Monday, March 18, 2013


Erm, Idk what this is, I just spewed this poem and its slightly Repliku inspired so I thought I might post it here


I can’t tell you how many lies are stacked up in my heart
Lies I’ve lived
Lies I’ve believed
Lies I’ve cherished

Lies seem to be all that exist inside of me
I cannot count how many of them that I hold

Your lies are the most precious
I treasure them above all
Your lies are the only lies that make me feel real

I beg you
Don’t stop lying to me.


*sobs* I don't know, okay? It was in my head and I just wrote it down

Speaking of Lies... though

hope you didn't miss this song:

ASLDKFJSDLFK THE REPLINAMI FEELS IT GIVES ME!! Just, ugh, it's like Namine's POV of CoM almost perfectly (or at least towards Repliku within my own headcanon)

And the line

"The lies you succumb to
So blissfully unaware"

laskfjslkfj *cries*

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