG "FRIKKEN 37 AND L" ORIGINATED (legit if you haven't read through that tag you probably should it's all me yelling at them 'cept like one post and it's super funny)

Oh GO O D HAVE I TALKED ABOUT ALPHA AND 7 YET?? No I don't think I have!!

See 7 and Alpha were made like less than five Replicas apart so they were around at roughly the same time and they ended up becoming something of buddies?? Like a loooooooooot of the first 20 Replicas are all fairly buddy-buddy with each other just because they were all created around the same time and stuff

But yeah like Alpha and 7 get along pretty well and Alpha's one of the few who actually understands the whole thing with R--like 7 wasn't very open about his feelings toward her because a lot of people would think he was crazy especially since she's so deadly and like Vexens and Larxenes very rarely got along it was a fact of life or something.

But Alpha and 7 were buddies so Alpha knew
(Not saying 7 necessarily told Alpha. I'm assuming it was more like they spent a lot of time around each other and Alpha's perceptive so he just kinda noticed)

ANYWAY YEAH it's only sliiiiiiightly relevant to this chapter but I thought I'd let you know~


At first I was like “nah R wouldn’t have convenient folders” then I thought “actually she probably would” because convenient folders are convenient don't get me started on how many folders I have
(She’d probably label them weird though)

Or, for convenience—story-wise, anyway (lol)—she won’t have convenient folders so Vexen can stumble on the R virus while looking for the passwords

also being lazy and she totally has a file labeled passwords which contains the passwords

THOUGH I don’t think R cares if anyone finds them, figuring a) no one even knows where her computer is b) they have to get into her computer and c) if they manage to do those things, she probably wants them to have the passwords or d) she just doesn’t give fck at all about who has the passwords so long as she knows what they are
(it's actually probably that last one)

7 isn't taking any chances. At all. Ever.
(He may love R as a daughter and all but uhm HE'S NOT GONNA RISK IT)

Uhm L I don’t think I can let you swear I have enough of that going on right now don’t

IDK GETTING NERVOUS because I didn’t just let Vexen rant this chapter and do that stuff but I sort of. Don’t. have. Room. So???? (I thiiiink it turned out fine)

There are times when Vexen is like Riku and I can’t care enough to make him stop
(I forget what he was doing in this chapter tho)

Idk I wanted to include Vexen’s thoughts on 37 and L but there’s just. No. roommm???

Stop snookums is not an acceptable nickname no 

And then my notes said to post some brainstorm dialogue because apparently Vexen left stuff out?? I can't actually find what I was referring to but I found a plotting snippet and idk I thought it was interesting

note: the format is sort of normal text is speaking and parenthesis are actions/notes and I'm usually p clear on noting who's speaking unless it's not important or obvious or something

(L grimaces, glaring skeptically at him because you aren’t supposed to be here why are you here what)
Who are you? (she demands)
I’m, uh, (he blanches, but can’t poof yet because he’s making the computer log off since they probably don’t know the password to it) Just looking at something, that’s all. Don’t mind me.
(and he’s thinking)
Shoot shoot shoot shoot this was a bad idea why did I let them talk me into this I should’ve left sooner why did I get curious ugh ugh ugh ugh
Uhuh, yeah, I don’t believe you (L retorts) There’s something… off about you. Off and… familiar? (she grimaces, not quite understanding that bit) 37 sweetie do you have any thoughts
(and she’s giving 37 that look and Vexen’s just like oh gross stop and trying to not think about it though what are his thoughts on it should we include them???????? Anyway but yeah Vexen’s finished logging off and he probably things thank goodness because a he can leave and b he doesn’t have to deal with them)
I don’t think he’s even a Replica… (37 says, slowly, raising his eyebrows and L mimics his facial expression and they’re in sync and almost reading each other’s thoughts though tbh I think L knew that and I think he knew that she knew that so he’s just helping her out more than actually inputting anything necessary)
Ah, well (Vexen says, and then goes to form a dark corridor but L literally launches herself at him and either grabs him by the arm or pins him to the wall because she’s lightning fast and even if he was starting to form a dark corridor she could’ve definitely caught him before that happened)
I was just looking (Vexen stammers) I swear. I wasn’t- I was just looking at the computer okay
MMmhmm, (L says, clearly not believing him and she snatches the headset off his ear and hisses) you’re rat’s been caught, by the way (before chucking it against the wall) You know what I think? (she asks, Vexen, all up in his personal space like she does and he’s trying to get away from her but she’s sort of holding him there and he can only squirm so far away) I think… You’re from a parallel universe.
I- uhm- (Vexen stammers but he’s sort of stuck and his thoughts are in overload they are definitely in overload you’ll need to remember that bit)
What should we do with him, hmm? (L asks, turning to look at 37, though she doesn’t let go of Vexen—for some reason in my head she has him by the cloak)
I’m sure Xemnas would be pleased to see him (37 responds with a smirk)
(and L grins)
(and Vexen pales and nearly screams)







