Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I'm really kind of scared right now...

I've like, lost all drive to write. I think it's just writer's block that I'm plodding through, but it's really scaring me. I know I've said that I wouldn't abandon this fic (like, if you were all to stop reading or something) but... this lack of drive to write is really really scaring me

I mean, I know I'm stuck on the sequence I'm working on. I hit a bump. And, not even that, but the last chapter and a half before the bump were very... bleh. Like. I don't know, this is a very big plot point I'm working on, so slapping some halfhearted writing onto it feels kind of blasphemous.

I mean, I realize that there is a point that you just have to say "this is the best I'm going to get, short of obsessing over it for a month, let's move on" but... but what I have so far looks like absolute poop

And doing it to this sequence... no. I want more out of this sequence.

But I have no idea how to fix it, and I really don't have much of a drive to fix it...

It's really frustrating.

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