Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This is random

But I want to talk about the fact that I really really am glad I brought Roxas back, regardless of it being the "right" decision or a "good" decision.

Because writing from his POV is really refreshing. I enjoy doing it quite a bit, and it probably stems from the fact that "hey, look, a new face to write for!" and it gets me out of the same boring angst-rut I've been in with Riku and everyone else.

Also Roxas's thought processes are a lot of fun and I can sneak in some game terminology and that's fun. Plus he's a cocky little poop and wow writing for him is a lot of fun. (I'm also really proud of the development I've done on him and stuff that I'd love to go in-depth about but is, in a way, spoilers. So. I won't.)


This is sort of a short post, but I just wanted to bring it up.


Kid Icarus Uprising is still a wonderful game and if you don't own it you should go buy it and play it because it is a wonderful game and your cheating yourself of some brilliant humor and witty dialogue (along with a great cast of characters) if you don't play it.

Also, Dead Inside hit 300k words about an hour ago. It's less of an accomplishment and more of a holy crap can this thing be any longer I need to finish it but. I thought I'd share.



All I can think of saying

Here's that post about Sora you all still need to read if you haven't yet

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