Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Journal Dump 14

I love this video. I'm usually not a fan of crossovers, but this one was done really well. You'll have to read the description, since it's got an in-depth explanation of the story, so here's a link to the video page
though you could click on the youtube icon in the bottom corner, or at the title of the video at the top, but... convenience


Journal dump time!



"You have to understand. Back then, I had nothing. And what little I was given, I cherished."

jeeze, I'm finding very little quotes and things. But, I love this threat:

"Oi! I will Stop you if I have to!"
~'cuz, y'know, Stop is a spell, and so you can threaten to Stop someone... yeah...

nutz! There a good quotes in this, that are funny and I can't post them because this scene is crawling with spoilers... sigh...

"Ooh! One of them dropped a hi-potion! I have a hi-potion!"

"Has he always been this full of himself?"

"How you doing?"
"I'm- I'm doing okay. You?"
"I could be happier"

And then... there's this whole sequence of snippets/plotting from the chapter(s) I'm writing right now... And I can't post most of them

"Well, no arguing with Namine's prophetic skills. Looks like I'm fighting him"

"This is Xigbar we're talking about. I'm sure he can handle it."

"Excuse me? I am not! I mean, I realize you're just trying to insult me, but by definition, I am not. I don't have parents."

"You ever been frozen solid? Trust me, not a pleasant experience."

Haha, here's the page where I wrote all the possible ways to re-arrange the letters in Even (did you know there's a math equation... thing (it's not an equation, but I"m not sure what to call it) that will give you that answer?)
Vexen: something something (idk what) Braig
Xigbar: Hey! not cool! I don't even technically know you, considering you're from a different universe
Vexen: I know. I just wanted to try it out...
Xigbar: How like you, Even. *pauses* it is Even, right?
Vexen: yes
Xigbar: just gotta check, y'know? Then again... how many ways can you rearrange Even?
Vexen: Twelve. Though I doubt most of those would suffice as a name... They'd be a very odd name, anyway

Notaficxfic crossover

Yuffie: Y'know, one could assume you're pure darkness...
Colin: I am pure darkness
Yuffie: (shocked as heck) You. Are. Not.
Colin: Uh, yeah I am

Colin: I am not Shadow Folk!
Cole: Don't spit! *covers Colin's mouth with his hand*
(Colin spits anyway)
Cole: eugh!
Colin: Gotta ward off the bad luck

Yikes. I just realized, I have 32 pages of plotting/snippets for this notafic crossover. This will be a bear by the time I get around to writing it. (Then again, it really is a short story in and of itself, having a major conflict/climax and all the other stuff that define a concrete plot for a story)

to put this in perspective, I have 38 pages of plotting for book 5. Now, book 5's plot is scattered, and for the notafic crossover, I really just have to go through and put in a few transitions, because I'm basically writing the entire thing, just in spurts...
but, still... this is ridiculous...
(Then again, I think I threw everything in there, including the things I won't be posting so I'll probably cut some stuff)


(I love this bit)
Colin: you filthy bachharo! How'd you get here faster than me?
Edd: Uh... you had to go through Concourse? (Concourse, is, like a gating system... thingy)
Colin: Oh, that's true... And, of course, Midnight was running the gate here
Edd: (trying to be optimistic) At least you didn't have to go through regular protocol
Colin: It would've been faster if I had!
(Edd cringes sympathetically)
Edd: Ooh... she was in one of those moods.

~because, though I can't give Midnight a major role in my notafic, why not stick her in every job I possibly can? She was working at a restaurant earlier...

oh, speaking of:

Midnight: Not so fast! You still owe me three tribs!
Darian: It was not that much, Mid. It was 15 gats. Honestly
Star: Who's this?
Darian: Old friend
Midnight: Name's Midnight. I run admission to the Coffee House. And Darian owes me money from when she lost--
Darian: It was Riddle's fault

(Tribs and gats are a form of currency in my notafic. Ten gats equals one trib)

Other quotes/things

"Are you the stuff Heroes are made of, or are you a jellyfish in a skirt?"
~from HTTYD9. How to Steal a Dragon's sword. I think. It's the ninth one, I know that for certain.

"All this time I waited for you to save me...
when you were the one who needed saving"
~I ripped this off of someone's dA siggy


That's kind of it. this doesn't feel like a lot, but I wrote a very large chunk of notafic stuff in here, and I'm limiting myself to posting only notafic stuff that's funny/a really good quote

there was also that chunk of the sequence I'm working on writing now that will be posted to Dead Inside not long from now

And my cat has gone crazy... sheesh. She's like... rubbing her head against every hard surface she can find (my laptop, my tv tray, my dad's shoe.)
I know cats are usually just plain weird, but... uhm... I don't like having my cat's tail in my face


My cat just doesn't normally do things like this. She normally lays in the middle of the floor/couch/bed and if if you go anywhere near her/try to touch her she bites your hand off. Almost literally.
She bit me in the face yesterday because I was apparently laying too close next to her. Yes, in the face. of course, her aim kind of wasn't good, so she just barely got my eye, because she hit my nose before she could bite me. But she tried to bite me in the face.

Seriously, cat, do you want attention? No? I tried petting her, and she gave me a weird look.


now that my cat's left

There was a large chunk of plotting for stuff that I'll be posting to Dead Inside within the next few weeks. I don't want to post it now because it's kind of littered with spoilers, considering this is a large plot point
that, and I"m going through a phase where I don't want to post some of the funny quotes because I just want you to see them when you read them... 



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