Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm... not sure what this is...


I was considering the possibility of having THAT be my chapter 200

And suddenly my heart is racing and there's a knot in my stomach


I mean, really, why does the very likely chance that I could make THAT my chapter 200 cause a knot in my stomach?

Okay then...

Anyway, yeah, I will most likely hit-- OH WAIT


Maybe it can't be my 200

I forgot

It's not 70 chapters before THAT, it's only 35. Ish. (which is equally exciting, since it's close, but... meh)

But, I suppose, the possibility is still there... considering the stalling that everyone is likely to do.

I mean, I have the Heckuva long raid coming up, and since the Ridiculously Long Raid was only five chapters (7 if you're picky)... I'm sure the Heckuva long raid is bound to be longer. And I haven't written it yet... so I really have no clue


Back on track

yes, this fic is likely to be 200 chapters. VERY likely. Considering, with everything plotted out before THAT being around 35 chapters (give or take a few, but most likely give, considering we all know how much everyone loves to stall) and then there's still End Game to consider...

We are at ch140 ish



And, there's no way End Game will be less than 15 chapters.


I most likely will not be doing a special chapter for 150. I decided tonight that I won't, but I may change my mind when I hit 150. Depends. You got your special Christmas chapter, though, didn't you? Besides, I'd planned for that to be my special chapter, anyway, but it ended up being over 10 chapters away from 150, instead of 5 like I'd hoped

But that's okay

I really should be writing

But, I was distracted after reading some of magik's stuff

then I considered the possibility of THAT being my ch200 (it's still feasible, technically)


Then I decided to blog

Now, I just need to finish this scene with Kairi, get SOMETHING out of Sora, an then I can write the Heckuva Long Raid. WHOOO!! *dances*

And, yeah, I have no clue what to write for Sora at the moment. Shush. There's a difference between knowing what a character is doing, and having a specific scene in mind to write for them. 


I might write that thing with Aqua and Ven after I'm done with Kairi (or Sora)

I should

I'll probably start playing BBS tomorrow. Or this weekend. But we're going to the Chinese festival this weekend... Well, idk, I had the urge to play BBS tonight (I typed Wingblade and I was like OMGIWANNAPLAYBBS) but I'm ignoring it because I need to write. And I need to stop stalling by blogging and write.


buh-bye for now!!

Diddy Kong Racing reference, anyone? :P


KKBeckett said...

Diddy Kong!
And... seriously... how many THAT's do you have? Do you have only one? Because, reading this, it made it sound like you might have two...

rar said...

you got the Diddy Kong reference!!
Erm, just one. Just one. Sorry that it sounds like I might have two.
I suppose only referring to it as THAT can get confusing. But. I can't come up with another code name for it... (I suppose I could come up with an acronym, but... I'd have to think of something not obvious)

KKBeckett said...

I've had Diddy Kong since I was a kid :P Of COURSE I did.
Don't worry about the THATs... soon enough you'll get to them, right?

rar said...

It just made me excited, that's all :P
Soon enough! I'm actually ready to get started on that first major plot point in my way before it!... (that might not have made sense. but I didn't want to type Heckuva long raid for some reason. Though now I have typed it... lol)

KKBeckett said...

Glad you got excited.

rar said...
