Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh yeah, I forgot about these... (sort of commentary on ch141)

First off, though, you all need to read this if you haven't

That is awesome RepliNami fanfic. Read it. See my previous post about it while you're at it, too

And now that I've thrown RepliNami feels at you, have an equally awesome Namiku amv (asdkjflkj those voiceovers!)

And now lets talk about Sora xD


So, originally I was going to have a chapter in here with Sora, but I just couldn't write anything for him. I squeezed out a little scene that was maybe 300 words. I'll post it to ASAS, but it certainly wasn't going to make it's own chapter.

Anyway, as I was trying to plot Sora's scene, before I scrapped it, I was talking to magik, and I mentioned that I wanted a nightmare scene.

This is what she gave me:

magik: you could start out his nightmare when he's in school, then have him look down and realize he's not wearing pants
magik: but THEN
magik: he could realize that the darkness is what ate his pants!
magik: i'm sorry
magik: i'm just...
magik: i'm so sorry



Then she gave me this:

magik: he could have a ngihtmare revolving around school
magik: maybe the darkness latches onto him in his dream
magik: oh!
magik: okay, so he's at school, but he's confused because Riku and Namine are there too
magik: and then, in his dream, the darkness latches onto him and he attacks riku out of the blue
magik: and Riku's just lying there.... helpless
magik: and it's not Namine's horrified and angry face that scares him
magik: but KAIRI's horrifed and angry frace
magik: *face
magik: not frace
magik: who am i, grface?
magik: anyway...
rar: lol, exactly
magik: so he runs
magik: and then Shad's with him
magik: and he blames Shad for what he just did
magik: and Shad's like "no, dude, that wasn't me... that was the darkness"
magik: and...
magik: well...
magik: it's a start
rar: yes
rar: a start
rar: most certainly

But then I decided I didn't want to write a chapter for Sora. So I didn't.


And my like... three notes

I apparently was considering having someone (who could see and hear Shad), probably a girl, probably a slightly compassionate girl, finding Shad curled up into a ball on the ground after all that happened, and he gets pissed and practically strangles her with his darkness.

As I typed it out, I realized it would've been interesting. Ah well. I don't feel like going back and dealing with that.

Apparently, as I was writing this, I was watching amvs and being spammed with Namora vids. "It's hard to write while being spammed with Namora vids", my notes say.

(I just realized, nearly every feasibly canon pairing with Namine in it is tragic. alskdjf)

"Insulting Maleficent? Good. Calling her that, however..."

I had the thought cross my mind where Shad would talk and use the wolf as his puppet, making it look like the wolf was speaking. And. Stuff.

Jeeze my notes for this is boring.

The only other thing I say is "of course every world has a market. How can every world not have a market?"


That was fun

Let's move on, now.


Caitlin said...

I am suddenly super in love with this vid...

rar said...

I should've shown it to you sooner! Sorry about that!