but yeah she gets so fussy over him and then her reaction when she finds out what happened to him--not that he went in depth about Larxene but just the thought--Aerith literally can't even with him. She can't. At all. Ever. 

Liiiiike I guess I might as well put it here because there is room ish tho it hasn't quite happened yet
(I could've sworn there was a tumblr post with me initially realizing this but I can't find it for the life of me)

But ever since ch167 Riku's been very destructive towards himself. Because pain is an anchor and he can't seem to stop thinking about her.

And of course Aerith notices. She catches it the first time on accident--it's literally a godsend that she was looking his direction at the time--and boy is she glad. It's a little twitch. No one else would think too much of it--but Aerith knows which shoulder it was. She sees it very clearly.
Because Riku started to get distracted and you could see his face slowly scrunch with frustration, and then there's the twitch. He reaches for his bad shoulder. Presses his knuckles against it and pushes. Quickly. Sharply. Enough to make it hurt but not enough to be noticed if you weren't looking for it.
And Aerith's eyes widen in shock, but she can't say anything. They're at the dinner table. Riku's closed off to conversation--and she wouldn't want to embarrass him anyway.

So she doesn't mention it then, but she keeps an eye out for it. And she starts to notice it more often, among other things.
She notices one day that his lips are pressed firmly together. She doesn't think much of it; not until he reaches up and quickly wipes the blood away.

He's so destructive towards himself because the physical pain distracts him. Hurts him so much less. It breaks her heart to notice it, but she doesn't know what to do. Isn't sure how to confront him. How would you start a conversation like that? 
Besides, even if she caught him doing it, she wasn’t sure how to stop him. He’s so destructive towards himself, and she is scared that he’ll turn it towards her. Normally she wouldn’t believe that he’d hurt her. But he’s so… she doesn’t understand him lately. It’s like he’s a completely different person.
So she doesn’t confront him.

LIKE THIS DIDN'T GET COVERED IN-STORY AT ALL just a little hint later in ch175 but that's it and that's largely because I didn't start thinking about it until after ch175

but Riku does do it

And Aerith is literally so appalled with him she just can't even

Like she's feeling a mixture of "why even??? would he??" and "NO DON'T THAT IS BAD DONT!" but she's a little nervous about confronting him on it

That doesn't mean she's still alskjdfalsfj about it. A whole lot of alskdfjaldsfj about it.

(I have little snippets written covering this if anyone's interested?? ?)

BTW AERITH IS YELLING AT HIM because she’s worried he’s gonna fall, not because she wants him to respond she’s just like Riku you—riku stop. you’re gonna fall. Riku. RIKU!

Also I had a lot of trouble with the term "electrocuted" here? I think it's because they live in a world where getting hit by lightning is a typical occurrence and you aren’t typically killed by it (because normally electrocution implies death doesn't it? Or have I been learning things wrong?)

So “electrocuted” feels a little out of place! Y’know??

It’s not that he hates it (being cried for). He doesn’t think he deserves it ow.


my beta sent me in response to this:



We also determined that someone should get Riku a Thunder Armlet--which prevents all thunder-based damage--and I made a few tumblr posts about it

and actually he'd be super good at wearing something like that because as forgetful as he tends to be that thing protects him from lightning and if you think he'd forget to wear something like that??

He probably wouldn't take it off.




Caitlin said...

Learn things long?

rar said...

*wrong. I meant wrong