Sunday, February 24, 2013

So much for posting Kairi's character corner today (commentary on ch60 of Can't Escape)

I mean, I've had it done for like a week now, but I don't want to spam you guys with posts, so that you don't miss anything. So, trying to do no more than two posts a day, and I'd prefer to keep it only one if the post is a chapter commentary. That's okay...

Chapter commentary on latest Dead Inside chapter in the last post (there was a Namiku amv paired with it)

post about a RepliNami fanfic you should all read before that

then there was a Can't Escape commentary... which had a cool KH1 trailer-esque amv.

Of course, if you're a bit behind on reading and looking for a specific chapter commentary, just click on the chapter commentary tag on the sidebar over there -->
(and then down some)
They're all labeled, but I might suggest hitting the end button on your keyboard to take you to the end of the page so you don't read a commentary before you've read a chapter. Or something like that.

Now... no video today. Too lazy (and I wanted to take a nap... I'm tired and my shoulders hurt)
what I don't get, is how sleeping in my bed for a night makes my shoulders hurt more than sleeping on my couch for a month did. My shoulders felt fine three days ago! 

to the chapter!


*scrolls to the appropriate places in the documents and rearranges my windows*

oh yes!

It's the Heartless Naming side-tanget/musing/thingy!!

So, it didn't make it into the chapter, but I think Vexen thought somewhere something like "Pooler? Straightforward name, certainly, but not a name you'd typically give a Heartless" and then this thought crossed my mind:

Who named the Heartless?

Who named all of these things? I mean, Nobodies I get, there's like: ten varieties. But there are like fifty different variations of Heartless (and Unversed). Who named them?

Like, seriously, did Xehanort and co just sit around and name Heartless? (I'm sure Even would want some way to classify them all...). Just imagine!

Xehanort: Let's  call it a... Red Nocturne!
Even: Why....?
Xehanort: Because it sounds cool! And we'll call that one a Blue... Rhapsody. They can all have musical themed names! So, that one can be a Yellow... uh...
Ienzo: Lullaby?
Xehanort: No, that sounds ridiculous!
Braig: What about Opera?
Xehanort: Perfect!
Even: But how does that sound any less ridiculous than--
Xehanort: Shut up, it's perfect!




"And you said you couldn't fight."
Lol. Like Demyx, Vexen is said to be a not very good fighter. And yet he's on of the harder battles of the game... Haha.

Haha, this note to myself:
"Me? Write Vexen in a battle setting? ....nope, apparently I've never done that. Okay."
Lack of experience made this hard to write. This is probably my favorite chapter of the sequence (competing with the first one), but the Heartless battle was a pain. Especially since it's Vexen, and he analyzes everything...

And then this note:
"Trying to write a battle while listening to Hedley's 'I won't let you go' is also hard. Correction. Impossible. I'll sit and wait 'til the song is over..."

I've also gotten sick of writing battles. I like, want to bang my head against the wall every time one comes up... ugh... I have no clue how I'll get through the end of this fic--and the Xemnas battle! I cringe just thinking about that.
Can I take a pass on that one? Lol. Seriously. Anyone have any ideas how I can skip the Xemnas battle?

"Shield bash". That's a Zelda term. Whoops?

haha, I love this part!

Vexen and Ienzo arguing about the DCP was my favorite part of this chapter--
Joseph's part at the end...
But I love nearly everything Joseph does.

"The DCP!!!"
"Really? You figure that out in four seconds flat? Seriously, Vexen?"
shh, that wasn't actually what he said. I know that.

"This isn't a minor darkness problem!!"
"I didn't want to worry you..."

Poor Ienzo.

Vexen's such a worrywart

"We have it handled!"
Haha, that makes me think of
"I had it handled, Merlin!!"

Which is something me and my friend (Gfrace) came up with. There's a Merlin game on facebook, and I was yelling at Merlin because he's like "You need to kill the enemies. Get some fighting experience!" and then proceeded to take out ALL the enemies with his level 500 thundaga before I could even get close enough to attack them.
It was ridiculous

And I must've said "I had it handled, Merlin!" because then Gfrace was like

"I could imagine Arthur saying that. If he knew about Merlin's magic and Merlin killed the monsters before he could get to them."

And then we joked that Merlin would get a monster off of Arthur before it killed him, and Arthur's like "I had it handled, Merlin!" even though he's about an inch from death and... idk

I'm surprised I remember all of this...


This is the longest sequence I have ever written, so far.


I wonder if when we finally get to the CROSSOVER (aka, the Riku meets Riku crossover), if it'll be longer.

The original draft is half the length of this sequence. But said original draft will need A LOT of editing (I wrote it back... shortly after I started Dead Inside? While still working on Falling to Pieces? Ages ago). So... there's no telling just yet

"YOU CAN'T GO! I mean. YOU CANT STAY HERE! I'd MISS you too much!"

I love Joseph
(I almost typed justin. what?)

And then Ienzo!

"I'm sorry Vexen. You can't stay here. Joseph would miss you too much."

Haha, I can't say that without bursting out laughing for some reason. I just, I think it's the combination of the line and me knowing that Ienzo is saying it with a straight face... it makes me laugh. Idk.

I think that's my favorite line.


There's a lot of possible favorite lines in this sequence...


"Don't tell 29... kay?"

I mean, I actually don't consider "crud" to be that bad of a word, but I couldn't pass that up.


Vexen is a worrywart. Though I already mentioned that.

That's kind of everything.

Now. That nap....

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