Friday, March 22, 2013


You know, I always run into this snag when comparing my fic to other KH fics. The snag? Replicas.

Most people will describe Replicas like I imagine human cloning would look like. People bred through test tubes and DNA and things like that.

It's... organic. In away. That's probably not a perfect term. Their Replicas are bred in liquid filled tubes--and that's something that you'll even see in the Days manga, with Xion.

I don't write like that because, to me, the term "Replica" has always conveyed a mechanical sense. Computers. Wires and circuits. Data--another word that's always had a computer-like meaning to me.

This is actually something that might be influenced by Stargate: SG-1's "replicators" which actually look a lot like LEGOS and often look like these spidery things but are capable of conglomerating and forming into an exact copy of a human. Like the Replicator Sam.

That's how Replicas became the way they are in my universe; something like living computers. Beings made purely out of Data--and that's using the term 'Data' in the most computer-esque sense you can use it in. Data that's been mashed together to make something that imitates a human. Data that, if it were to break down, would stop imitating bones and hair and skin and start looking more like wires and circuits and all digital-like.


Just felt like pointing this out. 

Now I need to really figure out ALL the logistics concerning Replicas, instead of making it up as I go along, because it would make my life a lot easier… and there'd be fewer continuity errors, but the process of making and maintaining Replicas in my universe is so under-developed I don't think it's possible for me to write any continuity errors yet

and yes this post was on tumblr but I thought I'd put it here because it's something that is more "about my universe" than random thoughts I think while writing and it seemed like a good post for this blog and I also expanded it some when I wrote it here

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